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150 lines (112 loc) · 3.93 KB

File metadata and controls

150 lines (112 loc) · 3.93 KB


  • Batch file to create virtual disk (VHDX)
  • powershell setup script that runs as appstream starts
  • AppBlock Definition
  • Fleet Settings

Batch file to create virtual disk (VHDX)

:: create-vhdx.bat
:: Create Windows virtual disk with OpenDCS and Java installed
:: Requirements:
::   - opendcs-ot-7.0.*.jar in current directory
::   - jre directory in current directory 
::        Tested using

cd %~dp0
set VDISK=%CD%\cwms.vhdx

echo create vdisk file=%VDISK% maximum=4000 type=expandable >tmp{010}.txt
echo select vdisk file=%VDISK% >>tmp{010}.txt
echo attach vdisk >>tmp{010}.txt
echo convert mbr >>tmp{010}.txt
echo create partition primary >>tmp{010}.txt
echo format fs=ntfs quick >>tmp{010}.txt
echo assign Letter=W >>tmp{010}.txt
::echo assign mount=c:\apps\cwms >>tmp{010}.txt

diskpart /s tmp{010}.txt

jre\bin\java -jar opendcs-ot-7.0.8.jar opendcs-cfg.xml
xcopy jre W:\jre /E /I /H /Y

:: copy custom
copy w:\opendcs /Y

:: copy shortcuts
copy  %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\OpenDCS-Toolkit.lnk w:\
copy  "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\LRGS Status.lnk" w:\
copy  "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\RefList Edit.lnk" w:\
copy java.bat w:\

:: Un-mount VHDX

echo select vdisk file=%VDISK% >tmp{010}.txt
echo detach vdisk >>tmp{010}.txt
diskpart /s tmp{010}.txt

powershell setup script that runs as appstream starts

  • mounts virtual disk in appstream
  • copy OpenDCS shortcuts to desktop
  • copy shim for finding Java
# setup.ps1
# This is a AppStream startup script for a custom AppBlock for OpenDCS 
# This script mounts a virtual disk called cwms.vhdx to windows Drive W:
# ref:

$MountDriveLetter = "W:"
$appBlock = "CWMSClient2"
$vhdx = "cwms.vhdx"
$desktop = "C:\Users\PhotonUser\Desktop"
$PathToVHD = "C:\AppStream\AppBlocks\"+$appBlock+"\"+$vhdx

Write-Host "PathToVHD: $PathToVHD"
Write-Host $desktop

$ScriptFolder = $($PSScriptRoot+"\")

select vdisk file='$($PathToVHD)'
attach vdisk
select partition 1
remove all noerr
assign mount='$($MountDriveLetter)'
"@  | Set-Content -Path "$($ScriptFolder)tmp.txt" -Encoding UTF8

Get-Content -Path "$($ScriptFolder)tmp.txt"

Write-Host "Execute: diskpart /s '$($ScriptFolder)tmp.txt'"
diskpart /s "$($ScriptFolder)tmp.txt"

Write-Host "setup shortcuts"

Copy-Item -Path "w:\OpenDCS-Toolkit.lnk" -Destination $desktop
Copy-Item -Path "w:\LRGS Status.lnk"     -Destination $desktop
Copy-Item -Path "w:\RefList Edit.lnk"    -Destination $desktop

# shim to launch java, using a directory already in the path 
Copy-Item -Path "W:\java.bat"  -Destination C:\Users\PhotonUser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps

java.bat - contents

w:\jre\bin\java %*%

AppBlock Definition

replace 'bucket-name' with name of bucket that has permisions granted to appStream

Name Value
Block Name CwmsClient2
Virtal Disk arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/cwms.vhdx
Setup Script arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/setup.ps1
set script executable C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Setup executable arguments -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive -File setup.ps1
execution duration seconds 60


Name Value
Application Name OpenDCS-Windows
Display Name OpenDCS
Associated app block CwmsClient2
Application icon Object s3://bucket-name/tools.png (copy below)
Application executable launch path w:\opendcs\bin\launcher_start.bat


Fleet Settings

Name Value
Instance type stream.standard.medium
Platform type Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Base
Fleet type Elastic
Disconnect timeout 15 Minutes
Idle Disconnect Timeout 15 Minutes
Stream view Desktop
Maximum session duration 60 Minutes