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Studying scientific machine learning: solving differential equations using a mix of traditional methods and machine learning

Looking for ways to slam together traditional methods and machine learning

Hoping to get publications out of this

Looking for places people use different words for the same things; can let us slam things together

Can work together on projects but writeups individual

  • can i throw interpretability / adversarial training at some of the problems in this class?

Mostly aimed at scientific computing, but neural networks integrate (heh) very smoothly into those

What is scientific machine learning?

Domain models with integrated machine learning -- take navier stokes, climate models, ..., and throw machine learning at them

In a mathematical sense, a model is just a nonlinear function

Almost never have an analytical solution to your problem / version of your model model

So, 2 directions: 1. differential equation / mechanistic models: a structural representation of the model why? in a science experiment, you're always measuring a change in the system -- the variation of one thing with another take a system, perturb it a little, see what changes all scientific laws are "this changes like this" so: differential equation! a way of describing a nonlinear function by its structure can almost never solve a differential equation 2. machine learning: specify a set of parameters to a black box

mechanistic models understand the structure, so they can extrabolate beyond data are interpretable, can be extended, transferred, understood however, require that you understand mechanism non-mechanistic models can give a very predictive model directly from data, but w/o interpretability or extrapolability of mechanistic models

neither is better than the other

goal: combine mechanistic + non-mechanistic models to get the best (* and worst??) of both worlds.

idea: latest machine learning revolution can be interpreted this way!

the reason this works: you can interpret it as including prior information about how spatial structure in images works

machine learning in a nutshell: learnable functions and the universal approximation theorem

UAT: neural networks can get \eps close to any \R^n -> \R^n function

$$\forall f \in C^\inf, \exists \theta s.t. f_\theta(x) : \R^n -> \R^m$$

where \theta: parameters, \f_\theta is a "big enough" neural network, then

  • what is C?

    $$||f(x) - f_\theta(x)|| < \eps \forall x \in \Omega$$

to describe NN, describe a layer: $\sigma(Wx + b)$ W: parameter b: parameter

\sigma: "activation function", lots of them; choosing more an art than a science, but can know e.g. whether smooth or not
$$NN_\theta(x) = L(L(L( .. L(x) .. )))$$
$$             = o_{i=0}^N L_i(x)$$

where o: function composition

several recent survey papers on UAT -- can approach convergence from many directions, different approaches

-> neural networks are just function expansions, fancy Taylor Series-like things that are good for computing and bad for analysis

what's out there in scientific machine learning?

not much

a few results

hidden physics models

instead of learning a neural network to approximate all of your data; use some difeq and some nn

$$du/dt = N(...) + NN_\theta(...)$$

where N: correct physics, NN: neural network

can use much smaller data (e.g. 30 data points) and networks

physics-informed neural networks

look at:

$$du/dt = NN(u)$$ 

use euler's method or runge-kutta:

u0 = ...
u1 = u0 + NN(u0)dt
u2 = u1 + NN(u1)dt

becomes a recurrent neural network!

solving 1000-dimensional PDEs

crazy, but: ...math stuff...

interpreting learned NNs to find analytical solutions?

interesting result: stochastic RNN take system, write simplest PDE solver they can find; end up with a NN with randomness injected all over the place

Finding Koopman Embeddings w/ Autoencoders

find linear things with autoencoders

DGM: a deep learning algorithm for solving partial differential equations

just solve the whole equation w/ deep learning

sometimes faster, sometimes slower

reverse: deep learning impacted by scientific computing

Deep neural networks motivated by partial differential equations


Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

don't use an RNN, just use a difeq defined by a neural network and then use an ODE solver; gives you lots of nice stuff

ODEs generalize rnns

Prof's recent work

Latent difeqs: modeling without models -> backprop through ODE solvers

Interpretability: what does it actually learn? approximations of small parts of phase space!

Don't throw away structure, use it!

Optimizing serial code

Mental model of memory

blah blah

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