A single "breakout board" several elements:
A Feather WICED: https://www.adafruit.com/product/3056
Two home made modules (with KiCad):
A power supply: http://amzn.to/2kH5VbB
A OLED screen: http://amzn.to/2lTwYW2
A trinket pro
Two headers for raspberry pi should also be present
The communication between the two modules is purely using the stripboard. There are 19 tracks ( https://kelu124.gitbooks.io/echomods/content/Chapter6/interfaces.html ).
The trinket provides two pins to the ITF-I_pulse_on and ITF-J_pulse_off tracks -- and needs only 5V in and GND.
The board will need basically a couple of pullups for the OLED screen, and decoupling capas for the power supply module.
There will be also to have some headers available for a servo (see: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kelu124/echomods/master/croaker/images/kit-overaview.png ).
It would be great to have a double header available for the different tracks at the level of the stripboard.
And overall, some marking on the board level to easily identify the tracks
Trinket :
- BAT to 5V track (track #2) and GND on GND track (track #1)
- Pin 12 to Pulse A (#9) and Pin 13 to Pulse B (#10) Feather :
- Pin A1 to Signal out track (#3)
- Pin B5 to Track Pulse A (#9)
- GND to GND (track #1) and VUSB to 5V (track #2) Power supply :
- 3.3V connected to 3.3V track (track #19)
- 5V on the 5V track (track #2)
- GND on GND track (track #1) OLED :
- VCC to 3.3V track (track #19) and GND on GND track (track #1)
- SCL to Feather WICED SCL pin
- SDA to Feather WICED SCL pin Small TFT
Double header not connected to anything (tracks cut). Double header for breakout of TFT screen.
Should look like this: