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File metadata and controls

105 lines (73 loc) · 3.34 KB

Packaging to Docker

Cowardly borrowed from

Proper Linux Process

Containers should behave as a proper Linux process and be nice to their init process.

React to signals:

  • React on e.g. SIGINT, SIGTERM, etc.
  • Don’t daemonize your processes
  • Make your process foreground (e.g. use exec)

Return proper exit codes:

  • 0 (OK), 1 (General error) …

Use stdin, stdout, stderr:

  • Log to stdout. Don’t concern with routing and storage

PID 1 problem

Explicit interfaces

Dependencies to other containers should be made explicit by defining its interfaces.

  • CLI arguments
    • Use a lib for parsing / validating
  • Environment variables
    • Set defaults in the image
    • Overwrite with docker -e
  • Network / Ports
    • Expose port via EXPOSE in Dockerfile, because docker store it in metadata (useful with -P flag).

Disposable Containers

Containers should be treated as disposable artefacts. The application shouldn’t rely on a particular container instance to be running.

Pets vs. Cattle: Treat your container as part of a cattle. You number them and when get sick you shoot them.

  • Only keep ephemeral state
    • Don’t assume this state between two requests
  • Robust against sudden death
    • If the container gets interrupted pass on your current job.
  • Minimal setup
    • If more setup needed let the scheduler know

Acknowledge the fallacies of distributed computing


Once a container image is build it shouldn’t be changed. State should be extracted and changes to the container should be applied by rebuilding.

  • Strive for dev / prod parity
  • Extract runtime state in volumes
  • Anti-pattern: docker exec


The container should only rely on the Linux kernel. All other dependencies should be made explicit and added dynamically.

  • Strive for zero-config deployment
  • Add dependencies at build time
    • Build Uber-Jar and include webserver
  • Generate dynamic config files on the fly
  • Anti-Patterns:
    • Put config into a volume
    • Put code into a volume *


A container should have the least amount of code possible to fulfill its job.

  • Build from scratch
  • Use small base-image
    • busybox, alpine
  • Reuse custom base image
  • Anti-Pattern: VM Container

Docker compose

  restart: always

Don't use restart: always policy for development, it's crucial to know when your application if died.
