A TVOS Application for the AppleTV 4 / tvOS 9.2 for the Website Movie4k.to
This is more "a proof of concept" than an actual app, as it's scraps the website for solely the links...
Thanks for the AppIcon u/Thrizer 😄
- API-Key from the The Movie Database (TMDb)
- Make an account here
- Login and click on your account name
- On the left handside, click on API
- Then "To generate a new API key, click here."
- Click on Developer -> Accept Agreement
- fill out the form, no real info required and use the flair Education
- Copy the new API-Key and paste it into the Settings.plist
- download Repo
- pod install
- Got to /Movie4k.to-TVOS/Movie4K/Pods/SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD.m
- search for "- (void)updateHUDFrame {" and change the hudWidth and hudHeight to 300.0f (this is a workaround for now)
- now you can sideload the app like usual...
- SwiftyJSON
- Alamofire
- HTMLReader
- Cosmos
- MarqueeLabel/Swift
- SVProgressHUD
- PromiseKit
You can do whatever you want with this project. Would be cool if you make pull request, so it's all in one place, but not necessary.