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Creating a Custom Dialect

One of MLIR's most powerful features is being able to define custom dialects. While the opaque syntax is always supported by pyMLIR, parsing "pretty" definitions of custom dialects is done by adding them to the dialects field of the MLIR parser, as in the following snippet:

import mlir

# Load dialect from Python file
import mydialect

# Add dialect to the parser
m = mlir.parse_path('/path/to/file.mlir', dialects=[mydialect.dialect])

A dialect is represented by a Dialect class, which is composed of custom types and operations. In this document, we use toy as the dialect's name.

The structure of a dialect file is usually as follows:

# Imports
# Dialect type AST node classes
# Dialect operation AST node classes
# Dialect class definition

Simple Dialect Syntax API

To make dialect definition as simple as possible, pyMLIR provides a Syntax API based on Python's str.format grammar. Defining a dialect type or operation using the Syntax API is then performed as follows:

from mlir.dialect import DialectOp, DialectType
from dataclasses import dataclass
import mlir.astnodes as ast

class RaggedTensorType(DialectType):
    """ AST node class for the example "toy" dialect representing a ragged tensor. """
   implementation: ast.StringLiteral
   dims: List[ast.Dimension]
   type: Union[ast.TensorType, ast.MemRefType]
    _syntax_ = ('toy.ragged < {implementation.string_literal} , {dims.dimension_list_ranked} '
                '{type.tensor_memref_element_type} >')

The syntax format parses any {name.type} token as an AST node field name with type type. The types that can be used either come from mlir.lark, or from the preamble argument to the Dialect class (see below). Note the spaces between tokens - they represent the fact that whitespace can be inserted between them.

pyMLIR will then detect the three fields (implementation, dims, and type) and inject them into the AST node type. You can specify more than one match for your type or operation, and if fields are not defined they will be set as None. Example:

class DensifyOp(DialectOp):
    """ AST node for an operation with an optional value. """
    arg: SsaId
    type: TensorType
    pad: Optional[Union[StringLiteral, float, int, bool]] = None
    _syntax_ = ['toy.densify {arg.ssa_id} : {type.tensor_type}',
                'toy.densify {arg.ssa_id} , {pad.constant_literal} : {type.tensor_type}']

When dumping the code back to MLIR, pyMLIR remembers which match created the AST node and will create the appropriate code.

Constructing the dialect itself follows creating the object with a unique dialect name, and all the operations and types.

from mlir.dialect import Dialect
from mlir import parse_path

# Define dialect
my_dialect = Dialect('toy', ops=[DensifyOp], types=[RaggedTensorType])

# Use dialect to parse file
module = parse_path('/path/to/toy_file.mlir', dialects=[my_dialect])

Advanced Dialect Behavior

In order to extend custom behavior in the dialect (e.g., to change how a node is read or written), you can extend the DialectOp or DialectType classes. In addition, there are two mechanisms that can be used in the Dialect class in order to parse concepts beyond nodes for types and operations: preamble and transformers.

Writing a new AST node has four implementation requirements:

  1. Populating the _fields_ static class member
  2. Implementing an __init__ function to parse Lark syntax trees
  3. Implementing a dump function to output a string with the MLIR syntax
  4. Either implementing a Lark rule in the Dialect preamble with and mapping the rule name to the class using the _rule_ static class member, or defining the Lark rules directly in the _lark_ static class member

For example, if we wanted to be strict with how we dump the RaggedTensorType, and use our custom rule for parsing, we would implement the class in the following way:

from mlir.dialect import DialectType
from mlir.astnodes import Node, dump_or_value
from lark import Tree
from typing import Union, List

class RaggedTensorType(DialectType):
    _fields_ = ['implementation', 'dims', 'type']
    # Notice that the first argument is optional
    _lark_ = ['"toy.ragged" "<" (string_literal ",")? dimension_list_ranked '
              'tensor_memref_element_type ">"']

    def __init__(self, match: int, dims, type, implementation = None):
        # Note that since _lark_ has only one element, "match" should always be 0
        self.match = match
        self.type = type
        self.dims = dims
        self.implementation = implementation

    def dump(self, indent: int = 0) -> str:
        # Note the exclamation mark denoting a dialect type
        result = '!toy.ragged<'
        if self.implementation:
            result += dump_or_value(self.implementation, indent)
        result += '%sx%s>' % ('x'.join(dump_or_value(d, indent) for d in self.dims),
                              dump_or_value(self.type, indent))
        return result

dump_or_value is a helper function in mlir.astnodes to either write out the value, a list/dict/tuple of values, or literals into MLIR format. For most cases, though, the _syntax_ format will suffice (and creates shorter code than above).

As for extensions to the dialect itself, preamble and transformers are keyword arguments that can be given to the Dialect class. The former allows arbitrary Lark syntax to be parsed as part of the dialect, and the latter is a dictionary that maps rule names to node-constructing callable functions/classes. This gives a custom dialect full control over the syntax parsing and tree construction.

For example, we can create rules for a new kind of list structure in our toy dialect:

my_dialect = Dialect('toy', ops=[DensifyOp], types=[RaggedTensorType],
// Exclamation mark in Lark means that string tokens will be preserved upon parsing
!toy_impl_type : "coo" | "csr" | "csc" | "ell"
toy_impl_list   : toy_impl_type ("+" toy_impl_type)*
                        toy_impl_list=list  # Will construct a list from parsed values

Now we can parse lists of specific implementation types for our ragged tensor, e.g., toy.ragged<coo+csr,32x14xf64> rather than one string literal. Note that the type _lark_ or _syntax_ has to change accordingly.