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Photomanagement for new photos usually means

  • move related photos to a commonon folder/album with a meaningfull name
  • optional: rename photos from their standard name to a more meaningfull name
  • optional: add photo properties (exif) (tags, geodata, title, description)
  • optional: fix photo date

The android app "A Photo Manager" can do these in one step through autoprocessing if you define rulefiles per target folder.

Folder based autoprocessing for copy/move photo(s)

Example use:

  • select some potos that show the hotel of your kreta/greece holyday ("kreta" is the german name for the island of "crete")
  • From menu choose the Move command
  • In the Folder-Picker select the directory where you want to move the selected photos to.
    • Choose the ".../0709Kreta/§ Hotel" folder.
      • Note: the § in front of "Hotel" indicates that Hotel is a smart autoprocessing folder
    • Press ok to execute moving the selected photos to the "Hotel" folder.
  • The smart Photo Autoprocessing Folder in this example
    • automatically renames jpg files to 0708Kreta-Hotel001.jpg, 0708Kreta-Hotel002.jpg, ... 0708Kreta-Hotel005.jpg,
    • automatically add exif-gps coordinates lat=35.3117366 and lon=25.29602 to all photos that do not have gps data.
    • automatically add tags(keywords) Hotel, Kreta, ... to all photos that do not have them.
    • automatically add exif-description text "Holiday on Crete, Greece, 2007" to all jpg that have not exif-description.

For every Folder/Album you can define a ".apm" (Auto ProcessingRule-) File that defines

  • a pattern for photo-file-names
  • photo properties (exif) that every photo should get.

In the folder contextmenu (long tap on a (sub)folder in the list or a button in the path bar) there is the command Edit Photo Autoprocessing to create or modify the ".apm"-AutoProcessingRule-File for this folder.

Photo Autoprocessing editor

The Photo Autoprocessing editor contain 3 areas

  • Context information
  • a filename pattern
  • exif data.

Note: If you create a new ".apm" (Auto ProcessingRule-) File while you have selected one or more photo files the photo properties (exif) of the .apm file is prepopulated from the selected photos

Note: If you long press on the exif picker button "..." the auto-apply-exif-info is updated from the selected photos. (since 0.7.3 #132)

The example context information

  • 5 Photots 07Kreta_344.jpg (2007-08-03), ...
    • in the galler currently there are 5 photo files selected
    • among the selected is the file "07Kreta_344.jpg" which was taken on 2007-08-03
  • To /storage/emu..../0709Kreta/Hotel
    • these 5 files will be moved to this folder

The example filename pattern has this meaning:

  • 0708 (yyMM)
    • the first part of the new filename is based on the photo date from the context "2007-08-03"
      • 0708 (yyMM) is made of 2 digit year and 2 digit month of "2007-08-03"
    • if you press the spinner you can select other values for the name prefix
      • " " empty no date based prefix
      • 07 (yy) two digit year
      • 070803 (yyMMdd) year month day
      • 2007 (yyyy) 4 digit year
      • 200708 (yyyyMM)
      • 20070803 (yyyyMMdd) year month day
  • Kreta-Hotel
    • the middle part of the filename
  • 001
    • the filename suffix
      • 001 means running number with at least 3 digit and leading zero
    • if you press the spinner you can select other values for the name prefix
      • " " empty no suffix
      • 1 (one digit suffix)
      • 01 (two digit suffix with leading zero)
      • ...
      • 00001 (5 digit suffix with leading zero)

The first file (from 2007-08-03) will get the name "0708Kreta-Hotel001.jpg" if that filename does not exist in the destination folder yet. The next "0708Kreta-Hotel002.jpg", then "...003.jpg"

Note: If the source file name already contain the middle part "Kreta-Hotel" it will not be renamed. Example "Kreta-Hotel-panorama.jpg" will not be renamed.

If you press the button behind "filename pattern" you get the "filename pattern menu"

  • Clear will remove the data from the filename pattern so filles will not be renamed.
  • 0708Hotel001 will set this pattern that is based on
    • "0708" is the last used date pattern (assuming the example photo date is "2007-08-03")
    • Hotel is the current output folder without digits (.../0708Kreta/Hotel)
    • "001" is last used number pattern
  • 0708Kreta-Hotel001 will set this pattern that is based on
    • "0708" is the last used date pattern (assuming the example photo date is "2007-08-03")
    • Kreta-Hotel is the current output parentfolder and folder without digits (.../0708Kreta/Hotel)
    • "001" is last used number pattern

photo properties (exif) part

The photo properties (exif) part contains a summary of the properties that every photo will receive.

Note: Existing exif-data in jpg files will not be overwritten. Example if a jpg already has exif-gps the exif-gps from the autoprocessing will not be applied.

If you press the [...] button behind "exif" you can edit the properties (exif).

  • or "Ok" button saves the current values and go back to the caller.
  • or "Cancel" button or the back button closes the editor without affecting the caller.
  • or "Delete/Clear Filter" sets all to empty which means "no autoprocessing".

See also:

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