OpenCore-based configuration for Gigabyte B450 I Aorus Pro WiFi + AMD Ryzen 5 2600 + MSI Radeon RX560
- Motherboard: Gigabyte B450 I Aorus Pro WiFi
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600
- Video Card: MSI Radeon RX560
- RAM: 2x16Gb 3200MHz DDR4 Hyper-X
- Video output using MSI Radeon RX560 with full hardware acceleration
- Audio output via Display Port using MSI Radeon RX560
- Audio output using on-board Realtek ALC 1220 (worked well in Catalina, but I didn't test it in Big Sur)
- Ethernet using on-board Intel I211 Gigabit Network Connection (worked well in Catalina, but I didn't test it in Big Sur)
- Wi-Fi using on-board Intel Wireless AC-9260
- Bluetooth using on-board Intel Wireless AC-9260 Bluetooth Adapter. Discovers very few devices, got audio output working, but no input
- Sleep
- Handoff
- Universal Clipboard
- iMessage and FaceTime and I don't know why. Login just fails quietly with no error
- Apple Hypervisor, of course
- OpenCore v.0.6.3-RELEASE
- OpenCanopy
- HFSPlus
- AirportItlwm Big_Sur-v1.2.0-DEBUG-alpha
- IntelBluetoothFirmware v1.1.2
- IntelBluetoothInjector v1.1.2
- AppleALC v1.5.4-DEBUG
- AppleMCEReporterDisabler
- SmallTreeIntel82576 v1.3.0
- VirtualSMC v1.1.8-DEBUG
- WhateverGreen v1.4.4-DEBUG
- Lilu v1.4.9-DEBUG