This repository is of Flight Map Android Maps Sdk . About FlightMapSdk The FlightMap Maps SDK for Android is a library for embedding interactive map views and vector maps onto Android devices.
-Latest stable Android Studio
- New Project created or Old Existing Project should be in Android X
Run the configuration for the FlightMapSdk TestApp module and select a device or emulator to deploy on. Based on the selected device, . You can see the project compiling in the View > Tool Windows > Gradle Console.
- Integrating the FlightMap SDK In a Project :-
-Add implementation 'flightmapsdk.flightmaplightsdk:flightmap:1.6.0' in your Project module app gradle build file
-Add maven
-{ url '' }
in your Project module gradle root under allprojects { repositories { jcenter() maven { url '' } maven { url '' } maven { url '' } } } sync the project
- To Login A project user should have Valid Access Token
- Enter the Access token on login Screen . -A developer can see that the access token is Initialize in Application class named {FlightMapApplication}
- On how to intialize a access token within a Activity or Fragment please check Activity {PressForMarkerActivity in Demo App}
- Simply Load A Map with Custom Style Url of Dark and Light Them .Reference Class -
- Load annotations marker in bulk to the map via a geojson file from assets folder.Reference Class -
- Update the position of a Marker Annoation with the tap of a button. Reference Class -
- Add marker annotation to the map by tapping onto a coordinate Reference Class -
- Rotate a marker annotation image smoothly by providing the bearing and pass the new image in BitMap Utils for rotation Reference Class -
- Add a polygon to the map with cooridnates of lattitude & longitude from arraylist. Reference Class -
- Add a polyline to the map with cooridnates of lattitude & longitude from arraylist. Reference Class -
- Different type of camera animations to zoom in and zoom out map to a desired coordinates that are available. Reference Class -
- Set a Default infow window on marker tap . Reference Class -
- Change a layout of infowindow and set a marker from drawable image .Reference Class -
- Show user current location on map . Refernce Controllers . Reference Class-