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k3b edited this page Jan 22, 2016 · 22 revisions

A Photo Manager

with 'A Photo Map' sur 'AndroFotoFinder'

App and internet homepage available in these languages:


  • Can handle big image collections (15000+ images in 1000+ folders)
  • Uses Android's image content provider. No initial image scan necessary.
  • Find images via
    • folder (with hierarchical Folder Picker)
    • wildcards that match folder/filename
    • date
    • area in geographic map (if image has GPS Exif info)
  • Show result in a scrollable gallery view with
    • Support de la sélection multiple des photos
    • Manipulation de fichier: copie, déplacement, suppression, partage
  • Photo-detail-view avec
    • Zoom dans l'image
    • swipe to go to next/previous image
    • Visualisation des informations avancées des images (Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC)
    • file operations copy, move, delete, rename, share
  • The geographic map shows markers at places where photos were taken
  • File operations
    • will also update Android's image content provider database
    • update xmp-sidecar files
    • Préserve la date des fichiers si la version installée d'Android le permet.

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