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Command List

{% hint style="danger" %} This list is a work-in-progress. Don't mind the dust! {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} This guide uses . as a prefix. Replace this with a prefix you setup Lightning with. {% endhint %}


Commands that interact with different APIs

blacklightningNoneGives summaries for episodes of Black Lightning..blacklightning <season>
blacklightning episodeNoneGives info on a certain episode of Black Lightning.blacklightning episode <season> <episode>
faqNoneSearches for something in the bot's documentation.faq <question>
qrNoneGenerates a QR code.qr <text>
rtfmNoneSearches PostgreSQL docs for an entity.rtfm [entity]


Auto-moderation commands

automodNoneCommands to configure Lightning's Auto-Moderation.automod
automod gatekeeperNoneManages the gatekeeper.automod gatekeeper
automod ignoreNoneSpecifies what roles, members, or channels will be ignored by AutoMod by default..automod ignore [entities]...
automod ignoredNoneShows what roles, members, or channels are ignored by AutoMod.automod ignored
automod rulesNone.automod rules
automod rules addNoneAdds a new rule to AutoMod..automod rules add <"message-spam"|"mass-mentions"|"url-spam"|"invite-spam"|"message-content-spam"> <interval> <"delete"|"warn"|"mute"|"kick"|"ban"> [punishment_duration]
automod rules addbasicNoneAdds a new basic rule to AutoMod.automod rules addbasic <"auto-dehoist"|"auto-normalize">
automod rules removeNoneRemoves an existing AutoMod rule.automod rules remove <"message-spam"|"mass-mentions"|"url-spam"|"invite-spam"|"message-content-spam"|"auto-dehoist"|"auto-normalize">
automod unignoreNoneSpecify roles, members, or channels to remove from AutoMod default ignores..automod unignore [entities]...
automod viewNoneAllows you to view the current AutoMod configuration.automod view
automod warnthresholdNoneManages the threshold for warns.automod warnthreshold
automod warnthreshold migrateNoneMigrates your server's old warn punishment configuration to the new configuration.automod warnthreshold migrate
automod warnthreshold removeNoneRemoves the current warn threshold.automod warnthreshold remove
automod warnthreshold setNoneSets a threshold for warns.automod warnthreshold set <limit> <"kick"|"ban">


Server configuration commands

configNoneManages most of the configuration for the bot.config
config autoroleNoneManages the server's autorole configuration.config autorole
config mod-dmsmdmsEnables or disables DM messages when using a moderation command..config mod-dms
config modfooterNoneManages the footer for the messages a member will receive when actioned by a moderation command.config modfooter
config muteroleNoneHandles mute role configuration..config muterole [role]
config muterole resetdelete removeDeletes the configured mute role..config muterole reset
config muterole unbindNoneUnbinds the mute role from all users.config muterole unbind
config muterole updateNoneUpdates the permission overwrites of the mute role..config muterole update
config permissionsNoneManages user permissions for the bot.config permissions
config permissions addNoneAdds a user or a role to a level.config permissions add <"trusted"|"mod"|"admin"> <_id>
config permissions blockcommandNoneBlocks a command to everyone..config permissions blockcommand <command>
config permissions commandoverridesNoneManages configuration for command overrides..config permissions commandoverrides
config permissions commandoverrides addNoneAllows users/roles to run a command.config permissions commandoverrides add <command> <ids...>
config permissions commandoverrides changelevelNoneOverrides a command's level.config permissions commandoverrides changelevel <command> <level>
config permissions commandoverrides removeallNoneRemoves all overrides from a command.config permissions commandoverrides removeall <command>
config permissions commandoverrides resetNoneRemoves all command overrides for this server.config permissions commandoverrides reset
config permissions debugNoneDebugs a member's permissions to use a command..config permissions debug <command> [member=<you>]
config permissions fallbackNoneToggles the fallback permissions feature.config permissions fallback <boolean>
config permissions removeNoneRemoves a user or a role from a level.config permissions remove <"trusted"|"mod"|"admin"> <_id>
config permissions resetNoneResets all permission configuration..config permissions reset
config permissions showNoneShows raw permissions.config permissions show
config permissions unblockcommandNoneUnblocks a command.config permissions unblockcommand <command>
config prefixNoneManages the server's custom prefixes.config prefix


Emoji related commands

charinfoNoneShows information for a character.charinfo <characters>
emojiemoteEmoji management commands.emoji
emoji addcopyAdds an emoji to the server.emoji add [args...]
emoji infoNoneGives some info on an emote..emoji info <emote>


helpNoneShows help about the bot, a command, or a [command]


bmpNoneConverts a .bmp image to .png.bmp [link=<last bmp image>]
modNoneGets console modding information.mod
mod 3ds3d 3DS 2DS 2dsGives information on 3DS modding..mod 3ds
mod dsdsiGives information on DS modding.mod ds
mod ds flashcardflashcart.mod ds flashcard
mod faqNoneShows a faq entry for an entity..mod faq <entity> <question>
mod switchnxGives information on Switch modding.mod switch
mod wiiNoneGives information on Nintendo Wii modding.mod wii
nintendoupdatealertsnufManages the server's configuration for Nintendo console update alerts.nintendoupdatealerts
universaldbudbSearches for homebrew on Universal-DB.universaldb <application>


Commands with information about the bot or Discord

Name Aliases Description Usage
avatar avy Displays a user's avatar .avatar [member=<you>]
copyright license Tells you about the copyright license for the bot .copyright
donate None Gives you a link to my donation page .donate
join invite Gives you a link to add the bot to your server or generates an invite link for a client id. .join [ids...]
permissions None Shows channel permissions for a member .permissions [member=<you>] [channel=<this channel>]
prefix prefixes Shows prefixes the bot is listening for .prefix
quote None Quotes a message. .quote <message>
quote raw json Shows raw JSON for a message. .quote raw <message...>
roleinfo None Gives information for a role .roleinfo <role>
serverinfo guildinfo Shows information about the server .serverinfo
source None Gives a link to the source code for a command. .source [command]
support None Sends an invite that goes to the support server .support
topic None Quotes a channel's topic .topic [channel=<this channel>]
userinfo ui Gives information about a member or a user .userinfo [member=<you>]


Infraction related commands

Name Aliases Description Usage
delwarn None Marks a warning as inactive. .delwarn <member> <infraction>
infraction inf Commands to manage the server's infractions .infraction
infraction claim None Claims responsibility for an infraction .infraction claim <infraction>
infraction delete remove Deletes an infraction .infraction delete <infraction>
infraction edit None Edits the reason for an infraction by its ID .infraction edit <infraction> <reason>
infraction export None Exports the server's infractions to a JSON .infraction export
infraction list None Lists infractions that were done in the server with optional filter(s) .infraction list [member] [action]
infraction pardon None Pardons an infraction .infraction pardon <infraction_id>
infraction stats None Shows some stats about this guild's infractions .infraction stats [moderator]
infraction transfer None Transfers a user's infractions to another user .infraction transfer <old_user> <new_user>
infraction view None Views an infraction .infraction view <infraction>
mywarns None Shows your warnings in this server .mywarns


Mod logging

Name Aliases Description Usage
modlog None Sets up mod logging for a channel .modlog [channel=<this channel>]


Moderation and server management commands.

Name Aliases Description Usage
ban None Bans a user from the server .ban [reason] [flags]
bandel None Bans a user from the server and deletes 1 day worth of messages. .bandel <target> [reason]
clean None Cleans the bot's messages from the channel specified. .clean [search=100] [channel=<this channel>]
dehoist None Dehoists members with an optional specified character in the beginning of their name .dehoist [character]
kick None Kicks a user from the server .kick <target> <flags>
lock lockdown Locks down the channel mentioned. .lock [channel=<this channel>]
lock thread None .lock thread [thread=<this channel>]
massban None Mass bans users from the server .massban [members]... <reason>
mute None Permanently mutes a user .mute <target> <flags>
normalize None Transliterates a member's name into ASCII .normalize <member>
purge None Purges messages that meet a certain criteria .purge <search> <flags>
timeban tempban Bans a user for a specified amount of time. .timeban <target> <duration> <flags>
timemute tempmute Mutes a user for a specified amount of time. .timemute <target> <duration> <flags>
timeout None Timeout a member .timeout <target> <duration> <flags>
unban None Unbans a user .unban <member> [reason]
unlock None Unlocks the channel mentioned. .unlock [channel=<this channel>]
unmute None Unmutes a user .unmute <target> [reason]
untimeout None Removes a member from time out .untimeout <target> [reason]
warn None Warns a member .warn <target> <flags>


Commands that remind you something

Name Aliases Description Usage
remind reminder Reminds you of something after a certain date. .remind <when>
remind clear None Clears all of your reminders .remind clear
remind delete cancel Deletes a reminder you own by its ID. .remind delete <reminder_id>
remind edit None Edits a reminder you own .remind edit <reminder_id>
remind list None Shows up to 25 of your reminders .remind list
timezone None Commands to manage your timezone in the bot .timezone
timezone get None Shows your configured timezone .timezone get
timezone remove None Removes your configured timezone .timezone remove
timezone set None Sets your timezone in the bot .timezone set <timezone>


Name Aliases Description Usage
reportsetup None Configure the message report feature .reportsetup


Role based commands

Name Aliases Description Usage
rolemembers None Lists members that have a certain role .rolemembers <role>
togglerole None Toggles a role that this server has setup. .togglerole <roles...>
togglerole add None Adds a role to the list of toggleable roles for members .togglerole add <role>
togglerole buttons None Sets up role buttons .togglerole buttons
togglerole delete remove Removes a role from the toggleable role list .togglerole delete <role>
togglerole list None Lists all the self-assignable roles this server has .togglerole list
togglerole purge None Deletes all the toggleable roles you have set in this server .togglerole purge


Statistics related commands

Name Aliases Description Usage
about None Gives information about the bot. .about
ping None Tells you the ping. .ping
stats None Sends stats about which commands are used often in the guild .stats [member]
stats auditlog table log Shows command stats for the server through a table. .stats auditlog [limit=50]


Commands that might be helpful

Name Aliases Description Usage
archive None An advanced message archive command .archive [--limit=50] [--reverse] [--ignore-bots] [--channel] [--user] [--before] [--after]
poll None Creates a simple poll with thumbs up, thumbs down, and shrug as a Discord poll. .poll [hours] <question>
rpoll None Creates a simple reaction poll with thumbs up, thumbs down, and shrug as reactions .rpoll <question>
snowflake None Tells you when a snowflake(s) was created .snowflake [snowflakes...]