Cloud Storage allows world-wide storage and retrieval of any amount of data at any time.
Read Prerequisites and How to run a sample first.
Install dependencies:
npm install
View the documentation or the source code.
Usage: node acl --help
print-bucket-acl <bucketName> Prints the ACL for a bucket.
print-bucket-acl-for-user <bucketName> <userEmail> Prints a user's ACL for a bucket.
add-bucket-owner <bucketName> <userEmail> Adds a user as an owner of a bucket.
remove-bucket-owner <bucketName> <userEmail> Removes a user from the ACL of a bucket.
add-bucket-default-owner <bucketName> <userEmail> Adds a user as an owner in the default ACL of a bucket.
remove-bucket-default-owner <bucketName> <userEmail> Removes a user from the default ACL of a bucket.
print-file-acl <bucketName> <fileName> Prints the ACL for a file.
print-file-acl-for-user <bucketName> <fileName> <userEmail> Prints a user's ACL for a file.
add-file-owner <bucketName> <fileName> <userEmail> Adds a user as an owner of a file.
remove-file-owner <bucketName> <fileName> <userEmail> Removes a user from the ACL of a file.
--help Show help [boolean]
node acl print-bucket-acl my-bucket Prints the ACL for a bucket named "my-bucket".
node acl print-bucket-acl-for-user my-bucket [email protected] Prints a user's ACL for a bucket named "my-bucket".
node acl add-bucket-owner my-bucket [email protected] Adds "[email protected]" as an owner of a bucket named
node acl remove-bucket-owner my-bucket [email protected] Removes "[email protected]" from the ACL of a bucket named
node acl add-bucket-default-owner my-bucket [email protected] Adds "[email protected]" as an owner in the default ACL of
a bucket named "my-bucket".
node acl remove-bucket-default-owner my-bucket Removes "[email protected]" from the default ACL of a
[email protected] bucket named "my-bucket".
node acl print-file-acl my-bucket file.txt Prints the ACL for a file named "file.txt".
node acl print-file-acl-for-user my-bucket file.txt Prints a user's ACL for a file named "file.txt".
[email protected]
node acl add-file-owner my-bucket file.txt [email protected] Adds "[email protected]" as an owner of a file named
node acl remove-file-owner my-bucket file.txt Removes "[email protected]" from the ACL of a file named
[email protected] "file.txt".
For more information, see
View the documentation or the source code.
Usage: node buckets --help
create <bucket> Creates a new bucket.
list Lists all buckets in the current project.
delete <bucket> Deletes a bucket.
--help Show help [boolean]
node buckets create my-bucket Creates a new bucket named "my-bucket".
node buckets list Lists all buckets in the current project.
node buckets delete my-bucket Deletes a bucket named "my-bucket".
For more information, see
View the documentation or the source code.
Usage: node encryption --help
generate-encryption-key Generate a sample encryption key.
upload <bucketName> <srcFileName> <destFileName> <key> Encrypts and uploads a file.
download <bucketName> <srcFileName> <destFileName> <key> Decrypts and downloads a file.
rotate <bucketName> <fileName> <oldkey> <newKey> Rotates encryption keys for a file.
--help Show help [boolean]
node encryption generate-encryption-key Generate a sample encryption key.
node encryption upload my-bucket ./resources/test.txt Encrypts and uploads "resources/test.txt" to
file_encrypted.txt QxhqaZEqBGVTW55HhQw9Q= "gs://my-bucket/file_encrypted.txt".
node encryption download my-bucket file_encrypted.txt Decrypts and downloads
./file.txt QxhqaZEqBGVTW55HhQw9Q= "gs://my-bucket/file_encrypted.txt" to "./file.txt".
node encryption rotate my-bucket file_encrypted.txt Rotates encryptiong keys for
QxhqaZEqBGVTW55HhQw9Q= SxafpsdfSDFS89sds9Q= "gs://my-bucket/file_encrypted.txt".
For more information, see
View the documentation or the source code.
Usage: node files --help
list <bucketName> [prefix] [delimiter] Lists files in a bucket, optionally filtering by a
upload <bucketName> <srcFileName> Uploads a local file to a bucket.
download <bucketName> <srcFileName> <destFileName> Downloads a file from a bucket.
delete <bucketName> <fileName> Deletes a file from a bucket.
get-metadata <bucketName> <fileName> Gets the metadata for a file.
make-public <bucketName> <fileName> Makes a file public.
generate-signed-url <bucketName> <fileName> Generates a signed URL for a file.
move <bucketName> <srcFileName> <destFileName> Moves a file to a new location within the same bucket,
i.e. rename the file.
copy <srcBucketName> <srcFileName> <destBucketName> Copies a file in a bucket to another bucket.
--help Show help [boolean]
node files list my-bucket Lists files in "my-bucket".
node files list my-bucket public/ Lists files in "my-bucket" filtered by prefix "public/".
node files upload my-bucket ./file.txt Uploads "./file.txt" to "my-bucket".
node files download my-bucket file.txt ./file.txt Downloads "gs://my-bucket/file.txt" to "./file.txt".
node files delete my-bucket file.txt Deletes "gs://my-bucket/file.txt".
node files get-metadata my-bucket file.txt Gets the metadata for "gs://my-bucket/file.txt".
node files make-public my-bucket file.txt Makes "gs://my-bucket/file.txt" public.
node files move my-bucket file.txt file2.txt Renames "gs://my-bucket/file.txt" to
node files copy my-bucket file.txt my-other-bucket file.txt Copies "gs://my-bucket/file.txt" to
For more information, see
View the documentation or the source code.
Usage: node transfer --help
jobs <cmd> [args] Run a job command.
operations <cmd> [args] Run an operation command.
--help Show help [boolean]
node transfer jobs --help Show job commands.
node transfer operations --help Show operations commands.
For more information, see
Usage: node transfer jobs --help
transfer jobs <cmd> [args]
create <srcBucket> <destBucket> <time> <date> Create a transfer job.
get <job> Get a transfer job.
list List transfer jobs.
set <job> <field> <value> Change the status, description or transferSpec
of a transfer job.
--help Show help [boolean]
node transfer jobs create my-bucket Create a transfer job.
my-other-bucket 2016/08/12 16:30 "Move my files"
node transfer jobs get Get a transfer job.
node transfer jobs list List transfer jobs.
node transfer jobs set Update the description for a transfer job.
transferJobs/123456789012345678 description "My
new description"
node transfer jobs set Disable a transfer job.
transferJobs/123456789012345678 status DISABLED
Usage: node transfer operations --help
transfer operations <cmd> [args]
list [job] List transfer operations, optionally filtering by a job name.
get <operation> Get a transfer operation.
pause <operation> Pause a transfer operation.
resume <operation> Resume a transfer operation.
--help Show help [boolean]
node transfer operations list List all transfer operations.
node transfer operations list List all transfer operations for a specific
transferJobs/123456789012345678 job.
node transfer operations get Get a transfer operation.
node transfer operations pause Pause a transfer operation.
node transfer operations resume Resume a transfer operation.