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Kevin Papst edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 1 revision

Currently, Kimai only uses email to send users an email if they have forgotten their password. It is also currently only implemented for the kimai_auth authenticator. This is reasonable as the other authentication methods do not allow Kimai to change passwords, e.g. LDAP user must go to the LDAP administrator if they forget their password.


Currently configuring email requires the use of the includes/autoconf.php file and the configuration is performed during installation. The values can be changed there later if necessary.

$mail_transport = "sendmail";
$smtp_name = "";
$smtp_host = "";
$smtp_port = "465";
$smtp_auth = "login";
$smtp_user = "[email protected]";
$smtp_pass = "password";
$smtp_ssl = "ssl";

Set the parameters according to the email documentation below.

Email Configuration


  • mail_transport: This defines the Zend Mail transport mechanism used. Default is sendmail (requires no further configuration). smtp requires the following variables to be set as required by your smtp server
  • smtp_name: The DNS name of your smtp server
  • smtp_host: The DNS or IP address or your SMTP Server
  • smtp_port: The port that your smtp server supports (examples: 25, 465, 587)
  • smtp_auth: The authentication mechanism to use with the smtp server. plain, login or crammd5
  • smtp_user: The user or account to authenticate to the smtp server
  • smtp_pass: The passrord for the user account to authenticate to the smtp server
  • smtp_ssl: SSL Support for the email server ssl: the connection is ssl from the start. tls: the STARTTLS directive is sent to the smtp server after the connection is established
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