- Batch file to create virtual disk (VHDX)
- powershell setup script that runs as appstream starts
- AppBlock Definition
- Fleet Settings
:: create-vhdx.bat
:: Create Windows virtual disk with OpenDCS and Java installed
:: Requirements:
:: - opendcs-ot-7.0.*.jar in current directory
:: - jre directory in current directory
:: Tested using
cd %~dp0
set VDISK=%CD%\cwms.vhdx
echo create vdisk file=%VDISK% maximum=4000 type=expandable >tmp{010}.txt
echo select vdisk file=%VDISK% >>tmp{010}.txt
echo attach vdisk >>tmp{010}.txt
echo convert mbr >>tmp{010}.txt
echo create partition primary >>tmp{010}.txt
echo format fs=ntfs quick >>tmp{010}.txt
echo assign Letter=W >>tmp{010}.txt
::echo assign mount=c:\apps\cwms >>tmp{010}.txt
diskpart /s tmp{010}.txt
jre\bin\java -jar opendcs-ot-7.0.8.jar opendcs-cfg.xml
xcopy jre W:\jre /E /I /H /Y
:: copy custom
copy w:\opendcs /Y
:: copy shortcuts
copy %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\OpenDCS-Toolkit.lnk w:\
copy "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\LRGS Status.lnk" w:\
copy "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\RefList Edit.lnk" w:\
copy java.bat w:\
:: Un-mount VHDX
echo select vdisk file=%VDISK% >tmp{010}.txt
echo detach vdisk >>tmp{010}.txt
diskpart /s tmp{010}.txt
- mounts virtual disk in appstream
- copy OpenDCS shortcuts to desktop
- copy shim for finding Java
# setup.ps1
# This is a AppStream startup script for a custom AppBlock for OpenDCS
# This script mounts a virtual disk called cwms.vhdx to windows Drive W:
# ref:
$MountDriveLetter = "W:"
$appBlock = "CWMSClient2"
$vhdx = "cwms.vhdx"
$desktop = "C:\Users\PhotonUser\Desktop"
$PathToVHD = "C:\AppStream\AppBlocks\"+$appBlock+"\"+$vhdx
Write-Host "PathToVHD: $PathToVHD"
Write-Host $desktop
$ScriptFolder = $($PSScriptRoot+"\")
select vdisk file='$($PathToVHD)'
attach vdisk
select partition 1
remove all noerr
assign mount='$($MountDriveLetter)'
"@ | Set-Content -Path "$($ScriptFolder)tmp.txt" -Encoding UTF8
Get-Content -Path "$($ScriptFolder)tmp.txt"
Write-Host "Execute: diskpart /s '$($ScriptFolder)tmp.txt'"
diskpart /s "$($ScriptFolder)tmp.txt"
Write-Host "setup shortcuts"
Copy-Item -Path "w:\OpenDCS-Toolkit.lnk" -Destination $desktop
Copy-Item -Path "w:\LRGS Status.lnk" -Destination $desktop
Copy-Item -Path "w:\RefList Edit.lnk" -Destination $desktop
# shim to launch java, using a directory already in the path
Copy-Item -Path "W:\java.bat" -Destination C:\Users\PhotonUser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps
java.bat - contents
w:\jre\bin\java %*%
replace 'bucket-name' with name of bucket that has permisions granted to appStream
Name | Value |
Block Name | CwmsClient2 |
Virtal Disk | arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/cwms.vhdx |
Setup Script | arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/setup.ps1 |
set script executable | C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe |
Setup executable arguments | -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive -File setup.ps1 |
execution duration seconds | 60 |
Name | Value |
Application Name | OpenDCS-Windows |
Display Name | OpenDCS |
Associated app block | CwmsClient2 |
Application icon Object | s3://bucket-name/tools.png (copy below) |
Application executable launch path | w:\opendcs\bin\launcher_start.bat |
Name | Value |
Instance type | stream.standard.medium |
Platform type | Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Base |
Fleet type | Elastic |
Disconnect timeout | 15 Minutes |
Idle Disconnect Timeout | 15 Minutes |
Stream view | Desktop |
Maximum session duration | 60 Minutes |