is a script to search for homologous proteins in annotated bacterial genomes via blastp.
Included is the script
to create a presence/abscence matrix (e.g. for iTOL) from the
output. subject_file-extension query_prot.fasta ident_cutoff cov_q_cutoff
perl -s subject_prot.fasta -r blastp-report.out -b -i blast_hits.txt -c
This script is intended to search for homologous proteins in annotated bacterial genomes. Therefore, a previous blastp ( needs to be run with known query protein sequences against a blast database of subject proteins (e.g. all proteins from several E. coli genomes).
For this purpose the script
(with option -f) can be used to create multi-fasta protein files of all non-pseudo CDS from genome sequence files to create the needed blast database. The blastp report file, the subject multi-fasta file, and optionally the query protein fasta file are then given to
. Significant blast hits are filtered and the result is written to a tab-separated file. The subject hits are also concatenated in a multi-fasta file for each query sequence (optionally including the query sequence).
Optionally, Clustal Omega ( can be called (has to be in the $PATH or change variable $clustal_call
) to create an alignment (fasta format) for each of the concatenated multi-fasta files. The alignments can then be used to calculate phylogenies. Use e.g. SeaView ( or
to convert the alignment format to Phylip for RAxML ( MEGA ( can work directly with the Clustal fasta format.
Run the script
(with option -f) and the blastp manually or use the bash shell wrapper script
(see usage below) to execute the whole pipeline (including
with optional options -q, -b, and -a) consecutively in one folder. For this purpose the same folder has to contain the annotated bacterial genome subject files (in RichSeq format, e.g. embl or genbank), the query protein fasta, and the scripts
! blastp is run without filtering of query sequences (-F F), an evalue cutoff of 1e-10, local optimal Smith-Waterman alignments (-s T), and increasing the number of database sequences to show alignments to 500 (-b 500, to adjust it to the alignment summary for BioPerl).
Additionally, the result file 'blast_hits.txt' can be given to the script
to create a presence/abscence binary matrix of the results, '*binary_matrix.csv'. This comma-separated file can e.g. be loaded into iTOL ( to associate the data with a phylogenetic tree. However, the organism names have to have the same names as in the tree file, thus manual adaptation, e.g. in Excel, might be needed. Careful, organisms that didn't have a blastp hit, are obviously not present in 'blast_hits.txt', and hence can't be included by
. Thus, add them manually to the result file(s).
for i in *.[gbk|embl]; do perl -i $i -p -f; done
cat *_cds_aa.fasta > subject_prot.fasta
rm -f *_cds_aa.fasta
formatdb -p T -i subject_prot.fasta -n blast_finder
blastall -p blastp -d blast_finder -i query_prot.fasta -o blastp.out -e 1e-10 -F F -s T -b 500
perl -q query_prot.fasta -s subject_prot.fasta -r blastp.out -i 50 -cov_q 50 -b -a subject_file-extension query_prot.fasta ident_cutoff cov_q_cutoff
perl -i blast_hits.txt [-c|-s] (-t)
- -r, -report
blastp report/output file
- -s, -subject
Subject sequence file [fasta format]
-h, -help: Help (perldoc POD)
-q, -query
Query sequence file (to include each query protein sequence in the respective 'query-acc_hits.fasta' result file) [fasta format]
- -b, -best
Give only the best hit (i.e. highest identity) for each subject locus tag, if a locus tag has several hits with different queries
- -i, -ident
Query identity cutoff (not including gaps) [default 70]
- -cov_q, -cov_query
Query coverage cutoff [default 70]
- -cov_s, -cov_subject
Subject/hit coverage cutoff [default 0]
- -a, -align
Call Clustal Omega for alignment
- -i, -input
Input 'blast_hits.txt' file from
- -c, -collective
Collective presence/abscence file for all query proteins combined [default, excludes -s]
- -s, -separate
Separate presence/abscence files for each query protein [excludes -c]
-h, -help: Print usage
-t, -total
Count total occurences of query proteins not just presence/abscence binary
- -v, -version: Print version number
- blast_finder_aa.fasta
Concatenated subject proteins from all non-pseudo CDSs of all subject organisms
- blastp database files for subject sequences
*.phr, *.pin, *.psq
- blastp report
Text file named 'blastp.out'
- blast_hits.txt
Contains a list of the filtered blastp hits, tab-separated
- query-acc_hits.fasta
Multi-fasta protein files of subject hits for each query protein (with acc#), optionally includes the respective query protein sequence
- *.idx.dir and *.idx.pag
Index files of the subject protein file for fast sequence retrieval (can be deleted if no further blastp analyses are needed with these subject sequences)
- (query-acc_aln.fasta)
Optional, Clustal Omega alignment of subject hits for each query [fasta format]
- (query-acc_tree.nwk)
Optional, Clustal Omega NJ-guide tree in Newick format
- *binary_matrix.csv
Comma-separated presence/abscence matrix of the query proteins for the subject organisms. Option -c results in one collective file, option -s in separate files for each query protein.
The Perl scripts run under Windows and UNIX flavors, the bash-shell script of course only under UNIX.
- BioPerl (tested version 1.006901)
- Legacy blast (tested version blastall 2.2.18)
- Clustal Omega (tested version 1.1.0)
Andreas Leimbach (aleimba[at]gmx[dot]de; Microbial Genome Plasticity, Institute of Hygiene, University of Muenster)
- v0.6 (10.06.2013)
- included BioPerls 'frac*' methods, which include hsp tiling, to correct bug in query coverage and identity calculations for whole hits
- corrected bug to use whole hit e-value and not just first hsp e-value of a significant hit
- option -cov_subject for subject/hit coverage cutoff (not only query coverage cutoff)
- more info in POD
- v0.5 (14.05.2013)
- optionally include query proteins in result subject multi-fasta files
- new option -best to include only best blastp hit (highest identity) for each subject locus_tag, if a subject protein has hits to several query proteins
- print queries with no subject blast hits to STDOUT
- v0.4 (24.01.2013)
- corrected bug in hash structure to store blastp hits, query acc (keys) and array reference of subject locus_tags (values), as several queries can have the same subject locus_tag as hit
- include 'subject protein_function' in 'blast_hits.txt' output
- v0.3 (12.09.2012)
- original script name 'blast_prot_finder'
- blastp hits are stored in a hash with subject locus_tags (keys) and query accessions (values)
- v0.5 (05.03.2014)
- option -total to count all occurences of query proteins within one organism (paralogs), instead of just binary presence/abscence
- enforce mandatory options
- changed script name to ''
- version switch
- included 'use autodie'
- options with Getopt::Long
- changed usage to HERE document
- v0.4 (29.04.2013)
- adapted to new prot_finders 'blast_hits.txt' layout, which includes an additional column for 'subject protein_function'
- changed script name to ''
- v0.3 (15.02.2013)
- status of created result files in STDOUT for option -s
- v0.2 (21.12.2012)
- prot_finder output file 'blast_hits.txt' doesn't have to be ordered by query protein accessions anymore
- v0.1 (25.10.2012)
- original script name ''