// ==UserScript== // @name MusicBrainz: Voice actor credits // @version 2024.7.1 // @namespace https://github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts // @author kellnerd // @description Parses voice actor credits from text and automates the process of creating release or recording relationships for these. Also imports credits from Discogs. // @homepageURL https://github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts#voice-actor-credits // @downloadURL https://raw.github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts/main/dist/voiceActorCredits.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts/main/dist/voiceActorCredits.user.js // @supportURL https://github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts/issues // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @run-at document-idle // @match *://*.musicbrainz.org/release/*/edit-relationships // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; // Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/46012210 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set; const nativeTextareaValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype, 'value').set; /** * Sets the value of a textarea input element which has been manipulated by React. * @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} input * @param {string} value */ function setReactTextareaValue(input, value) { nativeTextareaValueSetter.call(input, value); input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); } /** * Returns a reference to the first DOM element with the specified value of the ID attribute. * @param {string} elementId String that specifies the ID value. */ function dom(elementId) { return document.getElementById(elementId); } /** * Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors. * @param {string} selectors * @param {ParentNode} node */ function qs(selectors, node = document) { return node.querySelector(selectors); } /** * Returns all element descendants of node that match selectors. * @param {string} selectors * @param {ParentNode} node */ function qsa(selectors, node = document) { return node.querySelectorAll(selectors); } /** * Adds the given message and a footer for the active userscript to the edit note. * @param {string} message Edit note message. */ function addMessageToEditNote(message) { /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ const editNoteInput = qs('#edit-note-text, .edit-note'); const previousContent = editNoteInput.value.split(editNoteSeparator); setReactTextareaValue(editNoteInput, buildEditNote(...previousContent, message)); } /** * Builds an edit note for the given message sections and adds a footer section for the active userscript. * Automatically de-duplicates the sections to reduce auto-generated message and footer spam. * @param {...string} sections Edit note sections. * @returns {string} Complete edit note content. */ function buildEditNote(...sections) { sections = sections.map((section) => section.trim()); if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined') { sections.push(`${GM_info.script.name} (v${GM_info.script.version}, ${GM_info.script.namespace})`); } // drop empty sections and keep only the last occurrence of duplicate sections return sections .filter((section, index) => section && sections.lastIndexOf(section) === index) .join(editNoteSeparator); } const editNoteSeparator = '\n—\n'; /** * Transforms the given value using the given substitution rules. * @param {string} value * @param {import('../types').SubstitutionRule[]} substitutionRules Pairs of values for search & replace. * @returns {string} */ function transform(value, substitutionRules) { substitutionRules.forEach(([searchValue, replaceValue]) => { value = value.replace(searchValue, replaceValue); }); return value; } /** @type {CreditParserOptions} */ const parserDefaults = { nameRE: /.+?(?:,?\s(?:LLC|LLP|(?:Corp|Inc|Ltd)\.?|Co\.(?:\sKG)?|(?:\p{Letter}\.){2,}))*/, nameSeparatorRE: /[/|](?=\s|\w{2})|\s[–-]\s/, terminatorRE: /$|(?=,|(? setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } /** * Retries the given operation until the result is no longer undefined. * @template T * @param {() => T | Promise} operation * @param {Object} [options] * @param {number} [options.retries] Maximum number of retries. * @param {number} [options.wait] Number of ms to wait before the next try, disabled by default. * @returns The final result of the operation. */ async function retry(operation, { retries = 10, wait = 0 } = {}) { do { const result = await operation(); if (result !== undefined) return result; if (wait) await delay(wait); } while (retries--) } /** * Periodically calls the given function until it returns `true` and resolves afterwards. * @param {(...params) => boolean} pollingFunction * @param {number} pollingInterval */ function waitFor(pollingFunction, pollingInterval) { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { while (pollingFunction() === false) { await delay(pollingInterval); } resolve(); }); } /** Resolves as soon as the React relationship editor is ready. */ function readyRelationshipEditor() { const reactRelEditor = qs('.release-relationship-editor'); if (!reactRelEditor) return Promise.reject(new Error('Release relationship editor has not been found')); // wait for the loading message to disappear (takes ~1s) return waitFor(() => !qs('.release-relationship-editor > .loading-message'), 100); } // adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/25621277 /** * Resizes the bound element to be as tall as necessary for its content. * @this {HTMLElement} */ function automaticHeight() { this.style.height = 'auto'; this.style.height = this.scrollHeight + 'px'; } /** * Resizes the bound element to be as wide as necessary for its content. * @this {HTMLElement} this */ function automaticWidth() { this.style.width = 'auto'; this.style.width = this.scrollWidth + 10 + 'px'; // account for border and padding } /** * Creates a DOM element from the given HTML fragment. * @param {string} html HTML fragment. */ function createElement(html) { const template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstElementChild; } /** * Creates a style element from the given CSS fragment and injects it into the document's head. * @param {string} css CSS fragment. * @param {string} userscriptName Name of the userscript, used to generate an ID for the style element. */ function injectStylesheet(css, userscriptName) { const style = document.createElement('style'); if (userscriptName) { style.id = [userscriptName, 'userscript-css'].join('-'); } style.innerText = css; document.head.append(style); } /** Pattern to match an ES RegExp string representation. */ const regexPattern = /^\/(.+?)\/([gimsuy]*)$/; /** * Escapes special characters in the given string to use it as part of a regular expression. * @param {string} string * @link https://stackoverflow.com/a/6969486 */ function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string } /** * Returns the value of the given pattern as a regular expression if it is enclosed between slashes. * Otherwise it returns the input string or throws for invalid regular expressions. * @param {string} pattern * @returns {RegExp | string} */ function getPattern(pattern) { const match = pattern.match(regexPattern); if (match) { return new RegExp(match[1], match[2]); } else { return pattern; } } /** * Converts the value of the given pattern into a regular expression and returns it. * @param {string} pattern */ function getPatternAsRegExp(pattern) { try { let value = getPattern(pattern); if (typeof value === 'string') { value = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(value)); } return value; } catch { return; } } /** * Converts a string into an identifier that is compatible with Markdown's heading anchors. * @param {string} string */ function slugify(string) { return encodeURIComponent( string.trim() .toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, '-') ); } /** * Persists the desired attribute of the given element across page loads and origins. * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {keyof HTMLElement} attribute * @param {keyof HTMLElementEventMap} eventType * @param {string | number | boolean} [defaultValue] Default value of the attribute. */ async function persistElement(element, attribute, eventType, defaultValue) { if (!element.id) { throw new Error('Can not persist an element without ID'); } const key = ['persist', element.id, attribute].join('.'); // initialize attribute const persistedValue = await GM.getValue(key, defaultValue); if (persistedValue) { element[attribute] = persistedValue; } // persist attribute once the event occurs element.addEventListener(eventType, () => { GM.setValue(key, element[attribute]); }); return element; } /** * Persists the state of the checkbox with the given ID across page loads and origins. * @param {string} id * @param {boolean} [checkedByDefault] * @returns {Promise} */ function persistCheckbox(id, checkedByDefault) { return persistElement(dom(id), 'checked', 'change', checkedByDefault); } /** * Persists the state of the collapsible details container with the given ID across page loads and origins. * @param {string} id * @param {boolean} [openByDefault] * @returns {Promise} */ function persistDetails(id, openByDefault) { return persistElement(dom(id), 'open', 'toggle', openByDefault); } /** * Persists the value of the given input field across page loads and origins. * @param {HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement} element * @param {string} [defaultValue] * @returns {Promise} */ function persistInput(element, defaultValue) { return persistElement(element, 'value', 'change', defaultValue); } const creditParserUI = `

Credit Parser

Advanced configuration

    Identified relationships will be added to the release and/or the matching recordings and works (only if these are selected).
    `; const css = ` details#credit-parser summary { cursor: pointer; display: block; } details#credit-parser summary > h2, details#credit-parser summary > h3 { display: list-item; } textarea#credit-input { overflow-y: hidden; } #credit-parser label[title] { border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help; }`; const uiReadyEventType = 'credit-parser-ui-ready'; /** * Injects the basic UI of the credit parser and waits until the UI has been expanded before it continues with the build tasks. * @param {...(() => void)} buildTasks Handlers which can be registered for additional UI build tasks. */ async function buildCreditParserUI(...buildTasks) { await readyRelationshipEditor(); /** @type {HTMLDetailsElement} */ const existingUI = dom('credit-parser'); // possibly called by multiple userscripts, do not inject the UI again if (!existingUI) { // inject credit parser between the sections for track and release relationships, // use the "Release Relationships" heading as orientation since #tracklist is missing for releases without mediums qs('.release-relationship-editor > h2:nth-of-type(2)').insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', creditParserUI); injectStylesheet(css, 'credit-parser'); } // execute all additional build tasks once the UI is open and ready if (existingUI && existingUI.open) { // our custom event already happened because the UI builder code is synchronous buildTasks.forEach((task) => task()); } else { // wait for our custom event if the UI is not (fully) initialized or is collapsed buildTasks.forEach((task) => document.addEventListener(uiReadyEventType, () => task(), { once: true })); } if (existingUI) return; // continue initialization of the UI once it has been opened persistDetails('credit-parser', true).then((UI) => { if (UI.open) { initializeUI(); } else { UI.addEventListener('toggle', initializeUI, { once: true }); } }); } async function initializeUI() { const creditInput = dom('credit-input'); // persist the state of the UI persistCheckbox('remove-parsed-lines'); await persistCheckbox('parser-autofocus'); persistDetails('credit-parser-config').then((config) => { // hidden pattern inputs have a zero width, so they have to be resized if the config has not been open initially if (!config.open) { config.addEventListener('toggle', () => { qsa('input.pattern', config).forEach((input) => automaticWidth.call(input)); }, { once: true }); } }); // auto-resize the credit textarea on input creditInput.addEventListener('input', automaticHeight); // load seeded data from hash const seededData = new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.slice(1)); const seededCredits = seededData.get('credits'); if (seededCredits) { setTextarea(creditInput, seededCredits); const seededEditNote = seededData.get('edit-note'); if (seededEditNote) { addMessageToEditNote(seededEditNote); } } addButton('Load annotation', (creditInput) => { /** @type {ReleaseT} */ const release = MB.getSourceEntityInstance(); const annotation = release.latest_annotation; if (annotation) { setTextarea(creditInput, annotation.text); } }); addPatternInput({ label: 'Credit terminator', description: 'Matches the end of a credit (default when empty: end of line)', defaultValue: parserDefaults.terminatorRE, }); addPatternInput({ label: 'Credit separator', description: 'Splits a credit into role and artist (disabled when empty)', defaultValue: /\s[–-]\s|:\s|\t+/, }); addPatternInput({ label: 'Name separator', description: 'Splits the extracted name into multiple names (disabled when empty)', defaultValue: parserDefaults.nameSeparatorRE, }); // trigger all additional UI build tasks document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(uiReadyEventType)); // focus the credit parser input (if this setting is enabled) if (dom('parser-autofocus').checked) { creditInput.scrollIntoView(); creditInput.focus(); } } /** * Adds a new button with the given label and click handler to the credit parser UI. * @param {string} label * @param {(creditInput: HTMLTextAreaElement, event: MouseEvent) => any} clickHandler * @param {string} [description] Description of the button, shown as tooltip. */ function addButton(label, clickHandler, description) { /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ const creditInput = dom('credit-input'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const button = createElement(``); if (description) { button.title = description; } button.addEventListener('click', (event) => clickHandler(creditInput, event)); return qs('#credit-parser .buttons').appendChild(button); } /** * Adds a new parser button with the given label and handler to the credit parser UI. * @param {string} label * @param {(creditLine: string, event: MouseEvent) => import('@kellnerd/es-utils').MaybePromise} parser * Handler which parses the given credit line and returns whether it was successful. * @param {string} [description] Description of the button, shown as tooltip. */ function addParserButton(label, parser, description) { /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ const removeParsedLines = dom('remove-parsed-lines'); return addButton(label, async (creditInput, event) => { const credits = creditInput.value.split('\n').map((line) => line.trim()); const parsedLines = [], skippedLines = []; for (const line of credits) { // skip empty lines, but keep them for display of skipped lines if (!line) { skippedLines.push(line); continue; } // treat partially parsed lines as both skipped and parsed const parserStatus = await parser(line, event); if (parserStatus !== 'skipped') { parsedLines.push(line); } if (parserStatus !== 'done') { skippedLines.push(line); } } if (parsedLines.length) { addMessageToEditNote(parsedLines.join('\n')); } if (removeParsedLines.checked) { setTextarea(creditInput, skippedLines.join('\n')); } }, description); } /** * Adds a persisted input field for regular expressions with a validation handler to the credit parser UI. * @param {object} config * @param {string} [config.id] ID and name of the input element (derived from `label` if missing). * @param {string} config.label Content of the label (without punctuation). * @param {string} config.description Description which should be used as tooltip. * @param {string} config.defaultValue Default value of the input. */ function addPatternInput(config) { const id = config.id || slugify(config.label); /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ const patternInput = createElement(``); const explanationLink = document.createElement('a'); explanationLink.innerText = 'help'; explanationLink.target = '_blank'; explanationLink.title = 'Displays a diagram representation of this RegExp'; const resetButton = createElement(``); resetButton.addEventListener('click', () => setInput(patternInput, config.defaultValue)); // auto-resize the pattern input on input patternInput.addEventListener('input', automaticWidth); // validate pattern and update explanation link on change patternInput.addEventListener('change', function () { explanationLink.href = 'https://kellnerd.github.io/regexper/#' + encodeURIComponent(getPatternAsRegExp(this.value) ?? this.value); this.classList.remove('error', 'success'); this.title = ''; try { if (getPattern(this.value) instanceof RegExp) { this.classList.add('success'); this.title = 'Valid regular expression'; } } catch (error) { this.classList.add('error'); this.title = `Invalid regular expression: ${error.message}\nThe default value will be used.`; } }); // inject label, input, reset button and explanation link const container = document.createElement('li'); container.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ``); container.append(' ', patternInput, ' ', resetButton, ' ', explanationLink); dom('credit-patterns').appendChild(container); // persist the input and calls the setter for the initial value (persisted value or the default) persistInput(patternInput, config.defaultValue).then(setInput); return patternInput; } /** * Sets the input to the given value (optional), resizes it and triggers persister and validation. * @param {HTMLInputElement} input * @param {string} [value] */ function setInput(input, value) { if (value) input.value = value; automaticWidth.call(input); input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } /** * Sets the textarea to the given value and adjusts the height. * @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} textarea * @param {string} value */ function setTextarea(textarea, value) { textarea.value = value; automaticHeight.call(textarea); } /** * Extracts the entity type and ID from a MusicBrainz URL (can be incomplete and/or with additional path components and query parameters). * @param {string} url URL of a MusicBrainz entity page. * @returns {{ type: CoreEntityTypeT | 'mbid', mbid: MB.MBID } | undefined} Type and ID. */ function extractEntityFromURL$1(url) { const entity = url.match(/(area|artist|event|genre|instrument|label|mbid|place|recording|release|release-group|series|url|work)\/([0-9a-f-]{36})(?:$|\/|\?)/); return entity ? { type: entity[1], mbid: entity[2] } : undefined; } /** * @param {CoreEntityTypeT} entityType * @param {MB.MBID | 'add' | 'create'} mbid MBID of an existing entity or `create` for the entity creation page (`add` for releases). */ function buildEntityURL$1(entityType, mbid) { return `https://musicbrainz.org/${entityType}/${mbid}`; } /** * @template Params * @template Result * @template {string | number} Key */ class FunctionCache { /** * @param {(...params: Params) => Result | Promise} expensiveFunction Expensive function whose results should be cached. * @param {Object} options * @param {(...params: Params) => Key[]} options.keyMapper Maps the function parameters to the components of the cache's key. * @param {string} [options.name] Name of the cache, used as storage key (optional). * @param {Storage} [options.storage] Storage which should be used to persist the cache (optional). * @param {Record} [options.data] Record which should be used as cache (defaults to an empty record). */ constructor(expensiveFunction, options) { this.expensiveFunction = expensiveFunction; this.keyMapper = options.keyMapper; this.name = options.name ?? `defaultCache`; this.storage = options.storage; this.data = options.data ?? {}; } /** * Looks up the result for the given parameters and returns it. * If the result is not cached, it will be calculated and added to the cache. * @param {Params} params */ async get(...params) { const keys = this.keyMapper(...params); const lastKey = keys.pop(); if (!lastKey) return; const record = this._get(keys); if (record[lastKey] === undefined) { // create a new entry to cache the result of the expensive function const newEntry = await this.expensiveFunction(...params); if (newEntry !== undefined) { record[lastKey] = newEntry; } } return record[lastKey]; } /** * Manually sets the cache value for the given key. * @param {Key[]} keys Components of the key. * @param {Result} value */ set(keys, value) { const lastKey = keys.pop(); this._get(keys)[lastKey] = value; } /** * Loads the persisted cache entries. */ load() { const storedData = this.storage?.getItem(this.name); if (storedData) { this.data = JSON.parse(storedData); } } /** * Persists all entries of the cache. */ store() { this.storage?.setItem(this.name, JSON.stringify(this.data)); } /** * Clears all entries of the cache and persists the changes. */ clear() { this.data = {}; this.store(); } /** * Returns the cache record which is indexed by the key. * @param {Key[]} keys Components of the key. */ _get(keys) { let record = this.data; keys.forEach((key) => { if (record[key] === undefined) { // create an empty record for all missing keys record[key] = {}; } record = record[key]; }); return record; } } /** * @template Params * @template Result * @template {string | number} Key * @extends {FunctionCache} */ class SimpleCache extends FunctionCache { /** * @param {Object} options * @param {string} [options.name] Name of the cache, used as storage key (optional). * @param {Storage} [options.storage] Storage which should be used to persist the cache (optional). * @param {Record} [options.data] Record which should be used as cache (defaults to an empty record). */ constructor(options) { // use a dummy function to make the function cache fail without actually running an expensive function super((...params) => undefined, { ...options, keyMapper: (...params) => params, }); } } /** @type {SimpleCache<[entityType: CoreEntityTypeT, name: string], MB.MBID>} */ const nameToMBIDCache = new SimpleCache({ name: 'nameToMBIDCache', storage: window.localStorage, }); /** * Extracts the entity type and ID from a Discogs URL. * @param {string} url URL of a Discogs entity page. * @returns {[Discogs.EntityType,string]|undefined} Type and ID. */ function extractEntityFromURL(url) { return url.match(/(artist|label|master|release)\/(\d+)/)?.slice(1); } /** * @param {Discogs.EntityType} entityType * @param {number} entityId */ function buildEntityURL(entityType, entityId) { return `https://www.discogs.com/${entityType}/${entityId}`; } /** * @param {Discogs.EntityType} entityType * @param {number} entityId */ function buildApiURL(entityType, entityId) { return `https://api.discogs.com/${entityType}s/${entityId}`; } // Adapted from https://thoughtspile.github.io/2018/07/07/rate-limit-promises/ function rateLimitedQueue(operation, interval) { let queue = Promise.resolve(); // empty queue is ready return (...args) => { const result = queue.then(() => operation(...args)); // queue the next operation // start the next delay, regardless of the last operation's success queue = queue.then(() => delay(interval), () => delay(interval)); return result; }; } /** * Limits the number of requests for the given operation within a time interval. * @template Params * @template Result * @param {(...args: Params) => Result} operation Operation that should be rate-limited. * @param {number} interval Time interval (in ms). * @param {number} requestsPerInterval Maximum number of requests within the interval. * @returns {(...args: Params) => Promise} Rate-limited version of the given operation. */ function rateLimit(operation, interval, requestsPerInterval = 1) { if (requestsPerInterval == 1) { return rateLimitedQueue(operation, interval); } const queues = Array(requestsPerInterval).fill().map(() => rateLimitedQueue(operation, interval)); let queueIndex = 0; return (...args) => { queueIndex = (queueIndex + 1) % requestsPerInterval; // use the next queue return queues[queueIndex](...args); // return the result of the operation }; } /** * Calls to the MusicBrainz API are limited to one request per second. * https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_API */ const callAPI$1 = rateLimit(fetch, 1000); /** * Requests the given entity from the MusicBrainz API. * @param {string} url (Partial) URL which contains the entity type and the entity's MBID. * @param {string[]} inc Include parameters which should be added to the API request. * @returns {Promise} */ function fetchEntity$1(url, inc) { const entity = extractEntityFromURL$1(url); if (!entity) throw new Error('Invalid entity URL'); const endpoint = [entity.type, entity.mbid].join('/'); return fetchFromAPI(endpoint, {}, inc); } /** * Returns the entity of the desired type which is associated to the given resource URL. * @param {CoreEntityTypeT} entityType Desired type of the entity. * @param {string} resourceURL * @returns {Promise} The first matching entity. (TODO: handle ambiguous URLs) */ async function getEntityForResourceURL(entityType, resourceURL) { try { const url = await fetchFromAPI('url', { resource: resourceURL }, [`${entityType}-rels`]); return url?.relations.filter((rel) => rel['target-type'] === entityType)?.[0][entityType]; } catch (error) { return null; } } /** * Makes a request to the MusicBrainz API of the currently used server and returns the results as JSON. * @param {string} endpoint Endpoint (e.g. the entity type) which should be queried. * @param {Record} query Query parameters. * @param {string[]} inc Include parameters which should be added to the query parameters. */ async function fetchFromAPI(endpoint, query = {}, inc = []) { if (inc.length) { query.inc = inc.join(' '); // spaces will be encoded as `+` } query.fmt = 'json'; const headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', // 'User-Agent': 'Application name/ ( contact-url )', }; const response = await callAPI$1(`https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/${endpoint}?${new URLSearchParams(query)}`, { headers }); if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } } const DISCOGS_ENTITY_TYPES = { artist: 'artist', label: 'label', release: 'release', 'release_group': 'master', }; /** * Maps Discogs IDs to MBIDs. * @param {MB.EntityType} entityType * @param {number} discogsId */ async function discogsToMBID(entityType, discogsId) { const discogsType = DISCOGS_ENTITY_TYPES[entityType]; if (!discogsType) return; const entity = await getEntityForResourceURL(entityType, buildEntityURL(discogsType, discogsId)); return entity?.id; } /** * Cache for the mapping of Discogs entities to the MBIDs of their equivalent entities on MusicBrainz. */ const discogsToMBIDCache = new FunctionCache(discogsToMBID, { keyMapper: (type, id) => [type, id], name: 'discogsToMBIDCache', storage: window.localStorage, }); /** * Creates an URL to seed the editor of the given entity with the given external link. * @param {MB.EntityType} type Type of the target entity. * @param {MB.MBID} mbid MBID of the target entity. * @param {string} url External link. * @param {number} linkTypeID * @param {string} [editNote] */ function seedURLForEntity(type, mbid, url, linkTypeID, editNote) { const seedingParams = new URLSearchParams({ [`edit-${type}.url.0.text`]: url, [`edit-${type}.url.0.link_type_id`]: linkTypeID, }); if (editNote) { seedingParams.set(`edit-${type}.edit_note`, buildEditNote(editNote)); } return `${buildEntityURL$1(type, mbid)}/edit?${seedingParams}`; } /** * Creates a dialog to add a relationship to the given source entity. * @param {Object} options * @param {CoreEntityT} [options.source] Source entity, defaults to the currently edited entity. * @param {CoreEntityT | string} [options.target] Target entity object or name. * @param {CoreEntityTypeT} [options.targetType] Target entity type, fallback if there is no full entity given. * @param {number} [options.linkTypeId] Internal ID of the relationship type. * @param {ExternalLinkAttrT[]} [options.attributes] Attributes for the relationship type. * @param {boolean} [options.batchSelection] Batch-edit all selected entities which have the same type as the source. * The source entity only acts as a placeholder in this case. */ async function createDialog({ source = MB.relationshipEditor.state.entity, target, targetType, linkTypeId, attributes, batchSelection = false, } = {}) { const onlyTargetName = (typeof target === 'string'); // prefer an explicit target entity option over only a target type if (target && !onlyTargetName) { targetType = target.entityType; } // open dialog modal for the source entity MB.relationshipEditor.dispatch({ type: 'update-dialog-location', location: { source, batchSelection, }, }); // TODO: currently it takes ~2ms until `relationshipDialogDispatch` is exposed await waitFor(() => !!MB.relationshipEditor.relationshipDialogDispatch, 1); if (targetType) { MB.relationshipEditor.relationshipDialogDispatch({ type: 'update-target-type', source, targetType, }); } if (linkTypeId) { const linkTypeItem = await retry(() => { // the available items are only valid for the current target type, // ensure that they have already been updated after a target type change const availableLinkTypes = MB.relationshipEditor.relationshipDialogState.linkType.autocomplete.items; return availableLinkTypes.find((item) => (item.id == linkTypeId)); }, { wait: 10 }); if (linkTypeItem) { MB.relationshipEditor.relationshipDialogDispatch({ type: 'update-link-type', source, action: { type: 'update-autocomplete', source, action: { type: 'select-item', item: linkTypeItem, }, }, }); } } if (attributes) { setAttributes(attributes); } if (!target) return; /** @type {AutocompleteActionT[]} */ const autocompleteActions = onlyTargetName ? [{ type: 'type-value', value: target, }, { // search dropdown is unaffected by future actions which set credits or date periods type: 'search-after-timeout', searchTerm: target, }] : [{ type: 'select-item', item: entityToSelectItem(target), }]; // autofill the target entity as good as possible autocompleteActions.forEach((autocompleteAction) => { MB.relationshipEditor.relationshipDialogDispatch({ type: 'update-target-entity', source, action: { type: 'update-autocomplete', source, action: autocompleteAction, }, }); }); // focus target entity input if it could not be auto-selected if (onlyTargetName) { qs('input.relationship-target').focus(); } } /** * Creates a dialog to batch-add a relationship to each of the selected source entities. * @param {import('weight-balanced-tree').ImmutableTree} sourceSelection Selected source entities. * @param {Omit[0], 'batchSelection' | 'source'>} options */ function createBatchDialog(sourceSelection, options = {}) { return createDialog({ ...options, source: sourceSelection.value, // use the root node entity as a placeholder batchSelection: true, }); } /** * Resolves after the current/next relationship dialog has been closed. * @returns {Promise} The final state of the dialog when it was closed by the user. */ async function closingDialog() { return new Promise((resolve) => { // wait for the user to accept or cancel the dialog document.addEventListener('mb-close-relationship-dialog', (event) => { const finalState = event.dialogState; finalState.closeEventType = event.closeEventType; resolve(finalState); }, { once: true }); }); } /** @param {string} creditedAs Credited name of the target entity. */ function creditTargetAs(creditedAs) { MB.relationshipEditor.relationshipDialogDispatch({ type: 'update-target-entity', source: MB.relationshipEditor.state.dialogLocation.source, action: { type: 'update-credit', action: { type: 'set-credit', creditedAs, }, }, }); } /** * Sets the relationship attributes of the current dialog. * @param {ExternalLinkAttrT[]} attributes */ function setAttributes(attributes) { MB.relationshipEditor.relationshipDialogDispatch({ type: 'set-attributes', attributes, }); } /** * @param {EntityItemT} entity * @returns {OptionItemT} */ function entityToSelectItem(entity) { return { type: 'option', id: entity.id, name: entity.name, entity, }; } /** * @typedef {import('../types/MBS/scripts/autocomplete2.js').EntityItemT} EntityItemT * @typedef {import('../types/MBS/scripts/autocomplete2.js').OptionItemT} OptionItemT * @typedef {import('../types/MBS/scripts/autocomplete2.js').ActionT} AutocompleteActionT * @typedef {import('../types/MBS/scripts/relationship-editor/state.js').ExternalLinkAttrT} ExternalLinkAttrT * @typedef {import('../types/MBS/scripts/relationship-editor/state.js').RelationshipDialogStateT & { closeEventType: 'accept' | 'cancel' }} RelationshipDialogFinalStateT */ /** * @param {CoreEntityTypeT} sourceType * @param {CoreEntityTypeT} targetType */ function isRelBackward(sourceType, targetType, changeDirection = false) { if (sourceType === targetType) return changeDirection; return sourceType > targetType; } /** * Taken from https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-server/blob/bf0d5ec41c7ddb6c5a8396bf3a64f74acaef9337/root/static/scripts/relationship-editor/hooks/useRelationshipDialogContent.js * @type {Partial} */ const RELATIONSHIP_DEFAULTS = { _lineage: [], _original: null, _status: 1, // add relationship attributes: null, begin_date: null, editsPending: false, end_date: null, ended: false, entity0_credit: '', entity1_credit: '', id: null, linkOrder: 0, linkTypeID: null, }; /** * Creates a relationship between the given source and target entity. * @param {RelationshipProps & { source?: CoreEntityT, target: CoreEntityT, batchSelectionCount?: number }} options * @param {CoreEntityT} [options.source] Source entity, defaults to the currently edited entity. * @param {CoreEntityT} options.target Target entity. * @param {number} [options.batchSelectionCount] Batch-edit all selected entities which have the same type as the source. * The source entity only acts as a placeholder in this case. * @param {RelationshipProps} props Relationship properties. */ function createRelationship({ source = MB.relationshipEditor.state.entity, target, batchSelectionCount = null, ...props }) { const backward = isRelBackward(source.entityType, target.entityType, props.backward ?? false); MB.relationshipEditor.dispatch({ type: 'update-relationship-state', sourceEntity: source, batchSelectionCount, creditsToChangeForSource: '', creditsToChangeForTarget: '', newRelationshipState: { ...RELATIONSHIP_DEFAULTS, entity0: backward ? target : source, entity1: backward ? source : target, id: MB.relationshipEditor.getRelationshipStateId(), ...props, }, oldRelationshipState: null, }); } /** * Creates the same relationship between each of the selected source entities and the given target entity. * @param {import('weight-balanced-tree').ImmutableTree} sourceSelection Selected source entities. * @param {CoreEntityT} target Target entity. * @param {RelationshipProps} props Relationship properties. */ function batchCreateRelationships(sourceSelection, target, props) { return createRelationship({ source: sourceSelection.value, // use the root node entity as a placeholder target, batchSelectionCount: sourceSelection.size, ...props, }); } /** * Converts the given relationship attribute(s) into a tree which contains their full attribute type properties. * @param {ExternalLinkAttrT[]} attributes Distinct attributes, ordered by type ID. * @returns {LinkAttrTree} */ function createAttributeTree(...attributes) { return MB.tree.fromDistinctAscArray(attributes .map((attribute) => { const attributeType = MB.linkedEntities.link_attribute_type[attribute.type.gid]; return { ...attribute, type: attributeType, typeID: attributeType.id, }; }) ); } /** * @typedef {import('weight-balanced-tree').ImmutableTree} LinkAttrTree * @typedef {Partial & { attributes: LinkAttrTree }>} RelationshipProps * @typedef {import('../types/MBS/scripts/relationship-editor/state.js').ExternalLinkAttrT} ExternalLinkAttrT */ /** * Fetches the entity with the given MBID from the internal API ws/js. * @param {MB.MBID} gid MBID of the entity. * @returns {Promise} */ async function fetchEntity(gid) { const result = await fetch(`/ws/js/entity/${gid}`); return result.json(); } /** * Temporary cache for fetched entities from the ws/js API. */ const entityCache = new FunctionCache(fetchEntity, { keyMapper: (gid) => [gid], }); /** * Default punctuation rules. * @type {import('../types.js').SubstitutionRule[]} */ const punctuationRules = [ /* quoted text */ [/(?<=[^\p{L}\d]|^)"(.+?)"(?=[^\p{L}\d]|$)/ug, '“$1”'], // double quoted text [/(?<=\W|^)'(n)'(?=\W|$)/ig, '’$1’'], // special case: 'n' [/(?<=[^\p{L}\d]|^)'(.+?)'(?=[^\p{L}\d]|$)/ug, '‘$1’'], // single quoted text // ... which is enclosed by non-word characters or at the beginning/end of the title // [^\p{L}\d] matches Unicode characters which are neither letters nor digits (\W only works with Latin letters) /* primes */ [/(\d+)"/g, '$1″'], // double primes, e.g. for 12″ [/(\d+)'(\d+)/g, '$1′$2'], // single primes, e.g. for 3′42″ but not for 70’s /* apostrophes */ [/'/g, '’'], // ... and finally the apostrophes should be remaining /* ellipses */ [/(? { if (Number.isNaN(Date.parse(potentialDate))) return potentialDate; // skip invalid date strings, e.g. 1989-90 return potentialDate.replaceAll('-', '‐'); }], /* figure dashes: separate three or more groups of digits (two groups could be range) */ [/\d+(-\d+){2,}/g, (groupedDigits) => groupedDigits.replaceAll('-', '‒')], [/(\d+)-(\d+)/g, '$1–$2'], // en dash for ranges where it means "to", e.g. 1965–1972 /* hyphens */ [/(?<=\S)-(?=\S)/g, '‐'], // ... and finally the hyphens should be remaining /* rare cases where it is difficult to define precise rules: em dash, minus */ ]; /** * Language-specific double and single quotes (RegEx replace values). * @type {Record} */ const languageSpecificQuotes = { en: ['“$1”', '‘$1’'], // English fr: ['« $1 »', '‹ $1 ›'], // French de: ['„$1“', '‚$1‘'], // German }; /** * Indices of the quotation rules (double and single quotes) in `punctuationRules`. */ const quotationRuleIndices = [0, 2]; /** * Additional punctuation rules for certain languages, will be appended to the default rules. * @type {Record} */ const languageSpecificRules = { de: [ // German [/(\w+)-(\s)|(\s)-(\w+)/g, '$1$3‐$2$4'], // hyphens for abbreviated compound words ], ja: [ // Japanese [/(?<=[^\p{L}\d]|^)-(.+?)-(?=[^\p{L}\d]|$)/ug, '–$1–'], // dashes used as brackets ], }; /** * Creates language-specific punctuation guessing substitution rules. * @param {string} [language] ISO 639-1 two letter code of the language. */ function punctuationRulesForLanguage(language) { // create a deep copy of the quotation rules to prevent modifications of the default rules let rules = punctuationRules.map((rule, index) => quotationRuleIndices.includes(index) ? [...rule] : rule); // overwrite replace values for quotation rules with language-specific values (if they are existing) const replaceValueIndex = 1; languageSpecificQuotes[language]?.forEach((value, index) => { const ruleIndex = quotationRuleIndices[index]; rules[ruleIndex][replaceValueIndex] = value; }); // append language-specific rules (if they are existing) languageSpecificRules[language]?.forEach((rule) => { rules.push(rule); }); return rules; } /** * Searches and replaces ASCII punctuation symbols of the given text by their preferred Unicode counterparts. * These can only be guessed based on context as the ASCII symbols are ambiguous. * @param {string} text * @param {string} [language] Language of the text (ISO 639-1 two letter code, optional). */ function guessUnicodePunctuation(text, language) { return transform(text, punctuationRulesForLanguage(language)); } /** * Calls to the Discogs API are limited to 25 unauthenticated requests per minute. * https://www.discogs.com/developers/ */ const callAPI = rateLimit(fetch, 60 * 1000, 25); /** * Requests the given entity from the Discogs API. * @param {Discogs.EntityType} entityType * @param {number} entityId */ async function fetchEntityFromAPI(entityType, entityId) { const response = await callAPI(buildApiURL(entityType, entityId)); if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } } /** * Fetches the extra artists (credits) for the given release. * @param {string} releaseURL URL of a Discogs release page. */ async function fetchCredits(releaseURL) { const entity = extractEntityFromURL(releaseURL); if (entity && entity[0] === 'release') { /** @type {Discogs.Release} */ const release = await fetchEntityFromAPI(...entity); return release.extraartists.flatMap((artist) => { // drop bracketed numeric suffixes for ambiguous artist names artist.name = artist.name.replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, ''); artist.anv = guessUnicodePunctuation(artist.anv || artist.name); // split multiple roles into multiple credits (separated by commas which are not inside square brackets) return artist.role.split(/,\s*(?![^[\]]*\])/).map((role) => { /** @type {Discogs.ParsedArtist} */ const parsedArtist = { ...artist }; // use a separate attribute for credited role names in square brackets const roleWithCredit = role.match(/(.+?) \[(.+)\]$/); if (roleWithCredit) { parsedArtist.role = roleWithCredit[1]; parsedArtist.roleCredit = guessUnicodePunctuation(roleWithCredit[2]); } else { parsedArtist.role = role; } return parsedArtist; }); }); } else { throw new Error('Invalid Discogs URL'); } } /** * Fetches the voice actor and narrator credits for the given release. * @param {string} releaseURL URL of a Discogs release page. */ async function fetchVoiceActors(releaseURL) { return (await fetchCredits(releaseURL)) .filter((artist) => ['Voice Actor', 'Narrator'].includes(artist.role)) .flatMap((artist) => { // split artists with multiple roles into multiple credits const roles = artist.roleCredit?.split('/'); if (!roles || roles.length === 1) return artist; return roles.map((role) => ({ ...artist, roleCredit: role.trim() })); }); } /** * Adds a voice actor relationship for the given artist and their role. * Automatically maps artist names to MBIDs where possible, asks the user to match the remaining ones. * If recordings are selected, the voice actor relationships will be added to these, otherwise they target the release. * @param {string} artistName Artist name (as credited). * @param {string} roleName Credited role of the artist. * @param {boolean} [bypassCache] Bypass the name to MBID cache to overwrite wrong entries, disabled by default. * @returns {Promise} */ async function addVoiceActor(artistName, roleName, bypassCache = false) { const artistMBID = !bypassCache && await nameToMBIDCache.get('artist', artistName); /** @type {import('weight-balanced-tree').ImmutableTree | null} */ const recordings = MB.relationshipEditor.state.selectedRecordings; if (artistMBID) { // mapping already exists, automatically add the relationship const artist = await entityCache.get(artistMBID); createVoiceActorRelationship({ artist, roleName, artistCredit: artistName, recordings }); return 'done'; } else { // pre-fill dialog and collect mappings for freshly matched artists const artistMatch = await letUserSelectVoiceActor({ artistName, roleName, artistCredit: artistName, recordings }); if (artistMatch?.gid) { nameToMBIDCache.set(['artist', artistName], artistMatch.gid); return 'done'; } else { return 'skipped'; } } } /** * Imports all existing voice actor credits from the given Discogs release. * Automatically maps Discogs entities to MBIDs where possible, asks the user to match the remaining ones. * @param {string} releaseURL URL of the Discogs source release. * @returns - Number of credits (total & automatically mapped). * - List of unmapped entities (manually matched or skipped) for which MB does not store the Discogs URLs. */ async function importVoiceActorsFromDiscogs(releaseURL) { /** * Unmapped entities for which MB does not store the Discogs URLs. * @type {EntityMapping[]} */ const unmappedArtists = []; let mappedCredits = 0; const actors = await fetchVoiceActors(releaseURL); for (const actor of actors) { let roleName = actor.roleCredit; // always give Discogs narrators a role name, // otherwise both "Narrator" and "Voice Actors" roles are mapped to MB's "spoken vocals" rels without distinction if (!roleName && actor.role === 'Narrator') { roleName = 'Narrator'; // TODO: localize according to release language? } const artistCredit = actor.anv; // we are already using the name as a fallback const artistMBID = await discogsToMBIDCache.get('artist', actor.id); if (artistMBID) { // mapping already exists, automatically add the relationship const mbArtist = await entityCache.get(artistMBID); createVoiceActorRelationship({ artist: mbArtist, roleName, artistCredit }); mappedCredits++; // duplicates of already existing rels will be merged automatically } else { // pre-fill dialog and collect mappings for freshly matched artists const artistMatch = await letUserSelectVoiceActor({ artistName: actor.name, roleName, artistCredit }); if (artistMatch?.gid) { discogsToMBIDCache.set(['artist', actor.id], artistMatch.gid); unmappedArtists.push({ MBID: artistMatch.gid, name: artistMatch.name, comment: artistMatch.comment, externalURL: buildEntityURL('artist', actor.id), externalName: actor.name, }); } } } // persist cache entries after each import, TODO: only do this on page unload discogsToMBIDCache.store(); return { totalCredits: actors.length, mappedCredits, unmappedArtists, }; } async function letUserSelectVoiceActor({ artistName, roleName, artistCredit, recordings }) { await createVoiceActorDialog({ artist: artistName, roleName, artistCredit, recordings }); // let the user select the matching entity const finalState = await closingDialog(); // only use the selected target artist of accepted dialogs if (finalState.closeEventType === 'accept') { return finalState.targetEntity.target; } } /** * Creates an "Add relationship" dialogue where the type "vocals" and the attribute "spoken vocals" are pre-selected. * Optionally the performing artist (voice actor) and the name of the role can be pre-filled. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {string | ArtistT} [options.artist] Performing artist object or name (optional). * @param {string} [options.roleName] Credited name of the voice actor's role (optional). * @param {string} [options.artistCredit] Credited name of the performing artist (optional). * @param {import('weight-balanced-tree').ImmutableTree} [options.recordings] * Recordings to create the dialog for (fallback to release). */ async function createVoiceActorDialog({ artist, roleName, artistCredit, recordings } = {}) { const vocalAttributes = [{ type: { gid: 'd3a36e62-a7c4-4eb9-839f-adfebe87ac12' }, // spoken vocals credited_as: roleName, }]; if (recordings) { await createBatchDialog(recordings, { target: artist, targetType: 'artist', linkTypeId: 149, // performance -> performer -> vocals attributes: vocalAttributes, }); } else { await createDialog({ target: artist, targetType: 'artist', linkTypeId: 60, // performance -> performer -> vocals attributes: vocalAttributes, }); } if (artistCredit) { creditTargetAs(artistCredit); } } /** * @param {Object} [options] * @param {ArtistT} options.artist The performing artist. * @param {string} [options.roleName] Credited name of the voice actor's role (optional). * @param {string} [options.artistCredit] Credited name of the performing artist (optional). * @param {import('weight-balanced-tree').ImmutableTree} [options.recordings] * Recordings to create the relationships for (fallback to release). */ function createVoiceActorRelationship({ artist, roleName, artistCredit, recordings }) { const vocalAttributes = createAttributeTree({ type: { gid: 'd3a36e62-a7c4-4eb9-839f-adfebe87ac12' }, // spoken vocals credited_as: roleName, }); if (recordings) { batchCreateRelationships(recordings, artist, { linkTypeID: 149, // performance -> performer -> vocals entity0_credit: artistCredit, attributes: vocalAttributes, }); } else { createRelationship({ target: artist, linkTypeID: 60, // performance -> performer -> vocals entity0_credit: artistCredit, attributes: vocalAttributes, }); } } const UI = `
    `; function buildVoiceActorCreditParserUI() { const creditSeparatorInput = dom('credit-separator'); nameToMBIDCache.load(); addParserButton('Parse voice actor credits', async (creditLine, event) => { const creditTokens = creditLine.split(getPattern(creditSeparatorInput.value) || /$/); if (creditTokens.length === 2) { let [roleName, artistName] = creditTokens.map((token) => guessUnicodePunctuation(token.trim())); const swapNames = event.shiftKey; if (swapNames) { [artistName, roleName] = [roleName, artistName]; } const bypassCache = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey; const result = await addVoiceActor(artistName, roleName, bypassCache); nameToMBIDCache.store(); return result; } else { return 'skipped'; } }, [ 'SHIFT key to swap the order of artist names and their role names', 'CTRL or ⌘ key to bypass the cache and force a search', ].join('\n')); } function buildVoiceActorCreditImporterUI() { discogsToMBIDCache.load(); dom('credit-parser').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', UI); addButton('Import voice actors', async () => { const releaseData = await fetchEntity$1(window.location.href, ['release-groups', 'url-rels']); const releaseURL = buildEntityURL$1('release', releaseData.id); let discogsURL = releaseData.relations.find((rel) => rel.type === 'discogs')?.url.resource; if (!discogsURL) { discogsURL = prompt('Discogs release URL'); } if (discogsURL) { const result = await importVoiceActorsFromDiscogs(discogsURL); addMessageToEditNote(`Imported voice actor credits from ${discogsURL}`); // mapping suggestions const newMatches = result.unmappedArtists.filter((mapping) => mapping.MBID); const artistSeedNote = `Matching artist identified while importing credits from ${discogsURL} to ${releaseURL}`; const messages = newMatches.map((match) => [ 'Please add the external link', `${match.externalName}`, 'to the matched entity:', `${match.name}`, match.comment ? `(${match.comment})` : '', ].join(' ')); // import statistics const importedCredits = result.mappedCredits + newMatches.length; messages.unshift(`Successfully imported ${importedCredits} of ${result.totalCredits} credits, ${result.mappedCredits} of them were mapped automatically.`); dom('credit-import-status').innerHTML = messages.map((message) => `


    `).join('\n'); } }, 'Import credits from Discogs'); } buildCreditParserUI(buildVoiceActorCreditParserUI, buildVoiceActorCreditImporterUI); })();