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Luke Bonham edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 91 revisions


Read here.


Shows ALSA volume with a progressbar; provides tooltips and notifications.

local volume = lain.widgets.alsabar()

Input table

Variable Meaning Type Default
timeout Refresh timeout seconds int 5
settings User settings function empty function
width Bar width int 63
height Bar height int 1
ticks Set bar ticks on boolean false
ticks_size Ticks size int 7
vertical Set the bar vertical boolean false
cmd ALSA mixer command string "amixer"
channel Mixer channel string "Master"
togglechannel Toggle channel string nil
colors Bar colors table see Default colors
notification_preset Notification preset table See default notification_preset
followtag Display the notification on currently focused screen boolean false

cmd is useful if you need to pass additional arguments to amixer. For instance, you may want to define command = "amixer -c X" in order to set amixer with card X.

In case mute toggling can't be mapped to master channel (this happens, for instance, when you are using an HDMI output), define togglechannel as your S/PDIF device. Read alsa page to know how.

settings can use the following variables:

Variable Meaning Type Values
volume_now.level Volume level int 0-100
volume_now.status Device status string "on", "off"

In multiple screen setups, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting followtag to true it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.

Default colors

Variable Meaning Type Default
background Bar backgrund color string "#000000"
mute Bar mute color string "#EB8F8F"
unmute Bar unmute color string "#A4CE8A"

Default notification_preset

notification_preset = {
    font = "Monospace 10"

Output table

Variable Meaning Type
bar The widget wibox.widget.progressbar
channel ALSA channel string
notify The notification function
update Update bar function
tooltip The tooltip awful.tooltip


If you want buttons, just add the following after your widget in rc.lua.
    awful.button({}, 1, function() -- left click
        awful.spawn(string.format("%s -e alsamixer", terminal))
    awful.button({}, 2, function() -- middle click
        awful.spawn(string.format("%s set %s 100%%", volume.cmd,
    awful.button({}, 3, function() -- right click
        awful.spawn(string.format("%s set %s toggle", volume.cmd, volume.togglechannel or
    awful.button({}, 4, function() -- scroll up
        awful.spawn(string.format("%s set %s 1%%+", volume.cmd,
    awful.button({}, 5, function() -- scroll down
        awful.spawn(string.format("%s set %s 1%%-", volume.cmd,


Read here. If you want notifications, use volume.notify() instead of volume.update().

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