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k3b edited this page Feb 12, 2018 · 6 revisions

The Exif-Edit view is used to show and edit meta data of photos. Meta data is used by Filter-View to find photos.

You can reach the Exif-Edit via

Note: While Extended App Pinning) is active potentially harmfull operations (i.e. edit exif) are not available


  • Title a short text/header about the photo

    • Note: If title starts with "+" then the value is appended to the current value if the current value does not contain the text yet.
      • Example usecase:
        • first you select all holiday photos and add as title "holiday on crete"
        • then you select the harbour photos of that holiday and set "+ at harbour"
          • some photo will get "holiday on crete at harbour"
    • Note: Twitter-like tagging: you can add/assign tags to the photo using #tagName If you enter a "#" character the Tags opens where you can filter/select/add a text that also becomes a tag.
      • if you enter a value in the tag-filter field and press ok the filter value will be added to the edit and you create and add a new tag, if it doesnot exist yet.
      • if you enter a value in the tag-filter field and press cancle no tag is inserted, created or assigned.
      • if tap on a tag in the list the tag dialog closes and the selected tag will be added to the edit and you create and add a new tag, if it doesnot exist yet.
  • Description a longer text as description of the photo

    • Note: If Description starts with "+" see title.
    • Note: Twitter-like tagging with "#" see title.
  • Rating a quality value for the photo. 5=best, 1=worst, 0=unknown

  • Date when the photo was taken.

    • you can pick the date with the first "..." button.
    • you can pick the time with the second "..." button.
    • you can enter date in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss .
    • Example:
      • "2007-12-24T12:34:56" means december 24th, 2007 34 minutes and 56 seconds past 12 o'clock (noon).
    • Note: In multi selection mode the datetime value change is relative.
      • Example for relative datetime change (i.e. you forgot to set the camera date):
        • you have selected 3 photos that initally have thes date values 2001-01-01T04:11:52, 2001-01-03T08:06:05, 2001-01-04T09:12:08
        • Exif-Edit initially shows datetime of first selected photo: 2001-01-01T04:11:52
        • you change datetime to 2017-07-03T14:22:52. You added 16 years 6 months 2 days 10 hours and 11 minutes.
        • after applying the changes with the datetime values of all selected photo will added 16 years 6 months 2 days 10 hours and 11 minutes.
        • the new values will become 2017-07-03T14:22:52, 2017-07-05T18:17:05, 2017-07-06T19:23:08
  • Visibility public/private (new in version 0.6.3)

    • Public images are visible in any Gallery-app/Photo-Picker that use the android-system-media-database.
    • Private images are only visible in "A Photo Manager" if the in private images are enabled in the filter.
      • technically private images are filename.jpg files renamed to filename.jpg-p that get an additional TAG "PRIVATE".
    • In the Exif-Editor you can make a public image private (and vice versa) by selecting Public or Private.
    • "Public" or "Private" can be stored in Bookmark-filter-files and ".apm"-AutoProcessingRule-Files.
    • See also #100
  • Tags (aka keywords, categories, searchtearm) You can edit tags of the selected image(s) with the "..." button.

  • Latitude and Longitude geo info where the photo was taken.

    • you can pick the location with the "..." button.
  • or "Ok" button takes the changes and apply them to current/selected photos.

  • or "Cancel" button or the back button closes the the view without affecting the photos.

Note: When you tab the history button at the end of an edit field you get a popup where you can select one of the 10 previous values.

  • action=EDIT
  • mime="image/*"
  • extra[android.intent.extra.TITLE string]
  • data=file:{/path/path/.../file.ext} or extra[android.intent.extra.STREAM]=file:{/path/path/.../file.ext}
    • example file:/storage/sdcard0/copy/hello.jpg
  • data=content:/external/images/media/{id} or extra[android.intent.extra.STREAM]=content:/external/images/media/{id}
    • opens image belonging to {id} in Exif-Edit
    • example content:/external/images/media/52173
      • opens image with id=52173
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