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Awesome JVM Awesome

A curated list of awesome JVM low level and performance related stuff.


Tools for bytecode manipulation and analysis.

  • asmtools - Used to develop tools for the production of Java .class files.
  • Byte Buddy - Code generation library creating Java classes at runtime without the help of a compiler.
  • Jitescript - Bytecode generation library similar to BiteScript.

Garbage collectors

Garbage collectors for the JVM.

Load tools

Tools that generate load and measure the system accurately without coordinated omission

  • Gatling - Asynchronous non-blocking scenario driven load testing tool for testing HTTP servers.
  • wrk2 - A constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk.


Languages running on the JVM.

  • Ceylon - Object-oriented, strong and static programming language with an emphasis on immutability, created by Red Hat.
  • Clojure - Dialect of Lisp created by Rich Hickey. Dynamically typed with emphasis on functional programming.
  • Erjang - A JVM-based Erlang VM.
  • Frege - Pure functional programming language in the spirit of Haskell.
  • Golo - A simple dynamic language that makes extensive usage of invokedynamic.
  • Groovy - Optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-typing and static compilation capabilities.
  • Java - General-purpose, concurrent, strongly typed, class-based object-oriented language.
  • JRuby - Implementation of the Ruby language on the JVM.
  • Jython - Python for the Java Platform.
  • Kawa - Extension of the Scheme language, which is in the Lisp family of programming languages.
  • Kotlin - Statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser.
  • Nashorn - Lightweight high-performance JavaScript runtime in Java with a native JVM.
  • Nodyn - Node.js compatible framework, running on the JVM powered by the DynJS Javascript runtime.
  • OCaml-Java - Supports OCaml language v4. Generates plain Java bytecode and have seamless integration with Java.
  • Renjin - JVM-based interpreter for the R language for the statistical analysis
  • Scala - Strong and static programming language that combine object-oriented and functional programming ideas.

Memory and concurrency

Tools and data structures for efficient memory layout and concurrent access.

  • Agrona - Library of data structures and utility methods that are a common need when building high-performance applications.
  • caffeine - A high performance caching library for Java 8.
  • Chronicle-Bytes - Low level memory access wrappers.
  • clj-ds - Clojure's data structures modified for use outside of Clojure.
  • java-concurrent-hash-trie-map - Java port of a concurrent trie hash map implementation from Scala collections.
  • fasttuple - Collections that are laid out adjacently in both on- and off-heap memory.
  • gs-collections - Goldman Sachs collections framework.
  • high-scale-lib - Cliff Click's High Scale Library.
  • hppc - High Performance Primitive Collections.
  • JCTools - Concurrent data structures currently missing from the JDK.
  • Koloboke - Java Collections til the last breadcrumb of memory and performance.
  • lightweight_trie - A very memory-efficient trie (radix tree) implementation.
  • low-gc-membuffers - In-memory circular buffers that use direct ByteBuffers to minimize GC overhead.
  • netty-buffers - Memory buffer pool implementation similar to jemalloc.
  • ObjectLayout - A layout-optimized Java data structure package.
  • ohc - Java large off heap cache.
  • okio - Modern Java IO library that do clever things to save CPU and memory.
  • PauselessHashMap - A java.util.HashMap compatible map that won't stall puts or gets when resizing.
  • pcollections - A Persistent Java Collections Library.
  • Quasar - Lightweight threads and actors for the JVM.
  • RxJava - Library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences.
  • stormpot - A fast object pool for the JVM.
  • SmoothieMap - java.util.Map impl with worst put latencies more than 100 times smaller than java.util.HashMap.
  • transducers-java - Composable algorithmic transformations independent from the context of their input and output sources.


Parsers, interpreters, compilers and source generation targeted for the JVM.

  • Antlr - Parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
  • Apache Calcite - Dynamic data management framework and SQL parser plugin.
  • compile-testing - Testing tools for javac and annotation processors.
  • error-prone - Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors.
  • Graal - New experimental just-in-time compiler for Java that is integrated with the HotSpot virtual machine.
  • javacc - Parser generator for use with Java.
  • javaparser - Java 1.8 Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree for Java.
  • JavaPoet - A Java API for generating .java source files.
  • jparsec - Builds mini parsers in pure Java a la Haskell Parsec.
  • MPS - Design and build extensible DSLs and editors.
  • parboiled - Parsing of arbitrary input text based on parsing expression grammars.
  • Xtext - Framework for development of programming languages and DSLs.


Interconnecting JVM and native code

  • j2v8 - Java API for Google's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • jnr-ffi - Load native libraries without writing JNI code by hand.
  • jssembly - Execution of native assembly from Java.
  • Project Panama - Enriching the connections between the JVM and APIs used by C programmers.


Tools for network packet capture, monitoring, testing and resiliency.

  • comcast - Simulating shitty network connections.
  • gor - HTTP traffic replay in real-time.
  • jRT - Measures response time of a java application to socket-based requests.
  • K3PO - Create arbitrary network traffic and behavior to certify whether a network endpoint behaves correctly.
  • muxy - Simulating real-world distributed system failures.
  • SimianArmy - Resiliency tool that helps ensure that your applications can tolerate random instance failures.
  • pcap4j - Java library for capturing, crafting, and sending packets using libpcap.
  • pig - A Linux packet crafting tool.
  • tcpdump - Packet analyzer for network traffic capture.
  • tcpflow - Captures TCP connections flows in a way that is convenient for protocol analysis and debugging.
  • tcpreplay - Pcap editing and replay tools.

Nix tools

*Useful nix tools when profiling the JVM and interaction with the host environment

  • atoptool - Logging of system and process activity for long-term analysis, highlighting overloaded system.
  • Flame Graphs - Visualization of profiled software, allowing the most frequent code-paths to be identified quickly and accurately.
  • javap - Disassembles class files into code that reflects the java bytecode.
  • jhat - Java Heap Analysis Tool
  • jinfo - Prints configuration information for a given process.
  • jstack - Prints stack traces of threads for a given Java process.
  • jstat - Monitors GC and compiler statistics in the JVM.
  • hwloc - Reports the structure of the processor, number of cores, hyperthreads and cache size.
  • likwid - Read hardware performance counters on Intel and AMD processors.
  • numactl - Control NUMA policy for processes or shared memory.
  • oprofile - System-wide hardware performance monitoring with easy-to-use interface at low overhead.
  • perf - Linux profiling with performance counters.
  • perf-tools - Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace.
  • sysstat - Performance monitoring tools for Linux.
  • taskset - Retrieve or set a processes’s CPU affinity.


Tools that provide profiling and tracing information to aid program optimization

  • allocation-instrumenter - Java agent that rewrites bytecode to instrument allocation sites.
  • aprof - Java memory allocation profiler.
  • BTrace - a safe, dynamic tracing tool for the Java platform.
  • Chronon - Record your entire java program. Replay on any machine.
  • GCViewer - GCViewer is a tool that visualizes verbose GC output.
  • hawkshaw - Tools for tracking down memory / JVM problems & generating predictable-as-possible VM behaviour.
  • HdrHistogram - A Histogram that supports recording and analyzing sampled data value counts.
  • hdrhistogram-metrics-reservoir - A Metrics Reservoir implementation backed by HdrHistogram.
  • heapster - Production heap profiling for the JVM.
  • honest-profiler - Sampling JVM profiler without the safepoint sample bias.
  • jamm - Measure actual object memory use including JVM overhead.
  • Java Mission Control - Continuously collect low level and detailed runtime information enabling after-the-fact incident analysis.
  • java-sizeof - Memory consumption estimator for Java.
  • jitwatch - Log analyser / visualiser for Java HotSpot JIT compiler.
  • jHiccup - jHiccup is an open source tool designed to measure the pauses and stalls associated with an application’s underlying Java runtime platform.
  • jmh - Micro benchmarks written in Java and other languages targetting the JVM.
  • JOL - Analyze actual object layout schemes, footprint, and references in JVMs.
  • JProfiler - Helps resolve performance bottlenecks, pin down memory leaks and understand threading issues.
  • JVMTI - Provide a native API to inspect the state and to control the execution of applications running in the JVM.
  • jvmtop - Lightweight console application to monitor running jvms on a machine in top-like manner.
  • MAT - Java heap analyzer that help find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption.
  • leakcanary - A memory leak detection library for Android and Java.
  • metrics - Measure the behavior of critical components in production environment.
  • Overseer - Low-Level Hardware Monitoring and Management for Java.
  • perf-map-agent - Generate method mappings to use with the linux perf tool.
  • perfj - Linux perf for java programs.
  • polarbear - A tool to help diagnose OutOfMemoryError conditions.
  • Riemann JVM Profiler - JVM agent which sends function-level profiler telemetry to a Riemann server for analysis, visualization, and storage.
  • statsd-jvm-profiler - JVM agent profiler that sends profiling data to StatsD.
  • Swiss Java Knife - Small set of tools for JVM troublshooting, monitoring and profiling.
  • Takipi - Tells you when and why code breaks in production.
  • YourKit - Fully featured, easy to use, low overhead profiler.
  • Zipkin - A distributed tracing system gather timing data for disparate services developed by Twitter.


Tools for managing jvm runtime processes

  • CRaSH - The shell for the Java Platform.
  • Drip - Fast JVM launching without the hassle of persistent JVMs.
  • HotswapAgent - Redefine classes at runtime and skip the redeploy process.
  • jvmkill - Agent that forcibly terminates the JVM when it is unable to allocate memory or create a thread.
  • Nailgun - Nailgun is a client, protocol, and server for running Java programs from the command line without incurring the JVM startup overhead.

Virtual Machines

Virtual machines that implement the JVM specification or parts of it.

  • Dalvik - Android runtime (ART) is the managed runtime used by applications and some system services on Android.
  • DCEVM - Modification of Java HotSwap VM with unlimited support for reloading classes at runtime.
  • HotSpot - HotSpot virtual machine maintained and distributed by Oracle Corporation.
  • IBM J9 - JVM developed by IBM.
  • jvm.go - A JVM written in Go.
  • RoboVM - Create native iOS and Android apps in Java.
  • Zing - The only JVM that eliminates Java garbage collection pauses for large heap sizes.
  • Zulu - The only certified multi-platform build of OpenJDK: Free, 100% open source Java.



Documentation related to JVM


Active discussions.

  • concurrency-interest - Discussion list for JSR-166.
  • hotspot-compiler-dev - Technical discussion about the development of the HotSpot bytecode compilers.
  • hotspot-dev - HotSpot development mailing list.
  • hotspot-gc-dev - Technical discussion about the development of the HotSpot garbage collectors.
  • mechanical-sympathy - Discussing how to code sympathetically to and measure the underlying stack/platform so good performance can be extracted.
  • Virtual Machine Meetup - Venue for discussing the latest research and developments in the area of managed language execution.


Videos, podcasts and other media related to JVMs


People related to JVM development


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