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What's new

DEV (upcoming version 0.4)

  • DEV: Set up automated testing on CircleCI and code coverage tracking with

  • API: pylabianca.viz.plot_waveform() y_bins argument was renamed to n_y_bins to better reflect its meaning.
  • API: pylabianca.selectivity.compute_selectivity_continuous() now returns an xarray.Dataset instead of dictionary of xarray.DataArray objects. This makes the output more convenient to work with (for example using .sel() to select elements of all items at the same time; or ability to use both ['key_name'] and .key_name to access items).
  • API: removed, now unnecessary, ignore_below argument of pylabianca.selectivity.depth_of_selectivity() function. It was used to ignore firing rate values below a certain threshold, but the issue of very small non-zero values was previously fixed (numerical error likely stemming from the fact convolution used fft under the hood).
  • API: removed min_Hz argument of pylabianca.selectivity.compute_selectivity_continuous(). It was used to ignore average firing rate values below a certain threshold, but such selection should be done by the user before calling the function.

  • ENH: add pylabianca.utils._inherit_from_xarray() to allow inheriting metadata (cell or trial-level additional information) from xarray DataArray to new xarray DataArray.
  • ENH: pylabianca.utils.dict_to_xarray() now allows to pass dictionary of xarray.Dataset as input.
  • ENH: pylabianca.utils.xarray_to_dict() has been sped up considerably. It relies on sessions being concatenated along the cell dimension (so each session being a contiguous block of cells).
  • ENH: added pylabianca.selectivity.compute_percent_selective() - function to use on the results of pylabianca.selectivity.compute_selectivity_continuous() to calculate the percentage of selective cells. Allows to split the calculations according to groupby argument value, specify selectivity threshold (single value or percentile of the permutation distribution). It also performs the percentage calculations on the permutation distribution - this is useful when calculating time-resolved selectivity and using the permutation distribution of percentages in cluster-based permutation test.
  • ENH: added pylabianca.selectivity.threshold_selectivity() to transform selectivity statistics xarray into binary selective / non-selective mask based on a given threshold (single value or percentile of the permutation distribution).
  • ENH: added pylabianca.utils.aggregate() to aggregate firing rate data. The aggregation is done by averaging the firing rate data over the trials dimension with optional grouping by one or more trial coordinates (conditions). The firing rate data can be optionally z-scored per-cell before aggregation. The function returns an xarray DataArray with aggregated firing rate data and accepts xarray DataArray or dictionary of xarray DataArray as input.
  • ENH: added pylabianca.utils.zscore_xarray() to z-score firing rate data in xarray DataArray. The z-scoring is done separately for each level of coordinate specified in groupby argument. Additional argument baseline allows to z-score the data using a baseline period (specified as a time range tuple or a separate xarray DataArray).
  • ENH: added pylabianca.utils.compute_selectivity_multisession() to compute selectivity on a multisession dictionary (session name -> xarray). The output is an xarray.Dataset with concatenated session selectivity results (the order of the sessions in the output xarray.Dataset is the same as in the input dictionary).
  • ENH: added pylabianca.stats.find_percentile_threshold() used to calculate significance threshold for given statistic based on percentile of the permutation distribution.
  • ENH: pylabianca.selectivity.compute_selectivity_continuous() now can be also run with n_perm=0, returning only the selectivity statistics, without the permutation distribution or permutation-based threshold. Also pylabianca.stats.permutation_test() can now be run with n_perm=0, returning only the statistic values without the permutation distribution or permutation-based threshold.

  • FIX: pylabianca.utils.xarray_to_dict() used xarray .groupby(session_coord) to iterate over concatenated xarray and split it into dictionary of session name -> session xarray mappings. This had the unfortunate consequence of changing the order of sessions in the dictionary, if session order was not alphabetical in the concatenated xarray. Now pylabianca.utils.xarray_to_dict() does not use .groupby() and preserves the order of sessions in the dictionary.
  • FIX: make pylabianca.utils.xarray_to_dict() work also on arrays without cell x trial multi-dim coords (e.g. ('cell', 'trial')), which are common after concatenating multiple sessions.
  • FIX: SpikeEpochs.n_spikes(per_epoch=True) used spike rate calculation to count spikes in each epoch. This was unnecessary (and possibly slow) and in rare cases could lead to wrong results (probably numerical error when multiplying spike rate by window duration and immediately turning to int, without rounding). Now SpikeEpochs.n_spikes(per_epoch=True) counts spikes directly using pylabianca.utils._get_trial_boundaries.
  • FIX: made Spikes.epoch() raise a more informative error when no event_id values were found in the provided events array. When some of the event_id values are missing, a warning is raised and the function proceeds with the available values.
  • FIX: small fixes to pylabianca.postproc.mark_duplicates() - do not error when there are channels without any spikes.
  • FIX: dataframe returned by pylabianca.selectivity.cluster_based_selectivity() had two unused columns ('pev' and 'peak_pev'), where correct names should have been 'PEV' and 'peak_PEV'. Now corrected.
  • FIX: make pylabianca.selectivity.assess_selectivity() work when empty DataFrame is passed (no clusters found in pylabianca.selectivity.cluster_based_selectivity()).
  • FIX: pylabianca.viz.plot_shaded() auto-inferring of dimension to reduce (average) now correctly ignores groupby argument (if identical to one of the dimensions).
  • FIX: pylabianca.viz.plot_shaded() now produces a clearer error when too many dimensional DataArray is used.
  • FIX: pylabianca.utils._handle_cell_names() (used internally in a few places) now works with NumPy >= 2.0.
  • FIX: pylabianca.viz.plot_waveform() (as well as .plot_waveform() methods of Spikes and SpikeEpochs) now produces a clearer error when no waveforms are present in the data.

  • DOC: add docstring to pylabianca.selectivity.assess_selectivity()

Version 0.3

  • much increased code coverage of automated tests

  • API: per_trial=False option was removed from .apply() method of SpikeEpochs - it didn't seem to be useful and its behavior was not well defined. If you need to apply a function to each trial separately, you can still use .apply().
  • API: remove unnecessary spk argument from pylabianca.selectivity.cluster_based_selectivity(). It was used to calculate spike rate and various selectivity indices from cluster-test defined window. Now the function calculates this measures from the provided firing rate xarray.
  • API: removed feature_selection argument from pylabianca.decoding.run_decoding() and pylabianca.decoding.run_decoding_array() functions. It was not very useful and it is better to place feature selection as part of the sklearn pipeline passed to these functions.

  • ENH: around 10-fold speed up to Spikes.epoch() (20-fold for thousands of spikes and epoching events)

  • ENH: further speed up to Spikes.epoch() (around 5 - 13-fold) is now also possible by using backend='numba' (if numba is installed)

  • ENH: added n_jobs argument to pylabianca.selectivity.cluster_based_selectivity() to allow for parallel processing of cells

  • ENH: allow for different percentile level in pylabianca.stats.cluster_based_test_from_permutations() using percentile argument.

  • ENH: .plot_waveform() method of Spikes and SpikeEpochs now allows to control the colormap to plot the waveform density with (cmap argument) and the number of y axis bins (y_bins argument)

  • ENH: added colors argument for explicit color control in pylabianca.viz.plot_raster

  • ENH: pylabianca.viz.plot_raster now creates legend for condition colors. This is the default behavior, but legend argument allows to control this, and legend_kwargs allows for passing additional arguments to the legend

  • ENH: added an experimental datashader backend to .plot_waveform() method of Spikes and SpikeEpochs (backend='datashader').

  • ENH: allow to pass arguments to eventplot via eventplot_kwargs from pylabianca.viz.plot_raster() and pylabianca.viz.plot_spikes()

  • ENH: added pylabianca.utils.cellinfo_from_xarray() function to extract/reconstruct cellinfo dataframe from xarray DataArray coordinates.

  • ENH: pylabianca.utils.xr_find_nested_dims() now returns "nested" xarray coordinates also for coordinate tuples (for example ('cell', 'trial') - which happens often after concatenating multiple xarray sessions)

  • ENH: added copy_cellinfo argument to pylabianca.selectivity.cluster_based_selectivity(). It allows to select which cellinfo columns are copied to the selectivity dataframe.

  • ENH: expose .to_spiketools() as SpikeEpochs method (previously it was only available as a function in module)

  • ENH: added pylabianca.utils.dict_to_xarray() function to convert dictionary of xarrays (multiple sessions / subjects) to one concatenated xarray DataArray

  • EHN: added pylabianca.utils.xarray_to_dict() function to convert xarray DataArray to dictionary of xarrays (useful when splitting xarray DataArray to multiple sessions / subjects)

  • ENH: added pylabianca.utils.assign_session_coord() function to assign session / subject coordinate to xarray DataArray (useful when concatenating multiple sessions / subjects- using pylabianca.utils.dict_to_xarray())

  • ENH: allow to select trials with boolean mask for SpikeEpochs objects (e.g. spk_epochs[np.array([True, False, True])] or spk_epochs[my_mask] where my_mask is a boolean array of length len(spk_epochs))

  • ENH: Spikes .sort() method now exposes inplace argument to allow for sorting on a copy of the object (this can be also easily done by using spk.copy().sort())

  • ENH: add use_usenegative argument to It allows to read only clusters / units indicated by usenegative field in the OSort output file. This field is used when exporting data from OSort in a lazy way (not removing unused clusters from the data file, but instead just adding / modifying usenegative field).

  • ENH: better error message when the format passed to does not match the data

  • ENH: added better input validation to SpikeEpochs to avoid silly errors

  • ENH: added better input validation to Spikes to avoid silly errors

  • ENH: when adding or modifying .cellinfo it is now verified to have correct format and length

  • ENH: limited dependency on matplotlib, sklearn, mne and borsar - they are now used only in functions that require them

  • DOC: added docstring to pylabianca.stats.permutation_test()
  • DOC: add missing entries to docstring of pylabianca.selectivity.cluster_based_selectivity()
  • DOC: improved the FieldTrip data example in the documentation: notebook

  • FIX: correct how permutations are handled in pylabianca.decoding.resample_decoding(). Previously each resample (random trial matching between sessions to create a pseudo-population) within one permutation step used different trial-target matchings (although the same permutation vector was passed to each resample). Because all resamples are averaged, to get a better estimate of the true effect, this lead to overly optimistic p-values (different trial-target matchings averaged in each permutation, but the same matching averaged in non-permuted data). Now the permutation of the target vector is done per-session, before pseudo-population creation / resampling, which fixes the issue.
  • FIX: numerical errors in .spike_density() method of SpikeEpochs. The scipy's convolution used in this function automatically picks FFT-based convolution for larger arrays, which leads to close-to-zero noise (around 1e-15) where it should be zero. We now use overlap-add convolution (scipy.signal.oaconvolve) which has very similar speed and less severe close-to-zero numerical errors. Additionally, values below 1e-14 are now set to zero after convolution.
  • FIX: better handle cases where some cells have 0 spikes after epoching. Previously, this lead to errors when constructing epochs or calculating firing rate, now it is handled gracefully (changes to pylabianca.utils._get_trial_boundaries(), pylabianca.utils.is_list_of_non_negative_integer_arrays() and pylabianca.spike_distance._xcorr_hist_trials accessed through SpikeEpochs.xcorr()).
  • FIX: better handle cases when there is not enough data (time range) for spike rate window length (SpikeEpochs.spike_rate()) or convolution kernel length (SpikeEpochs.spike_density())
  • FIX: allow to .drop_cells() using cell names, not only indices
  • FIX: Spikes .sort() method now raises error when using Spikes with empty .cellinfo attribute or when the attribute does not contain a pandas DataFrame.
  • FIX: make sure .n_trials SpikeEpochs attribute is int
  • FIX: fix calculation of the time vector in spike rate calculation - in some cases the firing rate array had one less element than the time vector, because they were calculated independently (this was due to floating point arithmetic) and lead to an error when constructing xarray DataArray.
  • FIX: avoid error when one-tail test (ANOVA) is used in pylabianca.selectivity.compute_selectivity_continuous() - previously the function assumed that always two-tail thresholds are returned
  • FIX: make sure cellinfo columns inherited by firing rate xarray survive through pylabianca.selectivity.compute_selectivity_continuous()
  • FIX: fix error when no spikes were present in fixed time window in pylabianca.spike_rate._compute_spike_rate_fixed() used when step=False in .spike_rate() method of SpikeEpochs
  • FIX: fix bug in if no reference file was given to get the first timestamp from - an error was thrown. Now we fill the start column (time in seconds from recording start) with NaN
  • FIX: plotting only one line passing one color to pylabianca.viz.plot_shaded() or pylabianca.viz.plot_xarray_shaded() now works correctly (previously it resulted in an error)

Version 0.2

  • ENH: added function to convert data from list of arrays format used by spiketools to pylabianca SpikeEpochs
  • ENH: added function to convert data from pylabianca SpikeEpochs to list of arrays format used by spiketools
  • ENH: added function to read continuous data from Plexon NEX files. The continuous data are stored in object.
  • ENH: added .apply() method to SpikeEpochs allowing to run arbitrary functions on the spike data. At the moment the function has to take one trial (or all trials) and return a single value.
  • ENH: improved pylabianca.utils.spike_centered_windows() to handle xarray DataArrays and mne.Epochs objects. Also, the returned windows xarray now inherits metadata from SpikeEpochs object (or from mne.Epochs object if the SpikeEpochs object does not contain metadata).
  • ENH: added option to store original timestamps when epoching (keep_timestamps argument). These timestamps are kept in sync with event-centered spike times through all further operations like condition selection, cropping, etc.
  • ENH: to increase compatibility with MNE-Python len(SpikeEpochs) returns the number of trials now. To get the number of units use SpikeEpochs.n_units()
  • ENH: added pylabianca.utils.shuffle_trials() function to shuffle trials in SpikeEpochs object
  • ENH: speed up auto- and cross-correlation for Spikes with more loopy approach, previous spk.to_epochs().xcorr() approach was insanely slow for large datasets. In general, for data with lots of spikes it is more efficient to use a combination of smart looping + np.histogram() than to use numpy for all the calculations.
  • ENH: added .xcorr() method to Spikes objects
  • ENH: added a very fast numba implementation of auto- and cross-correlation for Spikes objects.
  • ENH: A new argument backend was added to .xcorr() method of Spikes. The default value is backend='auto', which automatically selects the backend (if numba is available and there are many spikes in the data, numba is used). Other options are backend='numpy' and backend='numba'.

  • DOC: added example of working with pylabianca together with spiketools: notebook
  • DOC: added example of spike-field analysis combining pylabianca and MNE-Python: notebook

  • FIX: removed incorrect condition label when using pylabianca.viz.plot_shaded() with groupby argument. Previously the last condition label was used for the figure, although one line per condition was shown.
  • FIX: .plot_isi() Spikes method was not committed in 0.1 version, now added. It is just a wrapper around pylabianca.viz.plot_isi()
  • FIX: typo in (was read_filedtrip before)
  • FIX: when .metadata attribute of SpikeEpochs is set the metadata is tested to be a DataFrame with relevant number of rows. Also, row indices are reset to match trial indices.