This repo aims at provisionning my personal laptop (debian base with XFCE). It actively uses my personal dotfiles.
It will install:
i3 windows manager and i3blocks
Shell tools
neovim (vim replacement) with its python3 conda environment
git tools
lnav (log viewer)
cheat (
cheat find
for example) -
pgcli (psql client with fuzzy search)
anaconda3 python environment
Work related
- git repositories
- conda environment for data-services
- NetCDF libraries
Most packages are installed via the debian apt-get tools. However, many get also installed via Homebrew/Linuxbrew. This way ensures to be able to install software and their latest version on various machines were sudo access is not granted
install key (usually id_rsa
)to $HOME/.ssh (600)
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Run the following command in bash. (will install git, ansible; good for a new OS)
curl -L | bash
OR if ansible is already installed on the machine
/usr/bin/ansible-pull -U -K -i hosts local.yml
ansible-pull -U remote.yml -i hosts
ansible-pull -i hosts user.yml -U -t conda
ansible-pull -i hosts user.yml -U -t neovim
git clone
cd ansible_laptop
# run as root
/usr/bin/ansible-playbook -i hosts local.yml -K
# run as non sudo user
ansible-playbook -i hosts remote.yml --skip-tags apt
ansible-playbook -i hosts user.yml --skip-tags apt
# run as non sudo user with a specific tag
ansible-playbook -i hosts remote.yml -t conda
# or
ansible-playbook -i hosts user.yml -t conda
ansible-playbook user.yml --list-tags
install manuall vbox ext pack because of manual licencing
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ext-pack