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Design and architecture of Remill

Remill translates machine code, and only machine code, into LLVM bitcode. The translation process defers many decisions to downstream consumers on how the translated bitcode should be interpreted.


Remill defers the "implementation" of memory accesses and certain types of control flows to the consumers of the produced bitcode. Deferral in this takes the form of Remill intrinsics.

For example, the __remill_read_memory_8 intrinsic function represents the action of reading 8 bits of memory. Via this and similar intrinsics, downstream tools can distinguish LLVM load and store instructions from accesses to the modeled program's memory. Downstream tools can, of course, implement memory intrinsics using LLVM's own memory access instructions.

Instruction semantics

Instruction semantics are implemented using C++, and tested against their native counterparts. Often, the high-level semantics of an instruction are implemented using a C++ function template. This template is then instantiated for each possible encoding of the modeled instruction.

Machine state

The register state of a machine is represented by a single State structure. For example, the x86/amd64 state structure is defined in State.h. State structures are carefully designed to maintain the following properties:

  • They should actively prevent certain compiler optimizations that obscure the semantics of the translated machine code. For example, special tear fields are introduced so as to prevent load and store coalescing, and to preserve the semantics that write to logical units of data to remain as such.
  • They should have a uniform size across all architecture revisions and generations. This permits things such as:
    • Mixing separately translated bitcode from two x86 binaries, one with and one without AVX support.
    • Mixing 32-bit ad 64-bit translated bitcode, or cross-compiling 32-bit and 64-bit bitcode.
  • They should accurately describe all register state maintained by the emulated machine.
  • It should be easy to convert to/from Remill's state structures and actual machine-derived state.

Memory model

Remill-produced bitcode has a memory model that includes memory barriers and atomic regions. It also explicitly distinguishes loads/stores to the modeled program's memory from loads and stores to "runtime memory."


Remill-produced bitcode can be thought of as an emulator for a program. Through this lens, the memory used to store a State structure or any local variables (allocas in LLVM) needed to support the emulation must be treated as distinct from the modeled program's memory itself. This separation enables Remill to maintain transparency with respect to memory accesses.