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213 lines (153 loc) · 7.52 KB

File metadata and controls

213 lines (153 loc) · 7.52 KB


We welcome contributions to this project! There are several ways you can contribute:

Reporting Issues

If you find a bug or have a feature request, please submit an issue on the GitHub Issues page. When reporting a bug, please include:

  • Steps to reproduce the issue
  • Expected behavior
  • Actual behavior
  • Screenshots if applicable

Submitting Pull Requests

To contribute code changes:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your changes
  3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages
  4. Push your changes to your fork
  5. Open a pull request to the main repository

Please ensure your code follows the existing style and passes all tests.

Project Overview and Architecture

Key Components

  1. agents-api: The core API service for Julep.
  2. typespec: API specifications and contracts.
  3. integrations-service: Handles external integrations.
  4. embedding-service: Manages text embeddings.
  5. memory-store: Handles persistent storage.
  6. llm-proxy: Proxy for language model interactions.
  7. scheduler: Manages task scheduling.
  8. gateway: API gateway and routing.
  9. monitoring: System monitoring and metrics.

Technology Stack

  • FastAPI: Web framework for building APIs
  • TypeSpec: API specification language
  • Cozo: Database system
  • Temporal: Workflow engine
  • Docker: Containerization

Relationships Between Components

The agents-api serves as the central component, interacting with most other services:

  • It uses typespec definitions for API contracts.
  • Communicates with integrations-service for external tool interactions.
  • Utilizes embedding-service for text processing.
  • Stores data in memory-store.
  • Interacts with language models through llm-proxy.
  • Uses scheduler for task management.
  • All API requests pass through the gateway.
  • monitoring observes the entire system.

Understanding the Codebase

To get a comprehensive understanding of Julep, we recommend exploring the codebase in the following order:

  1. Project Overview

    • Read in the root directory
    • Explore docs/ for detailed documentation
  2. System Architecture

    • Examine docker-compose.yml in the root directory
    • Review deploy/ directory for different deployment configurations
  3. API Specifications

    • Learn about TypeSpec:
    • Explore typespec/ directory:
      • Start with common/ folder
      • Review main.tsp
      • Examine each module sequentially
  4. Core API Implementation

    • Learn about FastAPI:
    • Explore agents-api/ directory:
      • Review for an overview
      • Examine routers/ for API endpoints
      • Look into models/ for data models
  5. Database and Storage

  6. Workflow Management

  7. Testing

    • Examine agents-api/tests/ for test cases
  8. Additional Services

    • Explore other service directories (integrations-service/, embedding-service/, etc.) to understand their specific roles and implementations

Contributing Guidelines

  1. Set Up Development Environment

    • Clone the repository
    • Install Docker and Docker Compose
    • Set up necessary API keys and environment variables
  2. Choose an Area to Contribute

    • Check the issue tracker for open issues
    • Look for "good first issue" labels for newcomers
  3. Make Changes

    • Create a new branch for your changes
    • Write clean, well-documented code
    • Ensure your changes adhere to the project's coding standards
  4. Test Your Changes

    • Run existing tests
    • Add new tests for new functionality
    • Ensure all tests pass before submitting your changes
  5. Submit a Pull Request

    • Provide a clear description of your changes
    • Reference any related issues
    • Be prepared to respond to feedback and make adjustments
  6. Code Review

    • Address any comments or suggestions from reviewers
    • Make necessary changes and push updates to your branch
  7. Merge

    • Once approved, your changes will be merged into the main branch

Documentation Improvements

Improvements to documentation are always appreciated! If you see areas that could be clarified or expanded, feel free to make the changes and submit a pull request.

Sharing Feedback and Ideas

We'd love to hear your feedback and ideas for the project! Feel free to submit an issue or contact the maintainers directly to share your thoughts. Your input is very valuable in shaping the future direction of the project.

Setup Instructions

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the repository from your preferred source:

git clone <repository_url>
2. Navigate to the Root Directory

Change to the root directory of the project:

cd <repository_root>
3. Set Up Environment Variables
  • Create a .env file in the root directory.
  • Refer to the .env.example file for a list of required variables.
  • Ensure that all necessary variables are set in the .env file.
4. Create a Docker Volume for Backup

Create a Docker volume named cozo_backup:

docker volume create cozo_backup
5. Run the Project using Docker Compose

You can run the project in two different modes: Single Tenant or Multi-Tenant. Choose one of the following commands based on your requirement:

Single-Tenant Mode

Run the project in single-tenant mode:

docker compose --env-file .env --profile temporal-ui --profile single-tenant --profile embedding-cpu --profile self-hosted-db up --force-recreate --build --watch

Note: In single-tenant mode, you can interact with the SDK directly without the need for the API KEY.

Multi-Tenant Mode

Run the project in multi-tenant mode:

docker compose --env-file .env --profile temporal-ui --profile multi-tenant --profile embedding-cpu --profile self-hosted-db up --force-recreate --build --watch

Note: In multi-tenant mode, you need to generate a JWT token locally that act as an API KEY to interact with the SDK.

6. Generate a JWT Token (Only for Multi-Tenant Mode)

To generate a JWT token, jwt-cli is required. Kindly install the same before proceeding with the next steps.

Use the following command and replace JWT_SHARED_KEY with the corresponding key from your .env file to generate a JWT token:

jwt encode --secret JWT_SHARED_KEY --alg HS512 --exp=$(date -j -v +10d +%s) --sub '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' '{}'

This command generates a JWT token that will be valid for 10 days.

7. Access and Interact
  • Temporal UI: You can access the Temporal UI through the specified port in your .env file.
  • API Interactions: Depending on the chosen mode, interact with the setup using the provided endpoints.
  • Ensure that all required Docker images are available.
  • Check for missing environment variables in the .env file.
  • Use the docker compose logs command to view detailed logs for debugging.

Remember, contributions aren't limited to code. Documentation improvements, bug reports, and feature suggestions are also valuable contributions to the project.