Create a new react library project with Vite, React JS, TypeScript, Eslint, Prettier in just 1 second and you don't need to setup anything.
Netlify Deploy:
- ⚛️ React 17
- 📚 Jest - Test framework
- ⏩ Vite - Run and build the project blazingly fast!
- 📐 ESLint & Prettier - Formatting and Linting
- 🌟 Typescript
- 🐶 Husky & Lint Staged - Pre-commit Hooks
- ⏰ Release Please — Generate the changelog with the release-please workflow
- 👷 Github Actions — Releasing versions to NPM
- Clone Template
git clone
- Install Packages
yarn install
- Start Project
yarn dev
- If you using git, delete the existing folder .git after cloning (open
git bash
or other terminal)
rm -rf .git
The starter contains the following scripts:
- starts dev serverbuild
- generates the following bundles: CommonJS (.cjs
) ES (.es
) UMD (.umd.js
) and IIFE (.iife.js
). The name of bundle is automatically taked frompackage.json
name propertyeslint
- lint.js
files with eslintprettier
- format.js
files with prettierstylelint
- format.css
files with stylelintprepare
- script for setting up husky pre-commit hook
Licensed under the MIT License.