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Zumi Remote Access accross the internet


Zumi is usually accessed via it's own Wifi network. Here, we show how to open it for remote access from anywhere in the internet...

What you need

  • your Zumi should be setup and connected to the internet
  • a server were you have super user rights (we use a Debian/Ubuntu Linux machine in this document)

Jupyter Proxy

Scenario: allow access to the Jupyter Notebooks running on one ore more Zumis via a fixed URL. In our example:

We use a combination of a reverse web-proxy (Traefik) on the server and SSH port-forwarding to get this done...

On the Zumi

Use ssh to get on the Zumi console.

install screen

sudo apt-get install screen

generate SSH keys

ssh-keygen -b 4096
mv .ssh/ .ssh/
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ [email protected]

NOTE: the user zumi01 must exist on your server -> see On the Server

NOTE2: rename the Zumi if you have more than one

generate a Jupyter config:

jupyter notebook --generate-config

and edit it:

sudo vim /home/pi/.jupyter/

add the following lines:

c.NotebookApp.ip = ''
c.NotebookApp.port = 8888
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
c.NotebookApp.allow_remote_access = True
c.NotebookApp.token = ''
c.NotebookApp.base_url = '/zumi01/'
c.NotebookApp.webapp_settings = {'static_url_prefix':'/zumi01/static/'}

NOTE: if you use more than one Zumi, change the names (here zumi01) and the port (here 8888) for all other Zumis.

write a start script

vim /home/pi/

and add:

#disable wifi power save
sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off
#start jupyter
sudo -u pi /usr/local/bin/jupyter notebook --config /home/pi/.jupyter/ --no-browser --notebook-dir=/home/pi/ &
#forward jupyter port to server
screen -d -m sudo -u pi ssh -i /home/pi/.ssh/zumi01 -R 8888:localhost:8888 [email protected]

NOTE: change zumi name and port according to your settings in the Jupyter config.

start remote access

sh /home/pi/

from ssh or Jupyter Terminal. Add this line to /etc/rc.local to auto-start remote access.

On your Server

add user

sudo useradd zumi01

Install Traefik Proxy

Note: we use the slighte out dated Traefik Version 1.7 -> config files need to be different for later versions

Get the Traefik binary release:


Traefik config

Create a traefig.toml config file an enter the following config:

defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"]

    address = "IP_OF_MY_SERVER"
    	entryPoint = "https"
    #this part redirects all http connections to https 
    address = "IP_OF_MY_SERVE:443"
        #put your domain SSL cert + key in the folder SSL
      	CertFile = "SSL/cert.pem"
      	KeyFile = "SSL/key.pem"

#logging options               
filePath = "log/traefik.log"

filePath = "log/log.txt"



#front end for one zumi
backend = "zumi01"
passHostHeader = true
basicAuth = ["USER:HTTPPASSWD"]
rule = "PathPrefix:/zumi01"


url = ""

This config will proxy a request to ````` to the Jupyter Notebook on the Zumi.

Security Note: The first part of the connection client->server will be SSL encrypted, the second part server->zumi will be protected by the SSH tunnel. A basic password auth is provided. See Traefik docu for more complicated multi user auth.

Start Traefik

./traefik_linux-amd64 -c traefik.toml &

For permanent proxy installtions, we use a systemcttl deamon for traefik

SSH Port-forwarding

We use SSH to forward the Jupyter ports to the server, which then connects the proxy to these local ports

ssh -i /home/pi/.ssh/zumi01 -R 8888:localhost:8888 [email protected]


We can do the same for the RPC port:

ssh -i /home/pi/.ssh/zumi01 -R RPC_PORT:localhost:RPC_PORT [email protected]

However, in this case the proxy will not work (traefic is only a web-proxy). But we can use firewall and SSHD config to allow direct access to the server port.

NOTE: security now relies on the RPC encription and auth directly on the Zumi.


We use the ufw firewall

ufw default deny incoming
ufw default allow outgoing
ufw allow http/tcp
ufw allow https/tcp
ufw allow ssh
ufw allow 9001/tcp comment 'zumi1 rpc'

SSHD config

edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set

GatewayPorts yes