author | publisher |
Larry Kollar |
Oje Media |
Converting an MDITA-based LwDITA project to full DITA requires some preparation. Much, but not all, of the preparation can be automated. Be ready to override mistakes when necessary.
Do a global search and replace in the bookmap:
- Search:
- Replace:
- Search:
Move the ID in MDITA files to the topic title.
The awk script below is an example of how this can be done automatically. Wrap it in a shell script to loop over all the Markdown files in the book.
NR == 1 && /^---/ { print; heading = 1; next; } # test for a heading /^ID:/ && heading { id = $2; next; # save the ID and eliminate it from the heading } /^---/ { heading = 0; print; next; } # in case a content line starts with "ID:" /^# / && id { # level 1 heading gets the ID, skip if no ID was found in metadata print $0, "{#" id "}"; next; } { print } # everything else gets passed through
Categorize each topic as one of:
(information about an object or process)task
(how to do something)reference
(information referred to regularly)topic
(introductory content that doesn't fit in other categories)
The primary difference between
is that you might only look at a concept once, but return often to reference topics.Categorizing topics can be at least partially automated. See Tips for Automating Information Typing.
Assign each topic a topic type on the topic title line:
The topic ID shares the brackets with the topic type, so your topic title might look like this:
# Doing the Thing {#dothing .task}
Use the DITA-OT to convert the topics:
dita --input=book.ditamap --output=out/dita --format=dita --args.rellinks=nofamily
The converted files can be found in the subdirectory
. Note that the converted topics still have
extension (more precisely, DITA-OT preserves the extension you used in the original files). -
Inspect the DITA files to make sure the conversion worked. If needed, rename extensions (and update references accordingly).