The deploy is quite the same, but be careful to check that the worker is up and running with the command heroku ps
or by checking your dashboard.
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku ps:scale worker=1
lib/ This is the file where all the logic is grouped (together with the models). In here we take off the subscriptions related to a resource and fire the callback events.
As we deploy on heroku start getting used on make the app running with Foreman
Actually, for some unknown reasons (probably nock) the test suite raises an error if we try to run all specs together. For this reason we must run just one spec per time. At the moment this is acceptable as we have few tests, but when they grow we'll have to find a solution for this problem and also have a working continuous testing system.
$ gnode spec/
Which stays for
$ foreman run -e .test.env node node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/cli.js --autotest --coffee spec/
If the first time it does not work, just try once more and it should work out.
If you want to get some useful messages on production just set the Debug env variable
heroku config:set DEBUG=true
heroku config:remove DEBUG
To live check if the webhook system works follow the following steps. In the future we'll define a playground section where you'll be able to do all of this in a fancy way, but until that moment just take 10 minutes and do this.
Save your client uid and client secret
- client uid:
- client secret:
- client uid:
Create a token (preferably not expirable):
Create a subscription setting a URL as callback
curl -X POST http://localhost:3004/subscriptions \
-u uid:secret \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"resource": "types",
"event": "created",
"callback_uri": ""
- Run the mongo console to check if the event has been created and be sure you are using a capped collection otherwise nothing will ever start to work.
$ mongo
$ > use jobs_development (or jobs db name)
$ > db.dropDatabase();
$ > use jobs_development (or jobs db name)
$ > db.createCollection("events", {capped: true, size: 10000000, max:1000});
$ >{natural:-1})
If events collection exists:
$ mongo
$ > use jobs_development (or jobs db name)
$ > db.runCommand({"convertToCapped": "events", size: 10000000, max:1000});
$ >{natural:-1})
Run the webhook service and remember to restart it for any change
f -e .development.env
Create the firing resource (type is pretty easy to do)
curl -X POST http://localhost:3002/types \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 07b6b89fe289c1150169eb044d4ff369a14a13da12f313e9b88968de00f40e6f' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "name": "Dimmer" }'
- Inspect for the sent data
POST: /u641vfu6
HTTP: 1.1
X-Hub-Signature: 0832ef3f5f5570e4da388909edcf63a8a27531d7
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 305
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: application/json