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77 lines (52 loc) · 2.01 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (52 loc) · 2.01 KB


1. Make sure the tests run

An important step many may forget:

gradle connectedAndroidTest

You will need an Android emulator running to run the tests.

2. Bump Version Number

The version number needs to be increased. If it is a feature addition/change bump the second number (i.e. 2.X.0). If it is a patch/bug fix bump the last number (i.e. 2.0.X).

In the build.gradle file also bump the versionCode number by 1. This is an Android thing.

The version number lives in:

  1. under com.kissmetrics.sdk. It's in the constant USER_AGENT
  2. build.gradle file at the root.
  3. In the file for the Gradle dependency

3. Merge and Tag

Get your changes into the master branch. Then create a tag with the version:

git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m 'Version X.Y.Z'
git push origin vX.Y.Z

Where X.Y.Z is your version number.

4. Build Artifacts

You can build everything you need with this command line and Gradle 2.3+:

gradle clean build compileReleaseSources javadocs javadocsJar sourcesJar

It will create the following files:


5. Release to Github

Create the Release on GitHub. You have to compress all the files in Step 4 since Github won't accept jar files. Use the script to build the file. It will appear as build/

6. Release on Bintray

To get the Jar/Pom files into JCenter (central Gradle repository) you'll have to do a little more work. First generate the pom file:

gradle install

The KISSmetricsSDK-2.3.1.pom file will be placed under ~/.m2/repository/com/kissmetrics/sdk/KISSmetricsSDK/$VERSION where $VERSION is the new version number (i.e. 2.3.1).

Create a new version of the package in Bintray. Upload the files in Step 4 and KISSmetricsSDK-2.3.1.pom to Bintray.