- SVG ELEMENTS Reference
- Full D3 reference
- D3 Selection Documentation
- Check what's wrong with your JSON file here
- Mapping: coordinate tool: teczno.com/squares
- Markdown Cheatsheet
- D3 Shapes - good explanations
- D3 Force Layouts
a humble start for this list, but never too late. which projects do you like most? Share them with us. 🍒
- Vis for Future: gathered state-of-the-art visualizations of climate change
- Comparative Perspectives - Heights of Mountains, Lengths of Rivers
- Information is Beautiful Awards
- graphs to make points ("Try to impeach this? Challenge accepted!")
- "Chart about the world through the eyes of the US"
- reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful
- Mona Chalabi
- Wait but why
- Call Me Adele. by Wipawe Sirikolkarn
- nytimes: location-tracking-cell-phone, tweets
- D3 Example Gallery by Mike Bostock
- Corona Virus Data Viz (mostly static)
- Making data mean more through storytelling | Ben Wellington
- The Internet of Things (IoT) Assistant app
- 13,000 Missing Flights: The Global Consequences of the Coronavirus
- COVID-19 Data visualization from Peking University's research group
- We Read 150 Privacy Policies. They Were an Incomprehensible Disaster.
- An animated bubble map of U.S. population by state, 1790–1990. (tweet + reply)
- Mapping Wikipedia
- Mapping coronavirus, responsibly
- Streets in Brussels
- Sorting Streets
- https://projects.christianlaesser.com/travel-visa-inequality/ <- all the data was scraped from Wikipedia
- A visual introduction to machine learning
if you come across good or fun data sources, click here to share them with us. Thanks! 🐙
- Data Is Plural (Weekly Data Newsletter and Structured Archive)
- Our World in Data
- Kaggle
- NYU Shanghai | Data Science: Chinese Datasets Archive 2.0
- National Bureau of Statistics in China (Chinese Website, Egnlish Website)
- Data Portal Germany
- List of international government Data Portals (I downloaded this list from here)
- reddit.com/r/datasets (I suspect interesting finds on there, go dive into it)
- Google Dataset Search
- New York City Taxi and For-Hire Vehicle Data
- Peking University Open Research Data Platform
- Statista
- Convert Wiki Tables to CSV
- Custom GeoJSON
- Web News Ngram Datasets (WEB-NGRAM)
- Corona Virus Data
- Eurostat.js: "Reusable library to quickly create and customise web maps showing data directly retrieved from @EU_Eurostat database"
- Maps in geojson and other formats
- Open Knowdledge Foundation
- Epidemiological data of COVID-19 patients in South Korea
- github.com/awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets
*Thanks for contributing, Thomas, Phyllis, Eszter!