This document contains instructions for installing dependencies, as well as
building the host
and controller
binaries, the web UI, and example sensors.
The instructions assume that your current working directory is at karl/
the root of this repository. We provide a script that automatically executes
the same instructions by running source
-- this script has been
tested on CloudLab m510 nodes running Ubuntu 20.04.
However, in general we recommend you follow the instructions step-by-step
to understand how you are modifying your system.
Store an absolute path to the current working directory, karl/
, in an
environment variable.
export KARL_PATH=$(pwd)
Update packages and install npm and firejail. You can check if the packages
are already installed by running npm
and firejail
, respectively.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install -y npm firejail
Install Rust.
When prompted, select "1) Proceed with Installation".
You can check if Rust is already installed by running cargo
Install the nightly
toolchain for the most up-to-date features,
and set it as the default.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup default nightly
Setup a custom firewall such that sandboxed modules can only communicate with the initiating host, and no one else. Configure firejail such that non-root users can specify firewalls.
sudo cp $KARL_PATH/data/ /etc/firejail/
sudo sed -i 's/restricted-network yes/restricted-network no/g' /etc/firejail/firejail.config
Initialize the aufs driver, which is used to minimize the overhead of caching module dependencies.
cd /tmp
mkdir work module root
sudo mount -t aufs -o br=work:module=ro none root
sudo umount root
Initialize the karl-ui
git submodule. Skip this step if you cloned the
repository with the --recurse-submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update # choose yes
Build the controller and host binaries.
cd $KARL_PATH/karl-controller && cargo b --release
cd $KARL_PATH/karl-host && cargo b --release
Build the UI.
cd $KARL_PATH/karl-ui
npm install
npm run build
This section assumes you have already followed the instructions to build Karl.
Your current working directory should be at $KARL_PATH
. First, build the
example sensors, which do not require any additional dependencies.
cd $KARL_PATH/karl-sensor-sdk && cargo b --release --examples
Install Python virtualenv and a package for processing audio data.
sudo apt install -y python3-virtualenv libsndfile1
Add a Rust target for compiling static binaries, and build the Karl modules written in Rust. Static binaries are necessary such that modules are completely self-contained.
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
cd $KARL_PATH/karl-module-sdk
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+crt-static" cargo b --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release --examples
Install dependencies for Karl modules written in Python. These include a person detection and speech-to-intent module.
cd $KARL_PATH/data/person-detection && source
cd $KARL_PATH/data/picovoice && source
Create the target directory for compiled module bundles and store the path in an environment variable.
mkdir $KARL_PATH/modules
Build and execute the binaries that compile the module bundles in the
cd $KARL_PATH/karl-common && cargo b --release
At this point, you should be ready to run the Quick Start.