title | author | date |
Notebook5_fulltermP2_and_pretermP3 |
Laura Wolbeck |
2023-02-28 |
In this notebook DEG and GSEA analysis is performed for samples fullterm P2 and preterm P3. Moreover, this script includes code for all figures of fullterm P2 and preterm P3 samples. For DEG and GSEA the package "cacoa" was used: https://github.com/kharchenkolab/cacoa/tree/main
#Load helper functions
#Load libraries
library(conos) #version 1.4.0
Read in high resolution annotation file "anno" Con2 from notebook1 is read in as "con"
Create condition factor
condition <- setNames(c("fullterm", "fullterm", "preterm", "preterm"), names(con$samples))
Create Cacoa object
cao <- Cacoa$new(con, cell.groups = anno, sample.groups=condition, n.cores = 10, ref.level = "fullterm", target.level = "preterm")
estimate DE genes
cao$estimatePerCellTypeDE(n.cores=50) #DEs not calculated for Microglia
save DEG of RG as excel file
DEG <- cao$test.results$de %>% lapply("[[", "res")
write.xlsx(x = DEG$RG, file= "DEG_late_RG.xlsx")
cao$estimateOntology(type="GSEA", org.db=org.Mm.eg.db)
save GSEA results of RG as excel file
cao$saveOntologyAsTable("late_GSEA.tsv", name="GSEA")
GSEA <- read.table("late_GSEA.tsv", sep="\t")
write.xlsx(x = GSEA[GSEA$V1=="RG",], file= "GSEA_late_RG.xlsx")
enrichplot::dotplot(cao$test.results$GSEA$res$RG$BP,showCategory=c("ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis","ribonucleoprotein complex assembly","ribonucleoprotein complex subunit organization"))
cao$plotCellLoadings(signif.threshold=0.05, show.pvals = F) + xlab("separation coefficient")
ggsave("Compositionshifts_fullterm.pdf",width=6, height=4.5)
#defining colours of clusters
colours_high <- c("#e1af32","#FFAF32","#3232FF","#32FF32","#FFFF00","#CDCD32","#FF9b9b","#EB8C32","#C8961E","#FF3232","#AF3232","#B49191","#694646","#820000","#965050","#550505","#C80F0F","#AF32FF","#E632E6","#FFC8FF","#DBFF00") %>% setNames(c("Immature ependymal cells-2","Immature ependymal cells-2","RG","Intermediate progenitor cells","Dividing cells-2","Dividing cells-1","Neuroblasts-1", "Dividing cells-4", "Dividing cells-3","Neuroblasts-2","Neurons 1-1","Neurons 1-2","Neurons 2","Neurons 3-3","Neurons 3-4","Neurons 3-1","Neurons 3-2","OPC","Microglia", "Endothelial/Pericytes/VSMC","Erythrocyte"))
con$plotGraph(groups=anno, label="") + scale_colour_manual(values=colours_high)+ theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
#define words to exclude from collapsed GO terms
ex_words <- c('regulation', 'process', 'cell', 'a', 'an')
RG <- cao$plotOntologyHeatmapCollapsed(
name="GSEA", genes="down", n=300, size.range=c(1, 4), subtype="BP", exclude.words=ex_words, clust.method="ward.D")
#filter for Radial glia
RG$data %<>% filter(G2=="RG", value > 0)
df <- RG$data
df %<>% arrange(value) %>% mutate(G1 = G1 %>% factor(., levels = .))
#define color legend
color.guide <- guide_colorbar(title = "-log10(p-value)", title.position = "left",
title.theme = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 0.5))
ggplot(df, aes(x=G2, y = G1, fill = value)) + geom_tile( colour="white", size=0.2) + scale_fill_distiller(direction = 1 , palette = "Blues") + guides(fill = color.guide) + labs(title="Top 20 down of RG ", y = " ", x= " ") + theme_grey(base_size = 11) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank())
#define words to exclude from collapsed GO terms
ex_words <- c('regulation', 'process', 'cell')
RG <- cao$plotOntologyHeatmapCollapsed(
name="GSEA", genes="up", n=118, size.range=c(1, 4), subtype="BP", exclude.words=ex_words, clust.method="ward.D")
RG$data %<>% filter(G2=="RG", value > 0)
#filter for Radial glia
df <- RG$data
df %<>% arrange(value) %>% mutate(G1 = G1 %>% factor(., levels = .))
#define color legend
color.guide <- guide_colorbar(title = "-log10(p-value)", title.position = "left",
title.theme = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 0.5))
ggplot(df, aes(x=G2, y = G1, fill = value)) + geom_tile( colour="white", size=0.2) + scale_fill_distiller(direction = 1 , palette = "Reds") + guides(fill = color.guide) + labs(title="Top 30 up of RG", y = " ", x= " ") + theme_grey(base_size = 11) + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank())
cao <- readRDS("cao_late_DEG2.rds")
dotplot(cao$test.results$GSEA$res$RG$BP,showCategory=c("mitochondrial respiratory chain complex assembly","mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I assembly"))