The makeup of the project in terms of the amount of whitespace, comments, and code.
while (scroll_size > 0):
for doc in res['hits']['hits']:
updates = doc['_source']
ts = updates['time'] #round(updates['time']/86400) * 86400
if updates['time'] % 86400 != 0:
tstmp[ts] = tstmp.get(ts, {})
item = tstmp[ts]
if breakdown:
item['blanks'] = item.get('blanks', 0) + (updates['blank'] or 0)
item['comments'] = item.get('comments', 0) + (updates['comments'] or 0)
item['code'] = item.get('code', 0) + (updates['loc'] or 0)
res = session.DB.ES.scroll(scroll_id = sid, scroll = '1m')
sid = res['_scroll_id']
scroll_size = len(res['hits']['hits'])