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k3b edited this page Aug 31, 2015 · 20 revisions

Other Android apps can use parts of "a Foto Finder" throught the "Intent api".

  • open/view/send/sendto an image (jpg/png/gif) from a android filemanager will open the Image-View
    • if mimeType="image/*" and uri starts with "file:/"
  • send/sendto an image (jpg/png/gif) from android gallery will open the Image-View
    • if mimeType="image/*" and uri starts with "content:/external/images/media/"
  • view/send/sendto a geo-position in a Geografic-Map
    • if uri starts with "geo:"
  • pick a geo-position from a Geografic-Map or from a photo that contain geo information
    • if input-intent-uri starts with "geo:"
    • returns null (cancel) or intent with geo-uri for the selected posion in the callers onActivityResult()

"a Foto Finder" supports these uri formats

  • file:{/path/path/.../file.ext}
    • examle file:/storage/sdcard0/copy/hello.jpg
  • content:/external/images/media/{id}
    • examle content:/external/images/media/52173
  • geo:{latitude},{longitude}?z={zoomlevel}
    • example geo:53.036258,8.721771?z=11
    • example geo:53,8.7
    • zoomlevel 1..14 is optional. z=3 continent; z=11 streetlevel
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