This is a simple app that lets you predefine meals. Then when you select your meals for the week it will create a shopping list for you. It also provides the ability to add ad-hoc items to your list.
You need to setup the datastore to get this app working. It can either use firestore or it can use an in-memory database. Directions are as follows.
To get this app working with firebase you need to setup firebase. Go to firebase console. There you can create firebase apps for iOS and Android. Put the iOS file GoogleService-Info.plist
in the ios
directory. Put the Android file google-services.json
in the android/app
directlry. Finally populate a json
file at assets/firestore.json
with the data:
"googleAppID": "xxx",
"gcmSenderID": "xxx",
"apiKey": "xxx",
"projectID": "xxx",
"bundleID": "xxx"
You can alternatively use this app with an in memory database (although you may still need to create some of the above mentioned files). To set it to use the in memory database change _DatabaseProviderState.database
to be DatabaseType.memory
in lib/data/database_provider.dart