Python script that spawns recorder bots in all channels of a Murmur server. Audio output is directed by modifying FFMPEG_OUT.
Config through environment variables, if .env
is present it will be checked for variables.
Where applicable {name}
will be replaced by channel name.
PASSWORD: Server password
FFMPEG_OUT: out-string for ffmpeg. (e.g. -c:v copy -c:a copy -f flv rtmp://{name})
PORT: Server port (default: 64738)
DEBUG: Enable debug logging (default: False)
CLIENT_NAME: Name of the bot (default: "recorder")
STEP: Timestep in seconds between pulling soundchunks, has to be in intervals of 10ms (default: 0.001)
BUFFER: Incoming sound buffer (in seconds) (default: 2)
ACTIVE_TIMEOUT: Time in seconds before a user is shown as not active, after sound has stopped (default: 1)
SAMPLE_RATE: Sample rate of soundchunks recieved by pymumble (default: 48000)
docker run -d --env-file .env kaffetorsk/mumble-recorder
Main running loop is heavily inspired by Robert904/mumblerecbot
This repo is in early development, treat it as such and feel free to submit PRs.