Please refer to GitHub issues for changelog starting from v2.0:
v1.7.0 (2022-08-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support level-varying GeoJson layers #601
- Support time-varying layers with changing geometry #600
- Add a default healthcheck endpoint for applications #598
- It should be possible to remove the current home view #593
- Inject zoom level in layer property templates #572
- Move built-in catalog categories to backend configuration #568
- Allow the user to set a time range for timeseries chart #565
- Allow to zoom in/out within the timeseries chart #564
- Allow to move/resize the Window #563
- Migrate to Chart.js 3.x #562
- Allow to only request probes at a given zoom level on TiledFeatureLayer #545
- Add time zone to time format #544
- Provide an elevation profile widget #527
- Allow to get the area/perimeter of a feature #604
- Update TiledFeatureLayer to share features across zoom levels #322
- Layer edition performance overhead in map #128
- Improve user-defined feature layers performances by creating appropriate indices #111
Fixed bugs:
- Selecting manager role in KJoinGroup does not work #608
- Editing the style of a web service layer (eg WMTS) makes it disappear #592
- Memory leak in GradientPath #591
- Popup active by default in layer style editor #585
- Wrong time formatting of ISO date/time without timezone designator #582
- Constrain the KWindow when moving or resizing to avoir poping out of the screen #581
- Json scheme based feature awaits a serial ID but gets by default a string ID #579
- Real-time GeoJson layers not correctly updated when changing time #569
- Widget height is wrong when switching window to full screen #567
- Append mode in collections break case insensitive sort #559
- Custom validator error when editing a style #522
Merged pull requests:
- chore(deps): bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.4 in /docs #603 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump terser from 4.7.0 to 4.8.1 in /docs #602 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump shell-quote from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 #588 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump eventsource from 1.0.7 to 1.1.1 in /docs #584 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /docs #575 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2 in /docs #571 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /docs #566 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump url-parse from 1.5.7 to 1.5.10 in /docs #561 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump prismjs from 1.25.0 to 1.27.0 in /docs #560 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.7 in /docs #552 (dependabot[bot])
v1.6.0 (2022-02-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Provide a Tab style action #554
- Allow to customize the catalog using panels #553
- Migrate from Stylus to SCSS #550
- Organisation managers should be able to manage all groups #548
- Make timeline update interval configurable #543
- Units management system #542
- Allow to define TTL for service collection #539
- Add shapefile support #538
- Enhance timeseries widget to manage multiple forecasts #490
Fixed bugs:
- KActionPopup should handle the propagate prop of the KAction #558
- filter is not refreshed when the focus is lost #551
- Realtime layers with update interval not correctly updated when time changes #540
- FeatureId generation does not handle any types of GeoJson #536
- User notified multiple times on iOS #557
Closed issues:
- Improve webhook with bearer token and processing functions #523
Merged pull requests:
- chore(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8 in /docs #549 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump ajv from 6.11.0 to 6.12.6 in /docs #547 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump pathval from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 #546 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 #537 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump shelljs from 0.8.3 to 0.8.5 #517 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.11.0 to 1.14.7 in /docs #514 (dependabot[bot])
v1.5.1 (2022-01-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Provide a common ScrollArea component #526
- Display a spinner when reading file #525
- Allow to open the url of a text field #519
- Allow authorisations to be set by name #516
Fixed bugs:
- dropFileInput element is not removed when switching to another activity #535
- Missing default background layer when capturing the screen #534
- The computed url to access the Kapture service is incorrect #532
- Impossible to remove min/max zoom levels once edited in the style #531
- min/max zoom level does not work on internal feature layers #529
- Authorise hook does not throw a forbidden error on find/patch/update/remove multiple items #528
- Unable to install latest geoman version (2.11.4) #521
- Mapillary widget is not resized when switching to fullscreen #520
- Geojson import is failing if the linter found an old-style crs #518
- Scale-dependent visibility can't be reset + spelling mistake #398
Closed issues:
- Improve webhook with bearer token and processing functions #524
v1.5.0 (2022-01-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- The capture action should take into account the current activity (map or globe) #507
- Handle the current time within the map context #503
- Features filter should sort the list of values alphabetically to ease selection #405
- Provide measurements capabilities #359
Fixed bugs:
- Content filter does not work on items in an array #512
- Layer selector should not be wrapped #509
- User context not correctly restored from URL for a single layer #506
- Built-in layers should not be part of user context #505
- The capture action should take into account the current time #504
- Editing layer style : Marker color selector won't preselect the current color #502
- Edit layer style : Adding space in Tooltip between text and drop menu #501
- None of Popup, Tooltip and Information box display option working in style editor #499
- Station properties lost when a measure is available #510
Merged pull requests:
- chore(deps): bump mermaid from 8.13.5 to 8.13.8 in /docs #513 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump mermaid from 8.8.4 to 8.13.5 in /docs #498 (dependabot[bot])
v1.4.2 (2021-12-09)
Fixed bugs:
- Impossible to load some GPX files #497
- The import dialog should not allow to import layers with unsupported mime types #496
- Closing the mapillary widget does not stop playing #495
v1.4.1 (2021-11-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add export data action in timeseries widget #491
- Enhance feature aggregation to manage forecast data #488
- Provide a map capture component #487
- The import component does not allow to import GPX #484
- Homogenize client side file reading #483
- When dropping/importing a GeoJSON file we should zoom to the given bbox if defined #475
- Improve online help #33
- Feature aggregation is slow #81
Fixed bugs:
- Draw mode in location input exhibits a location marker #494
- asGeoJson hook does not handle geometry collection #493
- getContextParameters in mixin.context should filter system layers and temporary layers #492
- asGeoJson hook does not return geometry if longitude/latitude properties are also available #486
- Impossible to import map layer with self-intersecting lines #485
- KColumn does not handle pagination correctly #482
- mixin base collection should take into account the sort base query to sort the items #481
- KHistory should take into account a date field #480
- Time range query should take into account a given field #479
- Time range query is not initialized in Time.js #478
- Saved user settings are erased by default values #477
- Mapillary viewer not synchronized correctly with coverage layer #133
- PDF files cannot be selected in KUploader on a mobile application #101
- OAuth2 does not work in mobile apps #85
v1.4.0 (2021-10-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow to draw a mask using a given GeoJSON polygon #476
- Use Control.fileLayerLoad instead of FileLoader in mixin.file-layers.js #472
- Enhance layer selector UI #471
- Allow to specify a color map on layers without variables #469
- Update role field in AddMember UI #468
- Allow to set whether a KSelectField is clearable or not #467
- Provide helper functions to get senior roles or junior roles according a given role #463
- Provide helper functions to check whether a role is senior or junior #461
- Provide a role field #460
- Allow to unselect a base layer #459
- KHistory must be provide month and year infomation #457
- Improve permissions system to manage authorizations based on linked resources #437
- Multiple collection refreshs when using sorter/filter in activity #432
- Add ability to toggle items in list #431
- KHistory should use collection based renderer #430
- Close or cancel modal actions should be rendered using a form button #427
- Support GetTile requests for WMTS layers #423
- Homogenize team cards #417
- Enhance time management #410
- Use geoman instead of leaflet-draw in edit layer mixin #378
- Mapillary v3 API has been retired, update mapillary widget/layer to use v4 API #300
- Provide a kanban component #296
- Avoid fetching collection data twice on route changes #255
- The navigator mixin should be able to display an icon for each available app #208
Fixed bugs:
- Items are not correctly ordered in collections when using append mode #465
- Cannot run pixi in headless chrome due to WebGL support #464
- Authorise hook function does not merge correctly a single $or query #462
- KStamp does not handle the textSize prop #456
- KItem should format the description using html #454
- Legend displaying 2 times when saving layer #436
- It is not possible to cancel when editing an icon #435
- ChipsPane should allow multiple valuePath to handle various type of objects #434
- Chips label should be truncated when length is too long #433
- Destroying the map if a GeoJson layer is visible raises an error #328
Closed issues:
- When deleting tag or group : not deleted in event model #455
- Organisation owner should see all groups #450
- Event participants : allow to call members in a specific group AND tag ? #446
- Option to see members not within a group #445
- Add a hook to manage standard MongoDB aggregation #438
Merged pull requests:
- chore(deps): bump prismjs from 1.24.0 to 1.25.0 in /docs #466 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 in /docs #441 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 in /docs #440 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 #439 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump sanitize-html from 1.27.1 to 2.3.2 #353 (dependabot[bot])
v1.3.6 (2021-07-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Style editor should allow to control layer visibility in globe #429
- Add filtering capabilities in OWS layer field #428
v1.3.5 (2021-07-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Provide helper function to check view/edit/remove ability on an item #422
- Allow to define a path to the value in KChipsPane #416
- Allow to filter a schema according a list of fields when building a form #415
- Card rendering should support a dense mode #414
- Make possible to use a template string for storage service name in uploader #413
- Refactor KHistory to rely on KColumn #412
- Provide a generic time range component #411
- Provide a way to observe the page content size #400
- Make location field more user-friendly #399
- Enhance the location field/map to manage any geometry type #397
- Add ability to emit click events from canvas layer. #388
- Provide a generic setttings component #317
- Allow in-memory GeoJson be passed on GeoJson layer addition #94
Fixed bugs:
- Gradient path width changes with min/max map zoom #424
- KItemField clears the input pattern when an item is found #421
- When filtering a collection the pattern is cleared if a filter item is found #420
- Changing the geometry type in realtime GeoJson layer does not work #406
- Minimize and maximize actions seem mixed up on KWindow #402
- List of values is incomplete when editing the features filter #404
- FR version : data export generates .cvs instead of .csv #403
- HistoryEntry card is not correclty aligned on the left side #401
- Exclusive option not taken into account in user-defined categories #395
v1.3.4 (2021-06-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow KChipsField to be used without icon edition #390
- Enhance KMenu rendering with a dropdown icon #386
- Allow to specify a schema name to an editor #381
- Collections empty section should not be defined using an absolute position #377
- Allow location map to be embedded in a card #373
- Provide an helper component to display a color #371
- Provide an helper component to create card sections #369
- Enhance card rendering #368
- Disable hiding action button label when screen gets too small #367
- Add ability to configure the opacity of a WMS layer in style editor #366
- Support temporal requests for WMS layers #363
- Provide a basic chart container #362
Fixed bugs:
- Editing toast appear when removing a layer #394
- KChangeRole no longer handle multiple resources #389
- Select field must be clearable #387
- General abilities are lost in query for find operations #385
- User abilities modified in place #384
- KLocationMap is not refreshed when updating the location #383
- Cannot unselect the icon in the KIconChooser #382
- Default edit action in based-item mixin does not handle query params #380
- Wrong date on probe tooltip #370
- WMS legend not shown when switching between multiple WMS layers #365
- WMS legend not shown when the layer is active by default #364
- Dragging while editing a polyline/polygon adds a new point #361
- Tiled mesh/wind layers based on a weacast grid source do not work with levels #346
- Deleting the layer while being edited leaves activity in edit mode #376
v1.3.3 (2021-05-13)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot connect to WFS service supporting geojson output #354
- Cordova apps don't respect Apple app privacy guideline #352
- Wrong Y axis in timeseries widget #351
- Empty category in catalog #350
- Tiled features layer not correctly updated when panning #273
- Cannot add two layers with different translation keys but the same label #147
- Adding/removing a member does not trigger real-time update for user GUI #102
v1.3.2 (2021-05-04)
v1.3.1 (2021-05-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Incorrect path in position indicator component #349
v1.3.0 (2021-05-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- KFileField should support CSV files #343
- Provide a color field #342
- Allow to apply a theme #341
- KTextareaField should allow to include hyperlinks #340
- Enhance the way to prompt the user when removing an item #339
- Allow to stop event propagation in KAction #338
- Make team activities sortable #337
- Allow to filter the members according the role and the invitation status #335
- Allow to assign an avatar to an organisation #333
- Provide an helper component to display an avatar #332
- Inject the service within the items #329
- Factorize code to display geographic coordinates and allow support of additional formats #326
- Add a message indicating why a layer is disabled #323
- Support to only select an icon without a color in icon chooser #321
- Support line awesome in icon chooser #320
- Add a feature to manage layer categories in catalog #319
- Enhance form fields label display #315
- Enhance location search with automatic zoom and map marker #313
- Provide a unique action to add a layer into the catalog #311
- KModal should provide a default close action if no toolbar is specified #310
- Add a hook to check for object unicity #307
- Enhance place chooser ui #306
- Provide an icon library used by the components #304
- Modularize TiledFeatureLayer to fetch data from arbitrary geojson sources #301
- Add a feature to manage favorite views in 2D/3D maps #299
- Add a spatial query shortcut for geometries including a given location #297
- The status of an alert should reflect if the last check has failed #293
- Enhance feature layer filter #290
- Refactor and homogenize the layout #285
- Support realtime update in catalog #269
- Default role not set when editing member role in group #229
- Use QFilePicker instead of KFileInput #186
- Enhance layer style form #182
- Allow to create layers based on external web service URL #92
Fixed bugs:
- Features chart settings not displayed correctly #347
- $geoNear, $near, and $nearSphere are not allowed in this context #345
- Sorter should apply the default option #336
- Disable browser autocomplete on customized q-select based fields #334
- Layers with per meteo model min/maxZoom don't update their isDisabled state accordingly #331
- Changing min/max zoom when editing style does not work correctly #330
- preventRemoveUser hook prevents removing others users than the target one #318
- Resend invitation does not encrypt password #316
- populatePreviousObject hook does not work when used on remove operation #314
- Context associated to resources is not always of the same type #312
- Fastlane cannot be installed anymore on travis #308
- Improve timeseries widget readability #305
- Search by item does not take service context into account #294
- Probe tooltip displayed when a feature has a weather property #280
- Complex service requests do not work in HTTP mode #138
- Location indicator not updated when navigating with keyboard #124
- asGeoJson hook breaks reactivity #79
Merged pull requests:
- chore(deps): bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 in /docs #325 (dependabot[bot])
- chore(deps): bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 #324 (dependabot[bot])
v1.2.1 (2021-01-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Provide a dense prop to the KAutocomplete component #284
- Provide a filter component to use for filtering collections #283
- Provide an activity bar #282
- Keep track of currently activated layers #268
- Cannot fetch data for archived weather layer #259
- Cannot save GeoJson with invalid geometries #251
- Allow tiled layers with multiple grid sources to have multiple min/max zoom values. #250
- Simplify meteo model configuration in tiled layers #241
- Feature tooltip/popup must be translatable #216
Fixed bugs:
- Logging hook causes high CPU usage #287
- Removing a group causes all members of an organisation to be updated #286
- Hint error when performing aggregation #279
- getFeaturesFromLayer does not work on non-service layers #278
- Next hour button does not work when the time line is rendered in mini mode #274
- KHistory duplicates items on route change #256
- Less secured apps deprecation notice #100
Closed issues:
- Provide a more generic Bar component #281
- The timeseries widget should have a title (the name of the layer/sensor) #288
v1.2.0 (2020-11-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Handle checking an alert without available data #265
- Location field display of location without a name is incorrect #264
- User should be able to disable geolocation using the navigation bar #258
- Member activity should not allow to update tag icon/color once created #254
- Unify min/max zoom on tiled and non-tiled layers #249
- Multiple variables using the same color in timeseries widget #244
- Filter members from tags/groups activity #228
- Allow layer variable definition to customise axis options in timeseries #224
- Allow to disable geometry update in realtime layer #220
- Provide basic tours for generic components #218
- If any, use the color of the icons to render the actions in the fab #206
- Create a welcome component #203
- Allow KTextArea to support ellipsis CSS classes #200
- Provide a utility function to create a thumbnail from a data uri #194
- Create a tour component #193
- KChipsField and KTagField should be displayed using outline #190
- Migrate to line awesome icons #189
- Allow to reissue an invitation from a guest card #188
- Integrate page models to ease end-to-end testing #187
- Allow to display an icon within a badge assigned to an action of KFeatureActionButton #185
- Create a tags activity #184
- Allow to zoom on an image when browsing the medias #183
- Allow to display an icon within a badge assigned to an action of KOverflowMenu #181
- Allow to display an icon within a badge assigned to an action of KFab #180
- Allow emit hook to skip event emission #179
- Improve layer selector display #178
- Allow to display an icon within a badge assigned to an action of KToolBar #176
- Check unique hook should raise a specific error message #175
- Tiled mesh/wind layers should support min zoom level #160
- Zoom to layer action does not work on tiled layers in map #123
- iOS build should rely on iOS SDK 13 #67
- History component should provide infinite scroll #90
- UIWebView API deprecation notice #47
- Upgrade Mongo DB driver to v3 #44
- Allow to directly take a picture when uploading a file #99
- Extend pusher protocols for SMS/Emails #91
Fixed bugs:
- AbortController interface not available under Safari - iOS 10.3 #261
- No data fetched for archived weather layer #260
- Converting a property from string to number fails with spaces #253
- Infobox not displayed in globe when selecting linear or polygon geometries #252
- Editing a tag properties from the member card changes all the tags properties #257
- Error when displaying vigicrues sections without available measures #248
- It should not be possible to hide the last visible variable in time-series widget chart #247
- Special characters displayed as HTML codes in editor title #246
- Time-series widget chart flickering when hiding some variables #245
- Various issues with icon field #242
- Vigicrues tooltip not displayed #240
- Feature updated in tiled real-time GeoJson layer when a measure without associated probe is found #239
- Impossible to edit features when imported from a filename containing whitespaces #238
- Error raised when hiding a layer in selector #237
- Editing layer style resets the default visibility #235
- Creating a layer without a schema causes different issues #234
- Business layer style should not be editable by default #232
- Time-series widget chart flickering when changing sensor or time #230
- Probed location variables not correctly computed when data contains a single time #223
- KMediaBrowser fullscreen mode must be unset when closed #222
- KTextArea editor should be rendered using the dense mode on small size screens #221
- Remove the source property from layer options when building the leaflet layer #219
- KTextArea containing multilines or HTML is not displayed correctly anymore #217
- Edit layer style action appears on measure layers #212
- Enable edit style layer action on user-defined layers only #213
- The Location Map cannot request the tiles through the API Gateway #211
- Updating the value of an existing tag makes updateTags hook detect it as a new one #210
- The location map does not truncate the location info when it is too long #209
- The navigation app selector does not work anymore (cordova) #207
- KUploader tries to create thumbnails on already stored files #204
- KIconChooser is not well initialized #202
- Ellipsis is not working in KCard #201
- TimeSeries widget is not well resized #199
- KTagField raises an error when the tag does not have any icon #198
- Quasar native messages are not translated #197
- Device not correctly update #196
- Impossible to edit feature properties #195
- Prevent a media from being uploaded multiple times #192
- Sporadic error appears with openers #191
- Background color in KSearchBar doest not allow to see anything #177
- Selecting a line/polygon feature with timeseries widget raises an error #174
- Incorrect types for layer style after edition #173
- The type property appears in the default layer schema #171
- Layer style form not updated when configuring #170
- Tiled features layer are slow on large datasets (eg archive) #157
- Login form autocomplete does not work on first load in firefox #106
- Status bar hides app bar on mobiles #87
Closed issues:
- Fine-grained global rate limiting control #236
v1.1.1 (2020-06-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Provide a code input component #169
v1.1.0 (2020-05-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow to specify the Browsers list to be used when building the testcafe image #159
- Improve timeseries widget with timerange actions #152
- Manage i18n in layer definitions #146
- Standardize the behavior of all widgets #143
- The position of the LocationIndicator should be updated when opening/closing the NavBar #137
- Improve feature selection #134
- It should be able to customize the leading action in the AppBar #132
- Provide a KOpener proxy that allows to simplify the use of the KOpener #130
- Improve Mapillary layer performances #129
- Make the feature selection work in globe #127
- Refactor KLocationTimeSeries using the new widget design #121
- KView should allow values as props #120
- Refactor KFeatureInfoBox using the new widget design #119
- Enhance feature selection #118
- Allow the KToolBar to be vertical #117
- Enhance KWidget design #116
- Provide basic components to enable Mapillary integration #115
- Make activity refresh when changing route more customisable #114
- Improve openers design on mobile #113
- Enhance customization of KToolBar #112
- Enhance KTimeline design to be more responsive #109
- Archived weather layers should be handled within the forecast layers selector #75
- Refactor the CatalogPanel #74
- Merge KTimeline and KTimelineControl in a unique component #73
- NavigationBar should be closable #72
- Layout should be able to manage a generic footer #71
- Enhance Drawers management #70
- Merge kdk modules into a single module #65
- Allow to run e2e on the targeted deployment platform #62
- Allow to apply the CI process when working on a branch #61
- Support tiling for feature layers in map #82
- Improve application webhook security #84
- Upgrade to latest Node.js LTS #48
- Allow to filter feature layers #89
- Enhance e2e tests across the modules/apps #38
- Optimize measure update for time-stamped features in globe #96
- Create a component to provide styling options for feature layers in map #110
- Manage real-time and archive/forecast mode #108
- Code coverage not correctly pushed to Code Climate in travis application builds #51
Fixed bugs:
- Tiled wind layer doesn't work with old arpege-world resolution (0.5) #168
- "e.arrayBuffer is not a function" error with WcsGridSource #167
- Level selection doesn't work anymore on tiled mesh layers. #166
- Probe location name not updated in timeseries widget #158
- Tiled feature layers missing some values when changing time #156
- Displayed time in timeseries widget does not show minutes #155
- Visual lag on tiled mesh layer with geotiff grid source #153
- BBox not defined in tiled layers relying on OpenDAP grid source #151
- Tiled mesh layers not correctly unloaded when data is not available #150
- Tile layers not correctly unloaded after navigating in time #149
- Location indicator performs probing on selection #148
- Saving a layer in http mode generates an error with http code 500 #145
- Allow to select a feature even if the schema is not defined #144
- On HTTP mode, timeseries data for a feature are not correct #142
- Missing zero values in tooltip display #141
- Error raised on clustered tile layers #140
- Timeseries do not update correctly when changing time #139
- Timeseries widget not synchronized when disabling/removing a layer #135
- Openers shoud be displayed only a component is assgined to the drawers or footer #131
- min zoom level not correctly handled in tiled map layers #126
- If a geocoder does not respond the geocoder service does not respond #125
- Weacast grid source is missing some data when requesting a tile #77
- KFab should be instanciated within a QPage #69
Closed issues:
- Provide an helper component to display a text with an icon #76
v1.0.0 (2020-01-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow to run the client test either with firefox or chrome #58
- Enhance branch management in CLI #57
- Migrate to Testcafe 1.7.x #56
- Simplify organisation services management #55
- Provide a default testcafe image including testcafe-vue-selectors #54
- Take advantage of new conditional builds feature of Travis #53
- Add a command to manage releases with CLI #50
- Android build must target API level 28+ #49
- Enable Greenkeeper to ease dependency upgrades #45
- Add pull command to CLI #41
- Update dependencies across modules/apps #39
- Make Travis pipeline more reliable #37
- Add a regex to only publish on tags of the form 'vX.X.X' #59
- Migrate to Quasar 1.0 across modules #31
Fixed bugs:
- Unlink CLI command does not unlink global modules (only local ones) #42
Closed issues:
- Publishing apk to Google is no more working #52
v0.3.0 (2019-07-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow CLI to select modules from the workspace to apply command on #36
- Allow CLI to manage repositories in different organizations #34
- Integrate the cli within kdk project #32
- Favor service inheritance over hooks for low-level internal operations #29
- Define a solution to deploy our apps as microservices #7
Security fixes:
- Upgrade out-of-date dependencies across modules #10
v0.2.2 (2019-02-11)
v0.2.1 (2019-02-11)
v0.2.0 (2019-02-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Migrate the documentation to VuePress #30
- Change props 'id' by 'objectId' #27
- Add slack notifications from Travis CI #24
- Unify lodash imports #21
- Billing module #19
- Sanatize user inputs #18
- Coverage for end-to-end testing #16
- Filter real-time events #15
- Secure removal of "important" objects #13
- Migrate to Feathers v3 across modules #12
- Setup frontend testing #11
- i18n #6
Fixed bugs:
- Code from external modules not correctly transpiled #28
- Unify the use of icons #23
- Optimize data refresh in activities #17
Closed issues:
- Refactor the activities using KNavBar to use KTabBar #14
- Manage authorizations #9
- [kClient] Initiate the module #5
- Migrate kComponents to other modules (kCore, kTeam, ...) #4
- Find a solution to manage deployment access keys (AWS, Google, etc.) #3
- Add $off() whenever we use $on() #2
- Handle activity routing correctly #1
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator