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Use Kerberos authentication to connect to Windows hosts

If you use Active Directory users to run job templates against Windows hosts that are domain members, Kerberos authentication is usually required for WinRM.

There is an official documentation to use Kerberos authentication in Ansible Automation Controller, but it is not suitable for AWX.

This page shows you how to use Kerberos authentication for running job templates in AWX.

Table of Contents

Example environment for this guide

This is my example environment for this guide. Replace these values in this guide as appropriate for your environment.

Key Value
Domain kurokobo.internal
Domain Controller kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
KDC Server kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
Ansible Target Host kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal
Ansible User [email protected]


To use Kerberos authentication in your AWX, following tasks are required.

  1. Setting up your Windows host
    • Enable WinRM that uses Kerberos authentication
    • Allow specific domain user to connect via WinRM
  2. Setting up your Kubernetes
    • Create krb5.conf as ConfigMap on your Kubernetes cluster
  3. Setting up your AWX
    • Create Container Group with custom pod spec that mounts krb5.conf to make Kerberos authentication to be used in your EE
    • Create Credential for the domain user
    • Create Inventory for the Windows hosts
    • Configure your Job Template

Setting up your Windows host

Enable WinRM on your Windows host and allow specific domain user to connect to your host via WinRM.

Enable WinRM

Refer the Ansible documentation and enable WinRM on your Windows host. Running winrm quickconfig on your Windows host is the simplest way, but GPO can also be used to enable WinRM.

Ensure that your WinRM Listener is enabled for HTTP. Note that HTTP is safe to use with Kerberos authentication since Kerberos has its own encryption method and all messages will be encrypted over HTTP. Therefore WinRM Listener for HTTPS is not mandatory.

> winrm enumerate winrm/config/Listener
    Address = *
    Transport = HTTP
    Port = 5985
    Enabled = true
    URLPrefix = wsman
    ListeningOn =, ...

Then ensure Kerberos authentication is enabled for WinRM.

> winrm get winrm/config/Service
    RootSDDL = ...
    MaxConcurrentOperations = 4294967295
    MaxConcurrentOperationsPerUser = 1500
    EnumerationTimeoutms = 240000
    MaxConnections = 300
    MaxPacketRetrievalTimeSeconds = 120
    AllowUnencrypted = false
        Basic = true
        Kerberos = true   👈👈👈
        Negotiate = true
        Certificate = false
        CredSSP = false
        CbtHardeningLevel = Relaxed
        HTTP = 5985
        HTTPS = 5986
    IPv4Filter = *
    IPv6Filter = *
    EnableCompatibilityHttpListener = false
    EnableCompatibilityHttpsListener = false
    AllowRemoteAccess = true

Configure group or permissions for the domain user

Additionally, you have to care about the group or permissions of the domain user that used for WinRM.

WinRM is configured by default to only allow connections by users in the local Administrators group. In this guide, a domain user [email protected] will be used to connect to Windows hosts via WinRM.

Therefore this user have to be joined local Administrators, or have permissions for Read and Execute for WinRM. Default permissions for WinRM can be changed by winrm configSDDL default. Refer the Ansible documentation for more detail.

Setting up Kubernetes

Create krb5.conf and add it as ConfigMap to your Kubernetes cluster.

Create krb5.conf

Create new file krb5.conf on the host that kubectl for your Kubernetes cluster can be used. This file will be added as ConfigMap in your Kubernetes cluster in the later step.

There are some official documentation about krb5.conf:

This is my example. Note that some domain names under [realms] and [domain_realm] are capitalized.

  default_realm = KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
  dns_lookup_realm = false
  dns_lookup_kdc = false
  rdns = false

    kdc = kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
    admin_server = kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal

  .kurokobo.internal = KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
  kurokobo.internal = KUROKOBO.INTERNAL

Create ConfigMap for krb5.conf

Create new ConfigMap on your Kubernetes cluster using krb5.conf that you have created.

kubectl -n awx create configmap awx-kerberos-config --from-file=krb5.conf

This command creates new ConfigMap called awx-kerberos-config in the namespace awx. Specify the path to your krb5.conf as --from-file.

Note that the namespace has to be the name of the namespace that your EE will be launched on. If you've deployed your AWX using to my guide, the namespace is awx.

Ensure new ConfigMap is created on your Kubernetes cluster.

$ kubectl -n awx get configmap awx-kerberos-config -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  krb5.conf: |-
      default_realm = KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
      dns_lookup_realm = false
      dns_lookup_kdc = false
      rdns = false

        kdc = kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
        admin_server = kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal

      .kurokobo.internal = KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
      kurokobo.internal = KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
kind: ConfigMap
  name: awx-kerberos-config
  namespace: awx

Setting up AWX

Create new Container Group, Credential, and Inventory in your AWX.

Create Container Group

Create Container Group with custom pod spec that mounts krb5.conf to make Kerberos authentication to be used in your EE.

  1. Open AWX UI and open Instance Groups under Administration, then press Add > Add container group.

  2. Enter Name as you like (e.g. kerberos) and toggle Customize pod specification.

  3. Put following YAML string to Custom pod spec and press Save

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      namespace: awx
      serviceAccountName: default
      automountServiceAccountToken: false
        - image: ''
          name: worker
            - ansible-runner
            - worker
            - '--private-data-dir=/runner'
              cpu: 250m
              memory: 100Mi
            - name: awx-kerberos-volume
              mountPath: /etc/krb5.conf
              subPath: krb5.conf
        - name: awx-kerberos-volume
            name: awx-kerberos-config

This pod spec means that your ConfigMap including your krb5.conf will be mounted as /etc/krb5.conf in the EE based on this Container Group. Of course this pod spec is just a working example and you can modify this to suit your requirements. Refer my guide for Container Group for detail.

Create Credential

Create new Credential for your domain user. In this guide, the domain user [email protected] will be used to connect to Windows hosts via WinRM, so the Credential for [email protected] have to be created.

  1. Open AWX UI and open Credentials under Resources, then press Add.
  2. Enter Name as you like (e.g. Domain User) and select Machine as Credential Type.
  3. Enter Username and Password for your domain user in <username>@<DOMAINNAME> format. Note that the domain name have to be capitalized like [email protected].

It's very important that the domain name in the Username have to be capitalized, since this username will be passed as-is to kinit. If you specify your domain name in lower-case, kinit will fail because kinit cannot find KDC for realm in lower-case.

Alternatively the name of the realm can be passed through ansible_winrm_realm variable, but my recommendation is specify realm in Credential as the part of Username in upper-case.

Create Inventory

Create Inventory in the standard way. The important points are as follows.

  • The name of the Host in your Inventory have to be specified as FQDN, like kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal, instead of IP address. This is mandatory requirement.

  • You should add following variables in the Inventory as host variables or group variables.

    ansible_connection: winrm
    ansible_winrm_transport: kerberos
    ansible_port: 5985

Configure Job Template

Create or configure your Job Template. The important points are as follows.

  • Specify Inventory that includes your Windows hosts in FQDN.
  • Specify Credential that includes the username in <username>@<DOMAINNAME> format. The domain name in the username have to be capitalized.
  • Specify Instance Group that has custom pod spec that mounts your ConfigMap as /etc/krb5.conf.


You can test connectivity via WinRM using Kerberos by using module. This is an example playbook.

- name: Test Kerberos Authentication
  hosts: kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Ensure windows host is reachable

If the Verbosity for the Job Template is configured 4 (Connection Debug) and if your Kerberos authentication is successfully established, the job ends with success and the log shows that kinit is called to connect to Windows hosts.

TASK [Ensure windows host is reachable] ****************************************
<kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: [email protected] on PORT 5985 TO kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal
calling kinit with pexpect for principal [email protected]   👈👈👈
ok: [kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal] => {
    "changed": false,
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "data": "pong"
    "ping": "pong"


The Kerberos authentication including kinit will be invoked on every Job Template running. This means that kinit will be invoked in EE, so if we want to investigate Kerberos related issues, we have to dig into the EE.

Playbook for investigation

Run this playbook as a Job on the Container Group.

- name: Debug Kerberos Authentication
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Ensure /etc/krb5.conf is mounted
        msg: "{{ lookup( 'file', '/etc/krb5.conf' ) }}"

    - name: Pause for specified minutes for debugging
        minutes: 10

You can dig into the EE during ansible.builtin.pause is working by following commands.

  1. Launch the Job with the playbook above.
    • If your Job exits with Failed immediately, your custom pod spec for your Container Group or ConfigMap for your krb5.conf might be wrong.
  2. Invoke kubectl -n <namespace> get pod on your Kubernetes cluster
  3. Gather the pod name that starts with automation-job-*
$ kubectl -n awx get pod
NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
awx-postgres-0                                     1/1     Running   0          41h
awx-76445c946f-btfzz                               4/4     Running   0          41h
awx-operator-controller-manager-7594795b6b-565wm   2/2     Running   0          41h
automation-job-42-tdvs5                            1/1     Running   0          4s   👈👈👈

Now you can access bash inside the EE by kubectl -n <namespace> exec -it <pod name> -- bash:

$ kubectl -n awx exec -it automation-job-42-tdvs5 -- bash
bash-5.1$   👈👈👈

Then proceed investigation.

Ensure your krb5.conf is mounted

If your Container Group and ConfigMap are configured correctly, you can get your krb5.conf as /etc/krb5.conf inside the EE.

bash-5.1$ cat /etc/krb5.conf
  default_realm = KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
  dns_lookup_realm = false
  dns_lookup_kdc = false
  rdns = false

    kdc = kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
    admin_server = kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal

  .kurokobo.internal = KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
  kurokobo.internal = KUROKOBO.INTERNAL

If your krb5.conf is missing, ensure your custom pod spec for Container Group and ConfigMap for your krb5.conf are correct.

Ensure your KDC and target host are accessible from the EE

Ensure your KDC server can be reachable. There is no command such as ping or nslookup, downloading and using Busybox is helpful.

# Download busybox and make it executable
bash-5.1$ curl -o busybox
bash-5.1$ chmod +x busybox

Then test name resolution and network reachability.

# Ensure your domain name can be resolved
bash-5.1$ ./busybox nslookup kurokobo.internal

Name:   kurokobo.internal
Address: ***.***.***.***
# Ensure hostname of your KDC can be resolved
bash-5.1$ ./busybox nslookup kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal

Name:   kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
Address: ***.***.***.***
# Ensure the port 88 on your KDC can be opened
bash-5.1$ ./busybox nc -v -w 1 kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal 88
kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal (***.***.***.***:88) open
# Ensure hostname of your target host can be resolved
bash-5.1$ ./busybox nslookup kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal

Name:   kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal
Address: ***.***.***.***

# If you don't have "rdns = false" in your "krb5.conf",
# and the IP address of your target host can be reverse looked up,
# the result must match the hostname of your target host.
bash-5.1$ ./busybox nslookup ***.***.***.***

***.***.***.***      name = kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal
# Ensure the port 88 on your KDC is reachable
bash-5.1$ ./busybox nc -v -w 1 kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal 88
kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal ***.***.***.***:88) open
# Ensure the port 5985 (or 5986 for HTTPS) on your target host respond 404 error to HTTP request
bash-5.1$ curl -I http://kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal:5985
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Length: 315
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2023 16:47:03 GMT
Connection: close

Ensure kinit can be succeeded manually

You can test Kerberos authentication by using kinit manually inside the EE.

# Ensure that there is no error while passing <username>@<DOMAINNAME> and password
# Note that the domain name for kinit have to be capitalized
bash-5.1$ kinit [email protected]
Password for [email protected]:
# Ensure new ticket has been issued after kinit
bash-5.1$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/02/22 12:32:28  07/02/22 22:32:28  krbtgt/[email protected]
        renew until 07/03/22 12:32:21

If you have faced any errors, you can investigate by getting trace logs for kinit by exporting KRB5_TRACE environment variable.

# The command to destroy cached tickets if exists
bash-5.1$ kdestroy

# Make trace logs to be displayed on stdout
bash-5.1$ export KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout

# Example trace logs for the case that the ticket has been issued successfully
bash-5.1$ kinit [email protected]
[38] 1678897813.575763: Getting initial credentials for [email protected]
[38] 1678897813.575765: Sending unauthenticated request
[38] 1678897813.575766: Sending request (190 bytes) to KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
[38] 1678897813.575767: Resolving hostname kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
[38] 1678897813.575768: Sending initial UDP request to dgram ***.***.***.***:88
[38] 1678897813.575769: Received answer (198 bytes) from dgram ***.***.***.***:88
[38] 1678897813.575770: Response was not from primary KDC
[38] 1678897813.575771: Received error from KDC: -1765328359/Additional pre-authentication required
[38] 1678897813.575774: Preauthenticating using KDC method data
[38] 1678897813.575775: Processing preauth types: PA-PK-AS-REQ (16), PA-PK-AS-REP_OLD (15), PA-ETYPE-INFO2 (19), PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP (2)
[38] 1678897813.575776: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt "KUROKOBO.INTERNALawx", params ""
[38] 1678897813.575777: PKINIT client has no configured identity; giving up
[38] 1678897813.575778: Preauth module pkinit (16) (real) returned: -1765328174/No pkinit_anchors supplied
Password for [email protected]:
[38] 1678897823.104967: AS key obtained for encrypted timestamp: aes256-cts/1836
[38] 1678897823.104969: Encrypted timestamp (for 1678897818.79834): plain 301AA...137DA, encrypted 303E8...E278E
[38] 1678897823.104970: Preauth module encrypted_timestamp (2) (real) returned: 0/Success
[38] 1678897823.104971: Produced preauth for next request: PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP (2)
[38] 1678897823.104972: Sending request (270 bytes) to KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
[38] 1678897823.104973: Resolving hostname kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
[38] 1678897823.104974: Sending initial UDP request to dgram ***.***.***.***:88
[38] 1678897823.104975: Received answer (106 bytes) from dgram ***.***.***.***:88
[38] 1678897823.104976: Response was not from primary KDC
[38] 1678897823.104977: Received error from KDC: -1765328332/Response too big for UDP, retry with TCP
[38] 1678897823.104978: Request or response is too big for UDP; retrying with TCP
[38] 1678897823.104979: Sending request (270 bytes) to KUROKOBO.INTERNAL (tcp only)
[38] 1678897823.104980: Resolving hostname kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
[38] 1678897823.104981: Initiating TCP connection to stream ***.***.***.***:88
[38] 1678897823.104982: Sending TCP request to stream ***.***.***.***:88
[38] 1678897823.104983: Received answer (1639 bytes) from stream ***.***.***.***:88
[38] 1678897823.104984: Terminating TCP connection to stream ***.***.***.***:88
[38] 1678897823.104985: Response was not from primary KDC
[38] 1678897823.104986: Processing preauth types: PA-ETYPE-INFO2 (19)
[38] 1678897823.104987: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt "KUROKOBO.INTERNALawx", params ""
[38] 1678897823.104988: Produced preauth for next request: (empty)
[38] 1678897823.104989: AS key determined by preauth: aes256-cts/1836
[38] 1678897823.104990: Decrypted AS reply; session key is: aes256-cts/8188
[38] 1678897823.104991: FAST negotiation: unavailable
[38] 1678897823.104992: Resolving unique ccache of type MEMORY
[38] 1678897823.104993: Initializing MEMORY:9h1LvJw with default princ [email protected]
[38] 1678897823.104994: Storing config in MEMORY:9h1LvJw for krbtgt/[email protected]: pa_type: 2
[38] 1678897823.104995: Storing [email protected] -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/pa_type/krbtgt\/KUROKOBO.INTERNAL\@KUROKOBO.INTERNAL@X-CACHECONF: in MEMORY:9h1LvJw
[38] 1678897823.104996: Storing [email protected] -> krbtgt/[email protected] in MEMORY:9h1LvJw
[38] 1678897823.104997: Moving ccache MEMORY:9h1LvJw to FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
[38] 1678897823.104998: Destroying ccache MEMORY:9h1LvJw

Gather trace logs for your playbook

If manually invoked kinit succeeds but the task in your playbook such as fails, it may be possible to investigate the cause from the trace logs of the kinit that invoked internally during runtime of playbook.

  1. Append env to your custom pod spec for Container Group

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      namespace: awx
        - image: ''
          name: worker
          env:                       👈👈👈
            - name: KRB5_TRACE       👈👈👈
              value: /tmp/krb5.log   👈👈👈
            - ansible-runner
            - worker
            - '--private-data-dir=/runner'
  2. Run playbook that contains following tasks

        - name: Ensure windows host is reachable

          ignore_unreachable: true
        - name: Get /tmp/krb5.log
            msg: "{{ lookup( 'file', '/tmp/krb5.log' ) }}"

You can get the contents of /tmp/krb5.log from your job output. Below is example with success. Note that \\n should be replaced with line break to make it readable.

TASK [Ensure windows host is reachable] ****************************************
ok: [kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal]

TASK [Get /tmp/krb5.log] *******************************************************
ok: [kuro-win01.kurokobo.internal] => {
    "msg": "[25] 1678899932.599110: Matching [email protected] in collection with result: 0/Success
            [25] 1678899932.599111: Matching [email protected] in collection with result: 0/Success
            [25] 1678899932.599112: Getting credentials [email protected] -> HTTP/[email protected] using ccache FILE:/tmp/tmprrrrpt1c
            [25] 1678899932.599113: Retrieving [email protected] -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/start_realm@X-CACHECONF: from FILE:/tmp/tmprrrrpt1c with result: -1765328243/Matching credential not found (filename: /tmp/tmprrrrpt1c)
            [25] 1678899932.599114: Retrieving [email protected] -> HTTP/[email protected] from FILE:/tmp/tmprrrrpt1c with result: -1765328243/Matching credential not found (filename: /tmp/tmprrrrpt1c)
            [25] 1678899932.599115: Retrieving [email protected] -> krbtgt/[email protected] from FILE:/tmp/tmprrrrpt1c with result: 0/Success
            [25] 1678899932.599116: Starting with TGT for client realm: [email protected] -> krbtgt/[email protected]
            [25] 1678899932.599117: Requesting tickets for HTTP/[email protected], referrals on
            [25] 1678899932.599118: Generated subkey for TGS request: aes256-cts/7945
            [25] 1678899932.599119: etypes requested in TGS request: aes256-cts, aes128-cts, aes256-sha2, aes128-sha2, rc4-hmac, camellia128-cts, camellia256-cts
            [25] 1678899932.599121: Encoding request body and padata into FAST request
            [25] 1678899932.599122: Sending request (1827 bytes) to KUROKOBO.INTERNAL
            [25] 1678899932.599123: Resolving hostname kuro-ad01.kurokobo.internal
            [25] 1678899932.599124: Initiating TCP connection to stream ***.***.***.***:88
            [25] 1678899932.599125: Sending TCP request to stream ***.***.***.***:88
            [25] 1678899932.599126: Received answer (1752 bytes) from stream ***.***.***.***:88
            [25] 1678899932.599127: Terminating TCP connection to stream ***.***.***.***:88
            [25] 1678899932.599128: Response was not from primary KDC
            [25] 1678899932.599129: Decoding FAST response
            [25] 1678899932.599130: FAST reply key: aes256-cts/DEB0
            [25] 1678899932.599131: TGS reply is for [email protected] -> HTTP/[email protected] with session key aes256-cts/93B1
            [25] 1678899932.599132: TGS request result: 0/Success
            [25] 1678899932.599133: Received creds for desired service HTTP/[email protected]
            [25] 1678899932.599134: Storing [email protected] -> HTTP/[email protected] in FILE:/tmp/tmprrrrpt1c
            [25] 1678899932.599135: Creating authenticator for [email protected] -> HTTP/[email protected], seqnum 655929156, subkey aes256-cts/1F31, session key aes256-cts/93B1
            [25] 1678899932.599137: Read AP-REP, time 1678899927.599136, subkey aes256-cts/8266, seqnum 1460012097"

Common issues and workarounds

Some common issues during this guide and workaround for those errors.

The following official documentations are also be helpful.

Error creating pod

The job had been failed immediately after running the job. The log shows following.

Error creating pod: container failed with exit code 128: failed to create containerd task: ...

This is usually caused by misconfigured custom pod spec of your Container Group or ConfigMap for your krb5.conf.

kinit: Cannot find KDC for realm "<DOMAINNAME>" while getting initial credentials

kinit inside the EE or job failed with following error.

bash-5.1$ kinit <username>@<DOMAINNAME>
kinit: Cannot find KDC for realm "<DOMAINNAME>" while getting initial credentials
TASK [Ensure windows host is reachable] ****************************************
fatal: [...]: UNREACHABLE! => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Kerberos auth failure for principal [email protected] with pexpect: Cannot find KDC for realm \"<DOMAINNAME>\" while getting initial credentials",
    "unreachable": true

If this occurred, ensure:

  • /etc/krb5.conf is correctly configured
  • Your KDC hostname can be resolved
  • Your KDC can be accessed from EE
  • The username for kinit is correct. Especially, note that the domain name in the username have to be capitalized like [email protected]
  • If manually invoked kinit is succeeded but kinit inside the job failed, ensure the username in your Credential in AWX is correct. Note that the domain name in the username have to be capitalized like [email protected]

kerberos: the specified credentials were rejected by the server

The job failed with following error.

TASK [Ensure windows host is reachable] ****************************************
fatal: [...]: UNREACHABLE! => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "kerberos: the specified credentials were rejected by the server",
    "unreachable": true

Ensure your domain user that used to connect to WinRM on the target host is the member of local Administrators group on the target host, or has permissions for Read and Execute for WinRM.

kerberos: Access is denied. Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 500

The job failed with following error.

TASK [Ensure windows host is reachable] ****************************************
fatal: [...]: UNREACHABLE! => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "kerberos: Access is denied.  (extended fault data: {'transport_message': 'Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 500', 'http_status_code': 500, 'wsmanfault_code': '5', 'fault_code': 's:Sender', 'fault_subcode': 'w:AccessDenied'})",
    "unreachable": true

Ensure your domain user that used to connect to WinRM on the target host is the member of local Administrators group on the target host, or has permissions for Read and Execute for WinRM. In this case, Execute might be missing.

Alternative solution (not recommended)

To replace /etc/krb5.conf in EE with your customized krb5.conf, you can also use AWX_ISOLATION_SHOW_PATHS settings in AWX. This is a setting to expose any path on the host to EE. If this setting is activated, it's no longer required to create a Container Group on AWX or ConfigMap on Kubernetes, that described in this guide.

However, this feature will internally mount krb5.conf via hostPath, so a customized krb5.conf must be placed on all Kubernetes nodes where the EE will run.

Also, side-effects and security concerns must be taken into consideration, as all EE jobs running on AWX will mount krb5.conf via hostPath, weather the job is for Windows hosts or not.

Therefore, I don't recommend this method in this guide.

If you want to use this feature, you can do so by following these steps.

  1. Place your krb5.conf on any path on your Kubernetes node, e.g. /data/kerberos/krb5.conf, instead of creating a Container Group on AWX or ConfigMap on Kubernetes
  2. Enable Expose host paths for Container Groups in AWX under Settings > Job settings.
    • This equals to set AWX_MOUNT_ISOLATED_PATHS_ON_K8S to true.
  3. Add /data/kerberos/krb5.conf:/etc/krb5.conf:O to Paths to expose to isolated jobs in AWX under Settings > Job settings.
    • This equals to append string to AWX_ISOLATION_SHOW_PATHS.
  4. Run your Job Template that without any Container Group.