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OS X cachalot

Installation of cachalot

OS X is currently not able to run Docker natively. Docker announced a much better system for OS X and also Windows in the making. Until Docker has released their Docker for Mac, we provide our own system, called cachalot

{% hint style='working' %} While Docker for Mac and pygmy work well. We still advise to use cachalot on OSX, as the filesystem issues on Docker for Mac have not yet been solved by Docker itself. {% endhint %}

cachalot will handle for you:

  • Start it's own Virtual Machine which runs boot2docker. It does that because the original docker-machine vm is not running on NFS and does not have support for File System Events. Both things which are important for speed and convenience during development.
  • Start two services on OS X: FSEvents and NFS (which will share the folder /User/you into the virtual machine).
  • Creates the file /etc/resolver/ which tells OS X to forward DNS requests for * to the dnsmasq Docker container
  • Start the necessary Docker Containers for the Drupal Docker Development
  • Adds the ssh key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa to the ssh-agent container (no worries if that is the wrong key, you can add more anytime)


  1. OS X Yosemite (10.10) or newer
  2. Homebrew
  3. Docker and Docker Machine. These can either be installed with Homebrew (brew install docker docker-machine), or using a package such as the Docker Toolbox.
  4. A Virtual Machine provider for Docker Machine. Currently supported options are:


Switch back to your Terminal. First make sure your brew is up to date:

brew update

Install Docker and Docker machine
(if you have that installed already, make sure you have the newest versions via brew upgrade docker docker-machine)

brew install docker
brew install docker-machine

Install cachalot via Brew:

brew tap amazeeio/cachalot
brew install cachalot

Create the VM and start services with:

cachalot create --provider virtualbox

You can specify provider (virtualbox, vmware, xhyve or parallels), memory and CPU options when creating the VM. See available options: cachalot help create

Once the VM is up, cachalot will tell you it's own status and instructions to add some Docker-related environment variables, so that your Docker client can contact the Docker server inside the VM, do that with:

eval $(cachalot env)

If you are using Bash Shell. We suggest adding that to your ~/.bash_profile so that the environment variables are available all times:

echo "eval \$(cachalot env)" >> ~/.bash_profile

Or for zsh users:

echo "eval \$(cachalot env)" >> ~/.zshrc

To check that everything has been installed correctly, open and you should see a Status Page of haproxy.

You are all set-up! Are you ready to get your first site setup on your local environment? Yes? Then head over to Part II: Drupal Docker Containers.

Command line usage

cachalot help

  amazeeio-cachalot addkey [~/.ssh/id_rsa]  # Add additional ssh-key
  amazeeio-cachalot create                  # create the docker-machine VM
  amazeeio-cachalot destroy                 # stop and delete all traces of the VM
  amazeeio-cachalot docker_halt             # stop and remove the Docker Containers
  amazeeio-cachalot docker_restart          # Restarts all Docker Containers
  amazeeio-cachalot docker_start            # starts the docker containers
  amazeeio-cachalot docker_status           # Get Status of Docker containers
  amazeeio-cachalot docker_stop             # stop the Docker Containers
  amazeeio-cachalot docker_update           # Pulls Docker Images and recreates the Containers
  amazeeio-cachalot env                     # returns env variables to set, should be run like $(amazeeio_cachalot...
  amazeeio-cachalot halt                    # stop the VM and services
  amazeeio-cachalot help [COMMAND]          # Describe available commands or one specific command
  amazeeio-cachalot ip                      # get the VM's IP address
  amazeeio-cachalot myip                    # get the hosts IP address
  amazeeio-cachalot restart                 # restart the VM and services
  amazeeio-cachalot ssh [args...]           # ssh to the VM
  amazeeio-cachalot status                  # get VM and services status
  amazeeio-cachalot up                      # start the Docker VM and services
  amazeeio-cachalot upgrade                 # upgrade the boot2docker VM to the newest available
  amazeeio-cachalot version                 # display amazeeio_cachalot version

Adding additional ssh keys

cachalot will add ~/.ssh/id_rsa per default to the Docker Environment, if you like to add another key, call the addkey command with the absolute path to the key you would like to add. If the key is passphrase protected, it will ask for your passphrase.

cachalot addkey /Users/amazeeio/.ssh/my_other_key

Enter passphrase for /Users/amazeeio/.ssh/my_other_ke:
Identity added: /Users/amazeeio/.ssh/my_other_key (/Users/amazeeio/.ssh/my_other_key)

Checking the status

Run cachalot status and cachalot will tell you how it feels right now and which ssh-keys it currently has in its stomach:

cachalot status

[virtual machine]

NFS: running
FsEvents: running

Resolver: correctly configured

[docker containers]
Haproxy: Running as docker container amazeeio-haproxy
Dnsmasq: Running as docker container amazeeio-dnsmasq
ssh-agent: Running as docker container amazeeio-ssh-agent, loaded keys:
4096 SHA256:QWzGN1r2X2PHdPi5MxsuUbPSi7HfOuwoSrRAwG43sHI /Users/amazeeio/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)

[environment variables]
Your environment variables are already set correctly. wishes happy Drupaling!

Update Docker Containers with cachalot

cachalot can update shared docker containers for you:

cachalot docker_update

After it updated all containers, it will recreate them as well.


To update cachalot itself, run

cachalot halt
brew update
brew upgrade cachalot
cachalot up

To update the Docker VM, run:

cachalot upgrade

This will run docker-machine upgrade and then restart everything.