Currently the plugin only supports the languages below:
- English (Native By Kennedy Oliveira - Owner and Plugin Developer)
- Português Brasileiro (By Aninha Pessoni)
- French (By Vinetos)
- Norwegian (By Kim Iversen [kimfy])
- Dutch (By Thibault Helsmoortel)
To help with translation you have two options, doing all by yourself and sending a pull request to project, or only translating the messages file and sending to me, and i'll do the rest.
First, you need to copy the resources/
and translate to your desired language.
Obs: If your language has some special characters, like é á Å Ø Æ
, please instead of using this characters access this link Unicode Table, search for the character, for example the Æ
, click on it and there will be a Unicode number: U+00C6
, you will get the part after U+
and will use in the message file like \u00C6
and it'll work just fine. See the image below:
After doing that, you'll rename the file including your language at end, for example, suppose you are translating to japanese
then you 'll rename the file to
With the message file translated, now it's time to tell the plugin that your language exists, to do it, go to the file
, there you'll find a static block
with a
map inside, there you'll put a new entry in the map where the key is the language that will show
in the language options on plugins settings and the value of map entry is the Locale
representing your language locale.
See the example:
package com.github.kennedyoliveira.ultimatepastebin.i18n;
import com.github.kennedyoliveira.pastebin.settings.PasteBinConfigurationService;
import com.intellij.CommonBundle;
import com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager;
import com.sun.istack.internal.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.*;
* @author kennedy
public class MessageBundle {
private final static Map<String, Locale> availableTranslations;
// some code
static {
pasteBinConfigurationService = ServiceManager.getService(PasteBinConfigurationService.class);
// Defines the available languages in the format of key = Name of the language, Value the locale used
availableTranslations = new HashMap<>();
availableTranslations.put("Portugues Brasileiro", new Locale.Builder().setLanguage("pt").setRegion("BR").build());
availableTranslations.put("English", new Locale.Builder().setLanguage("en").build());
// here you will put your new language
availableTranslations.put("My Language", new Locale.Builder().setLanguage("lg").build());
// rest of the class omitted....
That's it! Now just send a pull request and i'll put your translation in the next release.
If you don't understand java but wants to help, that is not a problem!
Just get the
file, translate it, and send it back by e-mail to me at [email protected]
i'll put the language in the plugin for you and release in the next version!
Thanks in advanced!