1 |
The connection timed out. |
-1001 NSURLErrorTimedOut |
2 |
The connection failed due to an unsupported URL scheme. |
-1002 NSURLErrorUnsupportedURL |
3 |
The connection failed because the device is not connected to the internet. |
-1009 NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet |
0 |
The connection failed because the host could not be found. / A server with the specified hostname could not be found. |
-1003 NSURLErrorCannotFindHost |
-1 |
An unknown error occurred. |
-998 NSURLErrorTimedOut |
-1 |
The connection failed due to a malformed URL. |
-1000 NSURLErrorBadURL |
-1 |
The connection failed because a connection cannot be made to the host. |
-1004 NSURLErrorCannotConnectToHost |
-1 |
The connection failed because the network connection was lost. |
-1005 NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost |
-1 |
The connection failed because the DNS lookup failed. |
-1006 NSURLErrorDNSLookupFailed |
-1 |
The HTTP connection failed due to too many redirects. |
-1007 NSURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects |
-1 |
The connection’s resource is unavailable. |
-1008 NSURLErrorResourceUnavailable |
-1 |
The connection was redirected to a nonexistent location. |
-1010 NSURLErrorRedirectToNonExistentLocation |
-1 |
The connection received an invalid server response. |
-1011 NSURLErrorBadServerResponse |
-1 |
The connection failed because the user cancelled required authentication. |
-1012 NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication |
-1 |
The connection failed because authentication is required. |
-1013 NSURLErrorUserAuthenticationRequired |
-1 |
The resource retrieved by the connection is zero bytes. |
-1014 NSURLErrorZeroByteResource |
-1 |
The connection cannot decode data encoded with a known content encoding. |
-1015 NSURLErrorCannotDecodeRawData |
-1 |
The connection cannot decode data encoded with an unknown content encoding. |
-1016 NSURLErrorCannotDecodeContentData |
-1 |
The connection cannot parse the server’s response. |
-1017 NSURLErrorCannotParseResponse |
-1 |
The connection failed because international roaming is disabled on the device. |
-1018 kCFURLErrorInternationalRoamingOff |
-1 |
The connection failed because a call is active. |
-1019 kCFURLErrorCallIsActive |
-1 |
The connection failed because data use is currently not allowed on the device. |
-1020 kCFURLErrorDataNotAllowed |
-1 |
The connection failed because its request’s body stream was exhausted. |
-1021 kCFURLErrorRequestBodyStreamExhausted |
-3 |
The connection was cancelled. |
-999 NSURLErrorCancelled |