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This Kubernetes scheduler plugin runs in a deployment alongside the kubernetes "default-scheduler". It ensures that PipelineRun's TaskRuns' pods are all scheduled to that node, so that parallel TaskRuns using the same PVC-backed Workspace can actually run in parallel.

It can also optionally ensure that no other PipelineRuns may run on the same node (see Configuration for more info). This improves the security boundary between PipelineRuns, but has the drawback of poor bin-packing, since a build TaskRun will likely need much more resources than other TaskRuns in the PipelineRun.


Install Tekton Pipelines and disable the affinity assistant.

Build and install from source with ko:

ko apply -f config

This scheduler has only been tested on GKE version 1.25.


The scheduler can be configured with three isolationStrategies:

  • colocateAlways: Multiple PipelineRuns' pods may be scheduled to the same node.
  • colocateCompleted: Pods may be scheduled to a node if there are no pods from other PipelineRuns currently running on it (completed PipelineRuns are OK).
  • isolateAlways: Pods will not be scheduled to a node that has other PipelineRuns on it, regardless of whether they are running or completed. This option requires an architecture that deletes PipelineRuns after completion, or creates new nodes when a PipelineRun cannot be run on existing ones.

These options can be configured in scheduler-config.yaml.

How it works

This scheduler implements the PreFilter and Filter extension points of the Kubernetes scheduler framework and is run as a second scheduler (see "Configuring multiple schedulers").

The PreFilter extension point determines what nodes the pod could be placed on by selecting pods with the same value for the label "" and considering only the node those pods are running on (if any).

The Filter extension points determines whether a pod can run on a given node by listing all pods associated with the node and rejecting the node if there are pods for other PipelineRuns on it.

Example usage

List existing nodes:

$ kubectl get node
NAME                                       STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
gke-scheduler-default-pool-906ef80f-xsg1   Ready    <none>   10d   v1.25.6-gke.1000
gke-scheduler-default-pool-ac08710a-04wh   Ready    <none>   10d   v1.25.6-gke.1000
gke-scheduler-default-pool-e7e66a24-c7rf   Ready    <none>   10d   v1.25.6-gke.1000

Create PipelineRun:

$ kubectl create -f examples/pipelinerun.yaml created

Get its pods and their nodes:

$ PIPELINERUN_NAME=sample-pipelinerun-52sfx
$ kubectl get pods -l$PIPELINERUN_NAME,NODE:.spec.nodeName
NAME                                      NODE
sample-pipelinerun-52sfx-first-pod        gke-scheduler-default-pool-906ef80f-xsg1
sample-pipelinerun-52sfx-last-pod         gke-scheduler-default-pool-906ef80f-xsg1
sample-pipelinerun-52sfx-parallel-1-pod   gke-scheduler-default-pool-906ef80f-xsg1
sample-pipelinerun-52sfx-parallel-2-pod   gke-scheduler-default-pool-906ef80f-xsg1

Get events (including scheduler events) for one of the involved pods:

$ POD_NAME=sample-pipelinerun-52sfx-parallel-1-pod
$ kubectl get events -n default --field-selector$POD_NAME
LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON      OBJECT                                        MESSAGE
15m         Normal   Scheduled   pod/sample-pipelinerun-52sfx-parallel-1-pod   Successfully assigned default/sample-pipelinerun-52sfx-parallel-1-pod to gke-scheduler-default-pool-906ef80f-xsg1

Example with IsolateAlways

Now, create as many PipelineRuns as the cluster has nodes:

$ kubectl create -f examples/pipelinerun.yaml created

$ kubectl create -f examples/pipelinerun.yaml created

Each PipelineRun runs on its own node:

$ kubectl get pods -l,NODE:.spec.nodeName
NAME                                      NODE
sample-pipelinerun-nwp7n-first-pod        gke-scheduler-default-pool-e7e66a24-c7rf
sample-pipelinerun-nwp7n-last-pod         gke-scheduler-default-pool-e7e66a24-c7rf
sample-pipelinerun-nwp7n-parallel-1-pod   gke-scheduler-default-pool-e7e66a24-c7rf
sample-pipelinerun-nwp7n-parallel-2-pod   gke-scheduler-default-pool-e7e66a24-c7rf

$ kubectl get pods -l,NODE:.spec.nodeName
NAME                                      NODE
sample-pipelinerun-z6m9v-first-pod        gke-scheduler-default-pool-ac08710a-04wh
sample-pipelinerun-z6m9v-last-pod         gke-scheduler-default-pool-ac08710a-04wh
sample-pipelinerun-z6m9v-parallel-1-pod   gke-scheduler-default-pool-ac08710a-04wh
sample-pipelinerun-z6m9v-parallel-2-pod   gke-scheduler-default-pool-ac08710a-04wh

Now, create one more PipelineRun. It has no node to run on, so it remains pending:

$ kubectl create -f examples/pipelinerun.yaml created

$ kubectl get po -l -w
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
sample-pipelinerun-t2lq4-first-pod   0/1     Pending   0          12s

$ kubectl describe po sample-pipelinerun-t2lq4-first-pod
  Type     Reason            Age   From                      Message
  ----     ------            ----  ----                      -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  76s   one-node-per-pipelineRun  0/3 nodes are available: 1 node is already running PipelineRun sample-pipelinerun-52sfx but pod is associated with PipelineRun sample-pipelinerun-t2lq4, 1 node is already running PipelineRun sample-pipelinerun-nwp7n but pod is associated with PipelineRun sample-pipelinerun-t2lq4, 1 node is already running PipelineRun sample-pipelinerun-z6m9v but pod is associated with PipelineRun sample-pipelinerun-t2lq4. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 No preemption victims found for incoming pod..

With the current implementation, the GKE cluster autoscaler will not scale up the node pool.


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