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Output Processing

evoskuil edited this page Dec 11, 2014 · 3 revisions


Command implementations are provided with two invocation arguments, an output stream and an error stream. In BX command line processing these are populated by STDOUT and STDERR respectively. These values are mocked for unit testing.

Return Codes

Commands also return an enumerated integer value which is passed directly to the console upon command completion. The set of defined return codes is:

value meaning
-1 failure
0 success or true
1 false

Error Stream

The error stream is intended for human consumption, it is localized and not schematized. Programmatic interpretation of the failure condition, as well as true vs. false as applicable, should rely solely on the return code. It is possible for a command to fail and not write to the error stream and for a command to write warnings to the error stream in the case of successful execution.

Output Stream

Many commands return values encoded in the wire serialization defined by the Bitcoin protocol. Typically this is either the Base 10, Base 16, Base 58 or Base 64 standard binary-to-text encoding. This is referred to as native encoding.

Many commands that return complex objects support serializations to xml, json and info as defined by Boost's property_tree. The default format is always info. The info and json formats escape values according to the JSON standard.

Commands with complex outputs define the format option:

<command symbol="address-decode" category="WALLET">
    <option name="help" description="Convert a Bitcoin address to RIPEMD160, dropping the version." />
    <option name="format" type="encoding" description="The output format. Options are 'json', 'xml', 'info' or 'native', defaults to 'info'." />
    <argument name="BITCOIN_ADDRESS" stdin="true" type="address" description="The Bitcoin address to convert. If not specified the address is read from STDIN."/>

To specify a non-default format set the --format option on the command line:

$ bx address-decode --format info 1HT7xU2Ngenf7D4yocz2SAcnNLW7rK8d4E
    checksum 1476364070
    payload b472a266d0bd89c13706a4132ccfb16f7c3b9fcb
    version 0

Outputs from certain commands can be passed directly into others. However, commands that accept complex types as arguments require native encoding.


As a matter of convention content written to either stream is terminated with the Line Feed character 0x0a. However this presents no difficulty for input processing as whitespace, including the Line Feed character, is ignored except as a delimiter.


Some commands can return more than one instance of a given type. In such cases individual instances are separated by the Line Feed character 0x0a.

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