OpenRefine is an amazing tool for data clean-up. Of particular interest to metadata-ists is its ability to leverage controlled vocabularies. ##Install OpenRefine 2.6
##Add RDF extension 0.9
unzip, add to extensions folder, rename to rdf-extension
##Add GEMET recon service to OpenRefine Go to:
Download gemet-definitions.rdf
Start OpenRefine Click RDF -> Add reconciliation service -> Based on RDF file
Name: Gemet - RDF
Upload file: gemet-definitions.rdf
File Format: RDF/XML
Label properties: check skos:prefLabel
Should upload and not crap out on you
split keywords_theme column via:
- click caret next to keywords_theme -> edit cells -> Split multi-valued cells (with ### as seperator)
Reconcile -> Start reconciling Select Gemet - RDF Click Start Reconciling (this will take awhile, the % complete indicator is accurate, and it works steadily)
Go through and select matches (fairly conservatively)
Edit column -> Add column based on this column call it NEW_keywords_theme_gemet_name
Edit column -> Add column based on this column call it NEW_keywords_theme_gemet_id
Install Vagrant using the appropriate download from here. Don't use your system's package manager.
Clone CLIFF-up repository and follow the excellent instructions to get CLIFF running.
Click the caret to the left of the column you want to geoparse, then Edit Column and then Add column by fetching URLs...
Name it _geoparsed. I'll use abstract
and abstract_geoparsed
in these directions.
Lower the throttling from 5000 ms to something much lower, like 500ms. We're working locally, so no need to space requests out too much.
Set the value equal to:
"http://localhost:8999/cliff-2.3.0/parse/text?q=" + escape(value,"url")
and let it crank.
When it's done:
Add a new column based on abstract_geoparsed
and call it NEW_keywords_place_geonames
join( uniques( forEach( parseJson(row.cells.abstract_geoparsed.value).results.places.mentions, mention,"|""/about.rdf" ) ), "###" )