Notebook 6: Transcription factor analysis
library(dorothea )
library(tibble )
library(tidyr )
library(dplyr )
library(ggplot2 )
library(pheatmap )
library(readr )
library(data.table )
library(colorRamps )
library(circlize )
1. Load DE genes calculated in Notebook3
de <- readRDS(" ~/RProjects/schizo/sp2/del.fixedW.RDS" )
dehigh <- de $ high
dehigh <- lapply(dehigh , " [[" , " res" )
2. Create DE object for viper input
dehm <- lapply(dehigh , function (x ){
data.table(x ) %> %
dplyr :: select(Gene , Z ) %> %
dplyr :: filter(! )) %> %
column_to_rownames(var = " Gene" ) %> %
3. Extract dorothea regulons
# # We load Dorothea Regulons
data(dorothea_hs , package = " dorothea" )
regulons <- dorothea_hs %> %
dplyr :: filter(confidence %in% c(" A" , " B" ," C" ))
tf_activities_stat <- lapply(dehm , function (x ) {
dorothea :: run_viper(x , regulons ,
options = list (minsize = 3 , eset.filter = FALSE ,
cores = 1 , verbose = FALSE , nes = TRUE ))})
5. extract top 10 +NES and -NES TFs for each cell type and make union for HM plot
tf_activities_stat_top10_up <- lapply(tf_activities_stat , function (x ){
x %> % %> %
rownames_to_column(var = " GeneID" ) %> %
dplyr :: rename(NES = " Z" ) %> %
dplyr :: top_n(10 , wt = NES ) %> %
dplyr :: arrange(NES ) %> %
dplyr :: mutate(GeneID = factor (GeneID ))})
tf_activities_stat_top10_down <- lapply(tf_activities_stat , function (x ){
x %> % %> %
rownames_to_column(var = " GeneID" ) %> %
dplyr :: rename(NES = " Z" ) %> %
dplyr :: top_n(10 , wt = - NES ) %> %
dplyr :: arrange(NES ) %> %
dplyr :: mutate(GeneID = factor (GeneID ))})
top10up <- rbindlist(tf_activities_stat_top10_up )$ GeneID %> % unique %> % as.character
top10down <- rbindlist(tf_activities_stat_top10_down )$ GeneID %> % unique %> % as.character
m <- :: rbind.fill.matrix , lapply(tf_activities_stat , t ))
rownames(m ) <- names(tf_activities_stat )
m <- t(m )
m <- m [c(top10up , top10down ),] %> % unique
library(circlize )
col_fun = colorRamp2(c(- 2 ,0 ,2 ), c(" darkblue" , " white" ," red4" ))
hm <- Heatmap(scales :: rescale(scale(m [rowSums(ifelse( ) == TRUE , 1 ,0 ))< 10 ,]), to = c(- 2 ,2 )), clustering_method_columns = " ward.D2" , clustering_method_rows = " ward.D2" , na_col = " gray" , column_split = 8 , row_split = 6 , row_title = NULL , column_title = NULL , heatmap_legend_param = list (title = " Score" ), col = col_fun )
col_fun = colorRamp2(c(- 8 , - 2 , 1 ), c(" steelblue" , " white" , " firebrick" ))
downgenes <- c(" FOXP1" , " MYC" , " HMBOX1" , " ZEB2" , " HIF1A" , " SREBF1" , " SREBF2" )
set.seed(1 )
hmdown <- Heatmap(m [rownames(m ) %in% downgenes ,], clustering_method_columns = " ward.D2" , clustering_method_rows = " ward.D2" , na_col = " gray" , column_km = 6 , row_title = NULL , column_title = NULL , heatmap_legend_param = list (title = " NES" ),
column_names_max_height = unit(15 , " cm" ), column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10 ), row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10 ), col = col_fun )
upgenes <- c(" TEAD1" , " POU5F1" , " TCF12" , " TCF4" , " TEAD4" , " PRDM14" , " ASCL1" )
col_fun2 = colorRamp2(c(0 , 5 , 10 ), c(" steelblue" , " white" , " firebrick" ))
set.seed(1 )
hmup <- Heatmap((m [rownames(m ) %in% upgenes ,]), clustering_method_columns = " ward.D2" , clustering_method_rows = " ward.D2" , na_col = " gray" , row_title = NULL , column_title = NULL , heatmap_legend_param = list (title = " NES" ),
column_names_max_height = unit(15 , " cm" ), column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10 ), row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10 ), col = col_fun2 , column_km = 3 )