index cea4500f7..56df25d0c 100644
@@ -1,17 +1,115 @@
-Would love to contribute to Kysely?
+# Contribution Guidelines
-Awesome! We are not very organized yet. We don't have a plan or a roadmap.
+Wanna contribute to Kysely or other libraries within the [kysely-org](https://github.com/kysely-org) organization?
-Probably the best way to get going is to watch the issue list.
-An issue with a `greenlit` label, has been acknowledged by the team and is ready for development.
-Find such an issue you'd like to tackle and ask to be assigned to it in the comment section.
-Feel free to open an issue if you found a bug or a missing feature you'd like to work on,
-and there aren't any issues mentioning it.
+You're awesome! 🤗
-If you start working on something larger, it's a good idea to create a draft (WIP) PR at 
-an early stage so that we can guide you to the right direction.
+## 😕 How Can I Contribute?
-There are quite a few guidelines to keep in mind:
+## 📢 By Spreading the Word
+If you like what we're building here, please: 
+1. Tell your friends, co-workers, family, neighbors, followers, etc.
+1. Speak about it in meetups and conferences. (if you need help with the presentation, please ask on Discord!).
+There is no company behind this organization and project. We do this in our free time and cannot advertise it
+all by ourselves. Companies have dedicated devrel teams doing all that work, other projects might have community
+managers or full-time developers with the capacity to also handle social media and meetups with higher frequency.
+More people using Kysely eventually means:
+1. less bugs left unreported and unsolved.
+1. high chance people share workarounds.
+1. more data points for innovation.
+1. more people who might contribute and push this thing even further.
+1. it becomes a standard part of the Node.js/Bun/Deno developer's toolbox so you'll happily stumble upon it
+   in future codebases you'll join, or it'll be easier to get buy-in from co-workers/leadership.
+## 🤝 By Helping People in Issues or on Discord
+We need all the help we can get with supporting the community, answering questions, triaging! 
+If you've been using the library for a while, or know a thing or two about SQL, and specific databases, don't 
+be shy about it!
+## 🐛 By Submitting Issues (Bugs, Enhancement Ideas, Questions) or Opening threads on Discord
+Please use search and make sure an existing **open** issue or thread doesn't exist before submitting. If an existing
+issue is only somewhat relevant, please submit a new issue and reference the old one instead of commenting
+on the existing one. Let us label your new issue as `duplicate` if it is the same thing - it's fine! If it's not 
+the same thing and you commented on another issue, it makes it harder to track on our end.
+If possible/relevant, please provide a [playground link](https://kyse.link), Stackblitz OR a public git repository that 
+reproduces the issue.
+Please provide the exact error/warning texts you're getting. "this doesn't work" or "this throws an error"
+are not helping us help you.
+Don't be an asshole. Don't demand support/service from us.
+## ⌨️ With Code!
+### 📘 Documentation Code Contributions
+Pull requests are always welcome! 
+The [kysely.dev](https://kysely.dev) application is located @ [/site](https://github.com/kysely-org/kysely/tree/master/site).
+It is a pretty standard [docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/) application.
+The code examples are extracted, using a custom script (see `"script:generate-site-examples"` @ [package.json](https://github.com/kysely-org/kysely/blob/master/package.json)), 
+and custom annotations, from [JSDocs](https://jsdoc.app/) comments in the source code @ [/src](https://github.com/kysely-org/kysely/tree/master/src).
+If you need to change an existing code example, please do so in the source code AND then run the script.
+_TODO: explain how to add a new code example._
+If it is a big change (lots of lines of code OR files involved), please get a conversation going on an issue or on 
+Discord before starting work on it.
+### 🧙 Implementation Code Contributions (Bugfixes, Enhancements [Existing or New Features])
+Pull requests (PRs) are welcome, BUT since:
+1. Our time and capacity as maintainers are limited.
+1. Your time is limited.
+1. Your motivation and morale is important to us.
+1. Onboarding in a new highly opinionated open-source project can be challenging.
+We need a process in place:
+1. To make sure only things that have a good chance of being accepted are worked on. We hate saying "no".
+1. To make sure that things that are being worked on don't result in too much back-and-forth between authors and maintainers.
+   We hate seeing these things drag on for a long time, and we know how frustrating it is on your end.
+1. To make sure there's no pressure on you when you take on a task.
+1. To make sure there's a clear understanding of who is working on what to avoid redundancies and conflicts.
+#### The Process
+Here is the gist of it:
+1. If an issue on the subject **doesn't exist** yet, **submit** one. If you want to work on it, **ask** to be **assigned**
+   to it in the issue **description**, in the **comments**, OR on **Discord**.
+1. If an issue on the subject **exists** and is labeled with `bug` OR (`enhancement` AND `greenlit`\* OR even `good first issue`\**):
+   1. If there is a pull request (**PR**) **linked** to it:
+      1. If the **PR** is **stale** (a few months without new commits or comments from the PR author OR Kysely maintainers),
+         **ask** to be **assigned** to it and continue work on the PR.
+      1. If the **PR** is **not stale**, you can still offer some review comments, or **ask** to **pair** up with the PR author.
+   1. If there is **no PR linked** to it and a person is **already assigned** to it:
+      1. If the assignment is stale (a few weeks without a PR opened after the person was assigned to the issue), ask
+         to be assigned to the issue in the comments OR on Discord.
+      1. If the assignment is not stale, it's OK to ask the assignee if they'll be willing to pair up.
+   1. If there is no PR linked to it and no assignee, ask to be assigned to it in the comments OR on Discord.
+_\* an issue that was reviewed by the maintainers and would be nice to get a pull request for from the community._
+_\** an issue that was reviewed by the maintainers and would be a nice opportunity to onboard an open-source newbie
+  into the codebase._
+Once you're assigned to an issue, you can start working on your code changes. It's best to ask questions
+in the issue or on Discord as early as possible, and even share your progress with the maintainers and community via a 
+draft (WIP) pull request.
+#### Style/Design Philosophy
 * Kysely should have zero dependencies.
@@ -40,31 +138,31 @@ for all cases, are best left for consumers to implement.
 * Most features should have escape hatches.
-# Getting started
+#### Getting Started
 1. fork kysely.
-2. clone your fork.
+1. clone your fork.
-3. install node.js (preferable latest LTS).
+1. install node.js (preferably the latest even-numbered version).
-4. run `npm i` in your terminal to install dev dependencies.
+1. run `npm i` in your terminal to install dependencies.
-5. create a branch.
+1. create a branch (we don't care about naming).
-6. create a draft pull request. link the relevant issue by referring to it in the 
+1. create a draft pull request. link the relevant issue by referring to it in the 
 PR's description. E.g. `closes #123` will link the PR to issue/pull request #123.
-7. implement your changes.
+1. implement your changes.
-# Testing
+#### Testing
-1. write functionality tests in `test/node`.
+1. write functionality tests @ [/test/node](https://github.com/kysely-org/kysely/tree/master/test/node).
-2. write typings tests in `test/typings/test-d`
+1. write typings tests @ [/test/typings](https://github.com/kysely-org/kysely/tree/master/test/typings)
-3. install docker.
+1. install docker.
-4. run `docker-compose up` in your terminal to spin up database instances.
+1. run `docker-compose up` in your terminal to spin up database instances.
-5. run `npm test` in your terminal to run tests.
\ No newline at end of file
+1. run `npm test` in another terminal to run tests.