Send Device Notifications using the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging service and the googleauth
gem. FCM supports Android, iOS, and web clients.
bundle add "googleauth"
To generate your Firebase Cloud Messaging credentials, you'll need to create your project if you have not already. See Once you have created your project, visit the project dashboard and click the settings cog in the top of the left sidebar menu, then click project settings.
In the project settings screen click on the Service accounts tab in the top navigation menu, then click the Generate new private key button.
This json file will contain the necessary credentials in order to send notifications via Google Firebase Cloud Messaging. See the below instructions on where to store this information within your application.
class CommentNotification
deliver_by :fcm do |config|
config.credentials = Rails.root.join("config/certs/fcm.json")
config.device_tokens = -> { recipient.notification_tokens.where(platform: "fcm").pluck(:token) }
config.json = ->(device_token) {
message: {
token: device_token,
notification: {
title: "Test Title",
body: "Test body"
config.if = -> { recipient.android_notifications? }
Customize the Firebase Cloud Messaging notification object. This can be a Lambda or Symbol of a method name on the notifier.
The callable object will be given the device token as an argument.
There are lots of options of now to structure a FCM notification message. See for more details.
The location of your Firebase Cloud Messaging credentials.
Internally, this string is passed to Rails.root.join()
as an argument so there is no need to do this beforehand.
deliver_by :fcm do |config|
config.credentials = "config/credentials/fcm.json"
The Pathname object can point to any location where you are storing your credentials.
deliver_by :fcm do |config|
config.credentials = Rails.root.join("config/credentials/fcm.json")
A Hash which contains your credentials
deliver_by :fcm do |config|
config.credentials = credentials_hash
credentials_hash = {
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "test-project-1234",
"private_key_id": ...,
Points to a method which can return a Hash of your credentials, Pathname, or String to your credentials like the examples above.
We pass the notification object as an argument to the method. If you don't need to use it you can use the splat operator (*)
to ignore it.
deliver_by :fcm do |config|
config.credentials = :fcm_credentials
config.json = :format_notification
def fcm_credentials(*)
If the credentials option is left out, it will look for your credentials in: Rails.application.credentials.fcm
A recipient can have multiple tokens (i.e. multiple Android devices), so make sure to return them all.
Here, the recipient has_many :notification_tokens
with columns platform
and token
def fcm_device_tokens(recipient)
recipient.notification_tokens.where(platform: "fcm").pluck(:token)
Firebase Cloud Messaging Notifications may fail delivery if the user has removed the app from their device.
class CommentNotification
deliver_by :fcm
# Remove invalid device tokens
# token - the device token from iOS or FCM
# platform - "iOS" or "fcm"
def cleanup_device_token(token:, platform:)
NotificationToken.where(token: token, platform: platform).destroy_all