The following samples are available for the Multi-OS Engine:
Name | Test Status | Description |
Calculator | OK | A cross platform calculator. Demonstrates simple techniques: work with buttons, performing actions Notes: The Android module is just a Hello World |
CurrencyConverter | OK | Demonstrates how to open an URL and retrieve the content of that URL just using built-in Java* classes |
DateCell | OK | Demonstrates formatted display of date objects in table cells and use of UIDatePicker to edit those values Notes: The Android module is just a Hello World |
FastJNI | OK | Demonstrates the usage of Android's FastJNI |
FlipView | OK | An application that illustrates the following techniques: subclassing UIView, reacting to taps in views, open a URL to an external web site using Safari, flipping view content from front to back |
InAppPurchase | PARTIAL | Demonstrates how to make purchases in your applications Notes: Android module does not compile, iOS works |
KeyboardAccessory | PARTIAL | Shows how to use a keyboard accessory and how to use the keyboard-will-show and keyboard-will-hide notifications to animate resizing a view that is obscured by the keyboard Notes: Android is not the same as iOS |
LazyTableLoader | OK | Demonstrates a multi-stage approach to loading and displaying a UITableView |
LibGDXMissileCommand | OK | Shows how to implement libGDX game Notes: Launch on iOS Simulator only works from Xcode on Xcode 8 |
LocalizedString | OK | Shows how to use iOS's localization APIs |
MuseumMap | OK | Sample is based on SimpleMap sample. This application demonstrates how to work with SQL DB Notes: Requires Google Maps API Key |
NoteSqlite | PARTIAL | Shows how to make persistent storage with SQLlite library using generated bindings for iOS part Notes: Save not pressable on iPhone |
NoteTaking | PARTIAL | Shows how to make persistent storage with file system Notes: Save not pressable on iPhone |
NoteTaking_Android | OK | Android-only version of the NoteTaking sample |
OpenGLBox | OK | Demonstrates 3D graphics programming using OpenGL |
Planets | OK | Demonstrates working with UI Kit graphics |
RssReader | OK | Demonstrates use of HTTP and HTTPS using Java* API |
SimpleMap | OK | A simple application that demonstrates working with MapView Notes: Requires Google Maps API Key |
SimpleNetworkStreams | FAIL | Demonstrates work with sockets Notes: Launches, but not functional |
Snake | OK | A port of the Android Snake sample. Demonstrates simple game creation technique without sprites. Using UIImageView. |
SQLite3Demo_java_sql | OK | Shows how to make persistent storage as SQLite database using java.sql package |
SQLite3Demo android_database_sqlite | OK | Shows how to make persistent storage as SQLite database using android.database.sqlite package Notes: Close guard warning, needs to be checked |
Taxi | FAIL | A template for taxi app that allows to select an address on Google Map Notes: Multiple issues, needs update. |
TheElements | OK | Demonstrates reading content from XML file. Works with UITableView, adding cells, using scrolling. Example of Master-Detail view, loading images from assets, reacting to taps in views, flipping view content from front to back |
TicTacToe | OK | Demonstrates a simple game creation technique without sprites. Using buttons and performing actions. |
WebBrowser | OK | A simple browser that uses WebView |
WordSearch | OK | Sample demonstrating work with dictionary and substring search added |