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This documents individual adevtool commands, most of which can be used independently without a config or full device bringup.

All commands that accept stock system images, with the exception of comparison commands (diff-files, diff-props, diff-vintf), support the source formats listed here.

Extract proprietary files

Given a device codename, vendor name, stock system source, and LineageOS proprietary-files.txt list, extract proprietary files and generate build files.

Speed comparison with LineageOS extract-utils:

Speed comparison with LineageOS extract-utils

Command-line help
extract proprietary files

  $ adevtool extract LISTPATH

  LISTPATH  path to LineageOS-compatible proprietary-files.txt list

  -b, --buildId=buildId    build ID of the stock images (optional, only used for locating factory images)
  -d, --device=device      (required) device codename
  -h, --help               show CLI help
  -k, --skipCopy           skip file copying and only generate build files

  -s, --stockSrc=stockSrc  (required) path to (extracted) factory images, (mounted) images, (extracted) OTA package, 
                           OTA payload, or directory containing any such files (optionally under device and/or build ID 

  -t, --useTemp            use a temporary directory for all extraction (prevents reusing extracted files across runs)

  -v, --vendor=vendor      (required) device vendor/OEM name

Identify presigned apps

Given a list of SELinux policy directories and a stock system source, identify APKs that should be presigned.

This is not a comprehensive list, as signature permissions and Google Play updates can also require apps to be presigned, but it will identify all apps necessary to boot and utilize basic hardware features.

Optionally, if input and output list paths are provided, filter the proprietary-files.txt and save a version with presigned tags added.

Command-line help
check for APKs that should be presigned

  $ adevtool check-presigned [LISTPATH]

  LISTPATH  path to LineageOS-compatible proprietary-files.txt list

  -a, --aapt2=aapt2        [default: out/host/linux-x86/bin/aapt2] path to aapt2 executable
  -b, --buildId=buildId    build ID of the stock images (optional, only used for locating factory images)
  -d, --device=device      (required) device codename
  -h, --help               show CLI help
  -o, --outList=outList    output path for new proprietary-files.txt with PRESIGNED tags
  -p, --sepolicy=sepolicy  (required) paths to device and vendor sepolicy dirs

  -s, --stockSrc=stockSrc  (required) path to (extracted) factory images, (mounted) images, (extracted) OTA package, 
                           OTA payload, or directory containing any such files (optionally under device and/or build ID 

  -t, --useTemp            use a temporary directory for all extraction (prevents reusing extracted files across runs)

Collect state

Given a reference build of AOSP, collect the state necessary for future vendor module generation.

Supports running for multiple devices simultaneously, optionally in parallel.

Command-line help
collect built system state for use with other commands

  $ adevtool collect-state OUTPUT_PATH

  OUTPUT_PATH  output path for system state JSON file(s)

  -a, --aapt2=aapt2      [default: out/host/linux-x86/bin/aapt2] path to aapt2 executable
  -d, --device=device    (required) name of target device
  -h, --help             show CLI help
  -p, --parallel         generate devices in parallel (causes buggy progress spinners)
  -r, --outRoot=outRoot  [default: out] path to AOSP build output directory (out/)

Compare files

Given two extracted/mounted systems, find missing files.

Command-line help
find missing system files compared to a reference system

  $ adevtool diff-files SOURCEREF SOURCENEW

  SOURCEREF  path to root of reference system
  SOURCENEW  path to root of new system

  -a, --all   show all differences, not only missing/removed files
  -h, --help  show CLI help

Compare properties

Given two extracted/mounted systems, find missing properties.

Command-line help
find missing and different properties compared to a reference system

  $ adevtool diff-props SOURCEREF SOURCENEW

  SOURCEREF  path to root of reference system
  SOURCENEW  path to root of new system

  -a, --all           show all differences, not only missing props
  -b, --includeBuild  include build props
  -h, --help          show CLI help

Compare vendor interface manifests

Given two extracted/mounted systems, find missing HALs in the vendor interface manifests.

Command-line help
find missing vintf declarations compared to a reference system

  $ adevtool diff-vintf SOURCEREF SOURCENEW [OUTPATH]

  SOURCEREF  path to root of reference system
  SOURCENEW  path to root of new system
  OUTPATH    output path for manifest fragment with missing HALs

  -a, --all   show all differences, not only missing/removed HALs
  -h, --help  show CLI help

Download factory images/OTAs/vendor packages

Given device codename(s), download factory images, full OTAs, and/or vendor packages.

Command-line help
download device factory images, OTAs, and/or vendor packages

  $ adevtool download OUT

  OUT  directory to save downloaded files in

  -b, --buildId=buildId          (required) [default: latest] build ID(s) of the images to download
  -d, --device=device            (required) device(s) to download images for
  -h, --help                     show CLI help
  -t, --type=factory|ota|vendor  [default: factory] type(s) of images to download

Generate full vendor module

Given a device config and stock system source, automatically generate a full vendor module.

Command-line help
generate all vendor parts automatically

  $ adevtool generate-all CONFIG

  CONFIG  path to device-specific YAML config

  -a, --aapt2=aapt2              [default: out/host/linux-x86/bin/aapt2] path to aapt2 executable
  -b, --buildId=buildId          build ID of the stock images (optional, only used for locating factory images)

  -c, --customSrc=customSrc      [default: out] path to AOSP build output directory (out/) or (directory containing) 
                                 JSON state file

  -f, --factoryPath=factoryPath  path to stock factory images zip (for extracting firmware if stockSrc is not factory 

  -h, --help                     show CLI help

  -k, --skipCopy                 skip file copying and only generate build files

  -p, --parallel                 generate devices in parallel (causes buggy progress spinners)

  -s, --stockSrc=stockSrc        (required) path to (extracted) factory images, (mounted) images, (extracted) OTA 
                                 package, OTA payload, or directory containing any such files (optionally under device 
                                 and/or build ID directory)

  -t, --useTemp                  use a temporary directory for all extraction (prevents reusing extracted files across 

Generate preparatory vendor module

Given a device config and stock system source, generate a minimal vendor module to prepare for a reference build.

Command-line help
generate vendor parts to prepare for reference AOSP build (e.g. for collect-state)

  $ adevtool generate-prep CONFIG

  CONFIG  path to device-specific YAML config

  -b, --buildId=buildId    build ID of the stock images (optional, only used for locating factory images)
  -h, --help               show CLI help
  -k, --skipCopy           skip file copying and only generate build files
  -p, --parallel           generate devices in parallel (causes buggy progress spinners)

  -s, --stockSrc=stockSrc  (required) path to (extracted) factory images, (mounted) images, (extracted) OTA package, 
                           OTA payload, or directory containing any such files (optionally under device and/or build ID 

  -t, --useTemp            use a temporary directory for all extraction (prevents reusing extracted files across runs)

List system files

Given a device codename and stock system source, list the files and symlinks in each partition.

Command-line help
list system files and symlinks important for blobs

  $ adevtool list-files OUT

  OUT  directory to write partition file lists to

  -b, --buildId=buildId    build ID of the stock images (optional, only used for locating factory images)
  -d, --device=device      (required) device codename
  -h, --help               show CLI help

  -s, --stockSrc=stockSrc  (required) path to (extracted) factory images, (mounted) images, (extracted) OTA package, 
                           OTA payload, or directory containing any such files (optionally under device and/or build ID 

  -t, --useTemp            use a temporary directory for all extraction (prevents reusing extracted files across runs)

Resolve overridden build rules

Given a build log with override warnings and Soong module info, resolve overridden build rules into a list of packages to build from source.

Command-line help
resolve packages to build from a list of overridden targets

  $ adevtool resolve-overrides OVERRIDELIST MODULEINFO

  OVERRIDELIST  path to file containing build output with override warnings
  MODULEINFO    path to Soong module-info.json (out/target/product/$device/module-info.json)

  -h, --help  show CLI help