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failed to run #40

newtower opened this issue Nov 16, 2022 · 9 comments

failed to run #40

newtower opened this issue Nov 16, 2022 · 9 comments


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newtower commented Nov 16, 2022

I have compiled this program in the workspace, but this error occurs at runtime, how to solve it


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newtower commented Nov 16, 2022

Run TurtleBot example

This was referenced Nov 16, 2022
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Can you comment on which environment are you running?
Hardware, OS, python version, ROS version etc, how to reproduce this.

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Can you comment on which environment are you running? Hardware, OS, python version, ROS version etc, how to reproduce this.

ubuntu18.04 ROS melodic

Configured python3.6 and related environments, cuda10.2 and cudnn on anaconda, there is no error after compiling, but this error message appears at runtime

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_libgcc_mutex 0.1 main
_openmp_mutex 5.1 1_gnu
blas 1.0 mkl
ca-certificates 2022.10.11 h06a4308_0
catkin-pkg 0.5.2 pypi_0 pypi
certifi 2021.5.30 py36h06a4308_0
chainer 7.8.1 pypi_0 pypi
cudatoolkit 10.2.89 hfd86e86_0
cudnn 7.6.5 cuda10.2_0
cupy-cuda102 9.6.0 pypi_0 pypi
dataclasses 0.8 pyh4f3eec9_6
docutils 0.18.1 pypi_0 pypi
empy 3.3.4 pypi_0 pypi
fastrlock 0.8.1 pypi_0 pypi
filelock 3.4.1 pypi_0 pypi
freetype 2.12.1 h4a9f257_0
intel-openmp 2022.1.0 h9e868ea_3769
jpeg 9e h7f8727e_0
lcms2 2.12 h3be6417_0
ld_impl_linux-64 2.38 h1181459_1
lerc 3.0 h295c915_0
libdeflate 1.8 h7f8727e_5
libffi 3.3 he6710b0_2
libgcc-ng 11.2.0 h1234567_1
libgomp 11.2.0 h1234567_1
libpng 1.6.37 hbc83047_0
libstdcxx-ng 11.2.0 h1234567_1
libtiff 4.4.0 hecacb30_2
libuv 1.40.0 h7b6447c_0
libwebp-base 1.2.4 h5eee18b_0
lz4-c 1.9.3 h295c915_1
mkl 2020.2 256
mkl-service 2.3.0 py36he8ac12f_0
mkl_fft 1.3.0 py36h54f3939_0
mkl_random 1.1.1 py36h0573a6f_0
ncurses 6.3 h5eee18b_3
ninja 1.10.2 h06a4308_5
ninja-base 1.10.2 hd09550d_5
numpy 1.19.5 pypi_0 pypi
numpy-base 1.19.2 py36hfa32c7d_0
olefile 0.46 py36_0
opencv-python pypi_0 pypi
openjpeg 2.4.0 h3ad879b_0
openssl 1.1.1s h7f8727e_0
pillow 8.3.1 py36h2c7a002_0
pip 21.2.2 py36h06a4308_0
protobuf 3.19.6 pypi_0 pypi
pyparsing 3.0.9 pypi_0 pypi
python 3.6.13 h12debd9_1
python-dateutil 2.8.2 pypi_0 pypi
pytorch 1.7.0 py3.6_cuda10.2.89_cudnn7.6.5_0 pytorch
pyyaml 6.0 pypi_0 pypi
readline 8.2 h5eee18b_0
rosdep 0.22.1 pypi_0 pypi
rosdistro 0.9.0 pypi_0 pypi
rosinstall 0.7.8 pypi_0 pypi
rosinstall-generator 0.1.22 pypi_0 pypi
rospkg 1.4.0 pypi_0 pypi
ruamel-yaml 0.17.21 pypi_0 pypi
ruamel-yaml-clib 0.2.7 pypi_0 pypi
scipy 1.5.4 pypi_0 pypi
setuptools 58.0.4 py36h06a4308_0
shapely 1.7a1 pypi_0 pypi
six 1.16.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
sqlite 3.39.3 h5082296_0
tk 8.6.12 h1ccaba5_0
torchaudio 0.7.0 py36 pytorch
torchvision 0.8.0 py36_cu102 pytorch
typing_extensions 4.1.1 pyh06a4308_0
vcstools 0.1.42 pypi_0 pypi
wheel 0.37.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
wstool 0.1.17 pypi_0 pypi
xz 5.2.6 h5eee18b_0
zlib 1.2.13 h5eee18b_0
zstd 1.5.2 ha4553b6_0

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Thanks for the info!
It seems you have tried #7.
If it still doesn't work, could you try to find out which line the code stops working if possible?
We were using this software on Melodic ubuntu 18.04 for a while so would like to find out the cause of this.

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I face the same issue. Anyone have solved it successfully?

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I ran into the same error as the images above running Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic and Python 3.8.10

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camkisailus commented Dec 2, 2022

Thanks for the info! It seems you have tried #7. If it still doesn't work, could you try to find out which line the code stops working if possible? We were using this software on Melodic ubuntu 18.04 for a while so would like to find out the cause of this.

@mktk1117 I have found the line in which the code stops working. I am also using 18.04/Melodic. I created #41 which describes more

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Hi, I was facing the same issue. Any possible solutions?
Thanks in advance!

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