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File metadata and controls

67 lines (45 loc) · 1.84 KB

Hi, these are STEP BY STEP instructions to make ROC-LAB3 from ROC-LAB2.

Getting started

Start from your own version of roc-lab2, or get it from the repo: git clone git://

1. add user model, add relationships to messages, and replies.

  • $ rails generate model user name:string email:string password:string

  • $ rails generate migration add_user_to_messages_and_replies

  • add following two lines to the newly created migration file:

      add_column :messages, :user_id, :integer
      add_column :replies, :user_id, :integer
  • add associations:

  •   in user model => has_many :messages, :replies
      in message and reply models => belongs_to :user
  • rake db:migrate

2. play with the new user in rails console

  • $ rails console
  • $ user = User.create(:name=>'pengyou',:email=>"[email protected]",:password=>'test')
  • $ msg = user.messages.create(:body=>'hellow haha')
  • $ reply = msg.replies.create(:body=>"reply to myself")
  • $ reply.user = user
  • $ reply

3. edit views, replace placeholder "someone" to be real users

start server and then go to see the effect from console.

4. create user, sessions controllers

  • $ rails generate controller users new
  • $ rails generate controller sessions new

and add before_filter :require_logged_in

5. add routes:

  • match 'login' => "sessions#new"
  • match 'logout' => "sessions#destroy"
  • match 'signup' => "users#new"

6. finish up sessions#new, user#new and then sessions#destroy

<%=form_tag sessions_path do%>
      Name: <%=text_field_tag :name%>

      Password: <%=password_field_tag :password%>

    <%=submit_tag "Login"%>

7. update message#create, reply#create to add user association.

message.user = current_user
reply.user = current_user