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Report Export module that allows users to customize content and export in a desired format.
- Created by JordanGS.
- Minimum Supported Version: Weekly Release ZAP_D-2016-09-05
- Project on GitHub. You can also find a .zip of the minimum supported release in the zap-download folder.
- Supported and incorporated in the Official OWASP Zed Attack Proxy Jenkins Plugin.
- Command Line
- API Calls
User entered and automatically retrieve data relevant to the report. Hover over each field in the extension for tool tip.
- Title - Defaults to Session Name
- By
- For
- Scan Date - User entered date of AScan, defaults to current date-time
- Report Date - Defaults to current date-time
- Scan Version - Placeholder for future
- Report Version - Defaults to current version of ZAP tool
Include/Exclude Alerts by Severity.
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Informational
Include/Exclude Details of each Alert.
- Description
- Other Info
- Solution
- Reference
- Request Header
- Response Header
- Request Body
- Response Body
The dialog only shows folders and accepted file types. The 'Files of Type' drop down list will filter to show only folders and files of the specified extension.
- ASCII 1.0 Strict Compliant XHTML Files (.xhtml )
- XML Files (.xml )
- JSON Files (.json )
- Bootstrap HTML Files(.bootstrap.html )
- PDF Documents (.pdf )
- Google Documents (.doc )
Show all accepted files
List of accepted file formats
Filter by a specific file format
The extension can be run from the command line as well and requires the following arguments to be passed in to generate a report.
- -session: Opens the given session after starting ZAP
- -cmd: Runs ZAP 'inline', ie without starting the UI or a daemon
See the Wiki for more details on the natively supported command line options.
- Saves to the specified file after loading the given session.
Currently Available
- ASCII 1.0 Strict Compliant XHTML Files (.xhtml )
- XML Files (.xml )
- JSON Files (.json )
Future Milestone
- Bootstrap HTML Files(.bootstrap.html )
- PDF Documents (.pdf )
- Google Documents (.doc )
- Specifies the following details of the report:
- Title
- By
- For
- Scan Date
- Report Date
- Scan Ver
- Report Ver
- Description
- Specifies the following details of the report:
- -source_info "Vulnerability Report of MyApp.com;JordanGS;Lost Souls;August 15, 2016;August 18, 2016;ZAP_D-2016-08-15;ZAP_D-2016-08-15;Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, pri corpora ancillae adolescens in. Ea usu atomorum tincidunt, ne munere regione has. Ne sea summo tation, et sed nibh nostrum singulis. Nec causae viderer discere eu."
- Content is unchecked, can enter empty fields if you wish, only condition is that all 8 items are in the list.
- Specifies which alert severities will be included in the report:
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Informational
- Specifies which alert severities will be included in the report:
Input format:
- Only accepts a string list with ';' delimiter
Input restriction:
- Only accepts 't' and 'f' for each item in the list
- -alert_severity "t;t;f;t"
- In the above example, only High, Medium and Informational Alerts will be included in the generated report.
- Validation: Content is validated to be either 't' or 'f' and that all 4 items are in the list.
- Specifies which alert details will be included in the report:
- Description
- Other Info
- Solution
- Reference
- Request Header
- Response Header
- Request Body
- Response Body
- Specifies which alert details will be included in the report:
Input format:
- Only accepts a string list with ';' delimiter
Input restriction:
- Only accepts 't' and 'f' for each item in the list
- -alert_details "t;t;t;t;t;t;f;f;f;f"
- In the above example, only CWE ID, WASC ID, Description, Other Info, Solution and Reference Alert Details will be included in the generated report.
- Content is validated to be either 't' or 'f' and that all 10 items are in the list.
- Open a command prompt
- Navigate to location where the zap.bat file is located
- execute the following: * zap.bat -export_report "/path/to/save/report.xhtml" -source_info "Vulnerability Report of MyApp.com;JordanGS;Lost Souls;August 15, 2016;August 18, 2016;ZAP_D-2016-08-15;ZAP_D-2016-08-15;Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, pri corpora ancillae adolescens in. Ea usu atomorum tincidunt, ne munere regione has. Ne sea summo tation, et sed nibh nostrum singulis. Nec causae viderer discere eu." -alert_severity "t;t;f;t" -alert_details "t;t;t;t;t;t;f;f;f;f" -session "/path/to/existing/session" -cmd
The extension can be accessed with API calls and requires the following arguments to be passed in to generate a report.
The restrictions are the same as those for Command Line above.
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
String absolutePath = "/path/to/save/report.xhtml";
String extension = "xhtml";
String sourceDetails = "Vulnerability Report of MyApp.com;JordanGS;Lost Souls;" +
"August 15, 2016;August 18, 2016;ZAP_D-2016-08-15;ZAP_D-2016-08-15;" +
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, pri corpora ancillae adolescens in. Ea " +
"usu atomorum tincidunt, ne munere regione has. Ne sea summo tation, " +
"et sed nibh nostrum singulis. Nec causae viderer discere eu.";
String alertSeverity = "t;t;f;t";
String alertDetails = "t;t;t;t;t;t;f;f;f;f";
map.put("apikey", API_KEY);
// String representing the absolute path to save destination for the report
map.put("absolutePath", absolutePath)
// String representing the extension of the report
map.put("fileExtension", extension);
// String separated by ; for each entry
map.put("sourceDetails", sourceDetails);
// String separated by ; for each entry
map.put("alertSeverity", alertSeverity);
//String separated by ; for each entry
map.put("alertDetails", alertDetails);
ApiResponseElement val = (ApiResponseElement) clientApi.callApi("exportreport", "action", "generate", map);
- Introduction
2.0 Add-ons
- Add-ons: Release
- Add-ons: Beta
Add-ons: Alpha
- Active Scan Rules - alpha
- Access Control Testing
- All In One Notes
- Authentication Statistics
- Browser View
- Bug Tracker
- Code Dx
- Community Scripts
- Custom Payloads
- Custom Report
- DOM XSS Active Scan Rule
- Export Report
- Form Handler
- Groovy Scripting
- HTTPS Info Add-on
- Open API Specification Support
- Passive Scan Rules - alpha
- Replacer
- Revisit
- Server-Sent Events
- Sequence Scanner
- Simple Example
- SOAP Scanner
- SNI Terminator
- Technology Detection
- TLS Debug
- Add-on Development
- Add-on Structure
- Add-on Debugging
- Examples
- Upgrade
- Code Structure
- 1.4 Add-ons
(This is work in progress;)